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Would make sense, but she doesn't seem to have much. She is still seeing her family no doubt. People who don't follow the rules and regulations really anger me. So selfish and ignorant. But not gonna get into that here lol.

Haha. Oh man, that will be fun for her boss to do.
I did notice that if it wasn't caught on film, she would always make a point of saying that her Mum told her how proud of her she is. Or that Michael told her that their Mum told him. She is going to get a shock in the real world when not everyone wants to be her friend, or they maybe see through her BS in person and call her out on it there and then.
the mums weird anyway. The histrionic sobbing reactions to every card and gift. Come on!
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Look at this comment. Perfect! I wonder how long it will stay up, or her pathetic minions will target the person who posted it..OR if Lucille gets all bitchy again and claims "bullying".

She is very immature, selfish and ignorant. She expects everyone to love the ground she walks on and if someone doesn't, then they are the problem.

Also, she apologised for touching her hair as she says she is self conscious...yet films videos for YouTube because she says it is her "passion", now, she has said multiple times she is self conscious, which is fair enough, but I really thought filming videos would be a big no no then?

I'm not saying people who are self conscious can't manage to be on YouTube, just i guess with Lucille, I am questioning everything she says now as she has been caught out on her lies many times. And maybe just when she filmed that particular video, she was feeling more self conscious than she usually does? Just seems like she apologises for the sake of it and to get people to be nice towards her?, I'm probably wrong but that is how i perceive that video..

(BTW Lucille is still working - Matalan hasn't shut during the latest restrictions - someone asked her in a comment.)


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i think they’ll split after a few months. He’ll be homesick and missing his family and will be working somewhere definitely worse than a nice family cafe.
He’ll end up doing all the cooking, washing, cleaning. And after a while the novelty will wear off and they’ll realise they’re not well suited.

i think the flat is big enough for 2 people generally but not for two people brand new to living together if that makes sense
Lucille will probably get him in Matalan so he can join lucille, laura and creepy darren
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I just was having a nosey on her video from a few days ago (where Charlotte quite rightly asked her about her sister) and look at these 2 comments. Brilliant.

I applaud these comments. If you're on here, or read this forum - very well said! Thank you for speaking up against her behaviour and attitude.

Maybe in time more people will realise what she is like. Here's hoping.


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That v bottom comment left on her new vlog about calling the flat hers and saying mine and not ours. I think it's just her selfish side out again. She is a very selfish person. Sometimes one partner will already have a place and their significant other will move in with them. Even though they got the place themselves at the start. They start talking about the place as "ours" and not just their place.
I don't know if Michael knew about the flat from the start and helped out or lucille got it totally herself. No matter now its both their place. She should be speaking like that.
Make Michael feel comfortable and at home.
They'll both be sharing bills.
A couple starts calling it ours and fills it with love no matter who first got the place.
I don't think it works like that with Lucille.
I'm just going off that comment on the vlog.

If she goes on anymore about being low on money I'm going to block my ears, la la I can't hear you 😂 I'm low on money and managing. Still a few presents to buy which I have the money saved for. I'll have money to get the Christmas bits. I'm not wasting money.

The Christmas tree from her parents would have done fine decorate that.
Would have saved herself 25 pounds.
Absolutely no need for that canvas 40 pounds. Before she bought it she was going on about being low on money. Then spends 40 pounds on that. 😵
When she's out and about she'll pick up something she sees whether it is 10 or 20 but she doesn't need it.

Better not start off with that being low on money talk again. I'm blocking my ears 😂
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I think she’s always been very selfish and ignorant. And she’s incredibly immature. I think now she’s got a boyfriend and has moved out she thinks she’s some kind of role model. She’s the type that would be an insufferable MLM bossbabe if she wasn’t so insufferably lazy as she’s very good at most making stuff up when it suits her.

I suspect she does read here but she knows most of it is true. She has said plenty things in videos and then contradicted herself. She’s not a good example to these “fans” is she.
Yessssssss her and her older sister would be BUSINESS OWNERS then cry and bitch when no one buys anything because they are too lazy to do do anything at all
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She said in one of her videos that Michael has no interest in travelling. Seems weird to me to claim travelling is your passion and then settle for a partner who won’t even go on holiday with you.
i find that so weird Too.
If it’s her main passion in life I’m sure she definitely could’ve found someone who also enjoys it.

they’ve been together a couple of years and never been on holiday.
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little green ant

Active member
they’re family pets so she hardly abandoned them. She probably wouldn’t be allowed pets in her flat and would be quite cruel as she has no outside space either.
I don't know about you but if I had a dog and I moved out I'd miss it terribly and want to walk it at every opportunity. They seem to think animals are just objects to pass around when it suits them.
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I haven’t heard her mention in a video that she has done anything on Skillshare ever...a pointless ad that has nothing to do with the video 😳
How else is she suppose to afford all her jigsaw puzzles and chocolate. In all seriousness though its sorta annoying that shes doing a sponsorship with a company that values learning and expanding your mind when shes shown time and time again that she has no interest in that. She would be perfectly content having no interest apart from friends and being completely unaware about what's happening in the real world. I would be very surprised if she ever paid attention to the news or had any strong politic opinions. Her lack of interest in important real world events really highlights her privilege. Obviously having privilege isn't inherently bad but she could use her platform to spread positive messages instead of just talking about what shes going to order at McDonalds. She has so much wasted potential
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Tier 4 from Boxing Day. Will be interesting to see if she actually bothers to stop seeing her family or if she’ll just keep doing as she pleases.
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I’ve not seen most of my family since March due to lockdown restrictions.
I would absolutely love to have had them round to my house but it’s not been possible while following alll the rules.

it’s frustrating that while some of us follow all the rules tightly to try to totally get rid of covid, others don’t give a fuck and that’s why numbers continue to rise.

how dare she cry on camera and mention her dead grandad while knowing she was continuing to break every single rule
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Wants more Christmas decorations but said she can't because "moving out is very expensive" said the girl who spends £40 on a pointless canvas, a Christmas jigsaw and spent £8 on a sandwich and hot chocolate at Starbucks 🙃
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Urgh. Her as a Mum. No.
She is obsessed with her nieces and nephew though.
Natasha's kids were usually her main content which was initiating and unnecessary.
So now she will be wanting one of her own to be obsessed about.
I cannot see her as a mum, not now and not anytime soon. She will want kids ASAP since her younger sister also has one, it is like some competition.
Laura has a kid.
Natasha just moved house.
So Lucille has to move Michael in and possibly have a kid.

I wonder how her dogs are. I doubt they are getting much attention now as she did seem to be the only one who routinely took them out.

Good for him for getting a job, especially in the current situation but I think it will be a big shock to the system from working at his family business. Then has to go home to Lucille and be nagged by her. She is more like a boss than his gf.

Remember Michael, do not leave any mess. No mug stains on the table. Do not spill chocolate buttons. Do not move without her permission. She will flip out.

I doubt she even considered to move for him. She is so self entitled and thinks she can always get her way...and she will keep thinking that until someone puts their foot down and actually speaks some sense into her!
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god michael not wanting to open his eyes to see her tattoo cringed me out so much! he reminds me of my ex who was so controlling
He acts as if it's his opinion that matters most and if he doesn't like something she's done she's made a terrible mistake that he'll grimace at until she hates it too. He has so many traits that suggest he's controlling and she seems to have no idea.
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It’s funny how they all say “it’s obvious which website you’ve come from” when I’m pretty sure none of us have ever commented on her videos??
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I drink a lot of Pepsi and teeth are fine. I brush them regularly and have check ups at the dentist every year or two (probably not as often as you’re meant to but I don’t like going).
For his teeth to be as bad as they are he must’ve not brushed them for over a year. It’s actually minging when you think about it. They wouldn’t have gone like that over night
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Chatty Member
Is this annoying anyone else- the way she keeps grabbing the collar of her jumper/top and pulling it up to her chin when she's talking to the vlog? Trying to look all "cutesie" :rolleyes:
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Guys, contain your excitement but she’s posted a new vlog. Haven’t watched as it’s only 9pm and I don’t need to put myself to sleep but according to the title she opens some Christmas cards.
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