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(had to make post longer)
Possibly. Just to be in a relationship rather than being single, especially if she compared herself with her sisters.

i feel like michael was the first person to show interest in Lucille on there and after a day she just stuck it out and clung to him
Yes, no doubt
And now they try to make it appear they are loves young dream..
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I'd find it cramped and there's just me !
I wish she’d do a more detailed tour - I’m so nosy! Although I don’t need to see any more of that navy/black kitchen. It doesn’t match!

I think Michael moving in won’t be what she expects. He will do absolutely everything for her but will start to resent it (which is totally fair!) and she’ll become far less nice towards him. She’s so used to getting her own way. I think it’s a shame they don’t really do anything, the nicest part of a relationship can be the getting to know each other and sharing experiences but other than sitting in Costa and playing mini golf they’re just very blah.
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Correct. She’ll say “I didn’t know” “I wasn’t sure” “the rules are so confusing here” then she’ll cry about all the sacrifices she’s made this year so all her little fans tell her how fantastic she is. Eating your dinner in your bed because your sister was pregnant isn’t a sacrifice. She cannot cope with any feedback that isn’t “oh you’re so amazing” because she has been pandered to and unduly praised her entire life. I think she’s really lucky to have a platform - it’s completely wasted on her as all she cares about is herself.
Yes!! 100%
I completely agree. Of course we would get more of that fake crying again and "People were so mean to me" routine. She makes me sick.
The rules are not confusing. They are pretty simple to follow, so simple in fact even she could follow them.
She does not deserve the platform she has and it is frustrating that so many people basically kiss her ass (to put it bluntly.)
As far as I'm aware she has made no sacrifices. None at all, in her head though she probably has made the most sacrifices ever because she couldn't go to her usual trips to Starbucks or McDonalds. Mind you, for her that is a huge sacrifice. And of course her Dad doing the shopping because he didn't get the sweets and treats she usually gets.
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She most likely can't be bothered or just wants to spend all her time with Michael.
She is pretty clueless regarding her YouTube channel.
It really annoys me when she asks for video ideas and then has an excuse for not doing every suggestion except what I eat videos.
Like why ask? And it’s always the videos that would take a bit of effort or would require her to spend a little bit of money (that isn’t on food to stuff into her gob) that she ‘can’t do’.
She’s always saying YouTube is a hobby and a passion. People who have hobbies and passion but time, effort and money into them.
I think even though she’s shy she craves attention. She just wants someone to listen to her dull rambles and tell her how funny she is and how much they love her and doesn’t give a shit about making good content for her viewers.
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lucky Michael liked the tattoo otherwise who knows his reaction. he seems so controlling, i know she is a whingy brat but clearly tolerates his control.

Still finding it so strange that he has ditched everyone, even his friends?! (if he has any) to move in with lucille and work at Maccas.
I agree with the above poster, they have barely spent any time together. Clearly she films 90% of the trips, or times she has seen him as she has no other content. Thats really not many times, considering she is about to be living with him
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She seems to think just because she’s not filming herself breaking the rules it’s not a problem.
I don’t know how people can still think that we’re the problem when these influencers are so selfish and think they’re above the rules
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Not often I defend a youtuber I'm not overly fond of but The Highlands are in Level 1 in Scotland so they are allowed to have another household in their home so she's not doing anything wrong.
She is in level 1 but only the actual islands are permitted anyone indoors in level 1 restrictions just now. It’s still illegal on the mainland. Knew she’d be doing whatever she liked. She’s posted a fake crying video looking for sympathy and then carries on doing whatever she wants. It’s pathetic and her sense of entitlement is an utter disgrace. Given she has no money how’s she planning to pay the £10,000 fine? Stupid little girl.
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Omg Michael has a FB as well, and guess what, Lucille isn't his first, he was with another girl a few years ago, so we were wrong 😆😆
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is diluting juice a scottish thing? I had never heard this before!
The digest biscuit makes it sound like some kind of vile medicine IMO
I’m with the other poster on this one, I too say diluting juice haha. It must be we take it too literally with the fact it’s diluted in water 🤣
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Wants more Christmas decorations but said she can't because "moving out is very expensive" said the girl who spends £40 on a pointless canvas, a Christmas jigsaw and spent £8 on a sandwich and hot chocolate at Starbucks 🙃
Urgh that stupid little girl!
She has no idea about the real world and she is either spending whatever money she has on pointless rubbish and constant trips to Starbucks, McDonalds and so on, or she isn't as low on funds as she says and is just trying to get freebies, sponsors and for people to feel sorry for her that she cannot afford decorations.
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Her sense of entitlement is repulsive.
Who does she think she is? Arghh I really wish someone would speak some sense into her but everyone around her seems to think she is nicer than nice and wouldn't harm a fly.

He left a family business for her. He sounds like he is already missing his family, which is completely normal, but I doubt she will be that supportive or understanding. I wonder how she managed to convince him that she could not possibly leave, and that he had to be the one to make all the sacrifices.

They could have even found somewhere half way between them both, I know he would have had to still leave his family business, but then they would have both made a sacrifice, not just all on him.
michael could have taken over the family business in a few years time and then employed her they just have no common sense between them
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It’s very over the top isn’t it. Like imagine someone bought her an actual amazing present - what would she do if Michael ever proposes? It just feels like part of her “I’m so nice and innocent” act now. Some of the stuff is nice but it seems so false now I’ve realised what a he’s actually like.

Yeah both her mum and Michael said they didn’t have a coat but I’ve definitely seen both of them wearing one in her videos!

She must be furloughed I’d think? Click and collect will require very little staff and surely it’s much cheaper for Matalan to furlough practically everyone? She’ll be delighted as she can do jigsaws in her pyjamas all day.
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I’m starting to think the same. I do think as time wears on, he’ll get fed up of her wanting her own way all the time. Don’t get he wrong our partners get on our nerves from time to time but not this early on. They should be so loved up and excited to have their first Christmas together.
He must be on his way home from working thinking what mood is Lucille going to be in?
Also, I know she moved in first but you can tell it’s HER flat not theirs. He’s just moved, let him sort his things and because you are living together he might want to put his own stamp on the flat
She definitely hamners home the point of it being HER flat,not theirs, just all hers..
I saw a comment on his Mum's page that insinuated it was actually their flat though..
Maybe just a slip of the tongue, but that is interesting if it is. Either way, she needs to accept it is their flat. He needs to be listened to and respected.
I hope for his sake he opens his eyes soon and escapes back to his family..
Living with her would be like work for him too.
Boss Lucille who must be listened to at all times and what she says goes. It is her way or the highway.

You would also think she would be trying to be even nicer to him since he is in a strange area, first time away from family and so on. You would assume that putting up a tree together would be special, just another video opportunity for her though.

I cannot get over that she came in and put her dressing gown over her work uniform...When I come in from work the first thing I do is shower. We are living through a pandemic! Do not bring the outside germs into your house by sitting around in your work clothes 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢
Eeew, what?! Yet she made a big deal of hiding in her room when Laura was pregnant, yet doesn't even bother to change her clothes when she gets home and just shoves on a dressing gown over them. Lazy Lucille. She is so stupid, lazy and ignorant.
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I found the photo of breaking rules on her sisters Facebook (which I probably shouldn’t have been looking at). But just because she’s not posting about breaking the rules on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s ok.

whether she’s an influencer or not, nobody should get away with it.

After her fake crying a few weeks ago and all the “hate” you’d think she’d have started to follow the rules. But she’s just way too selfish for that
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yeah it defonitly sounds like it tbh i cant think of any other thing where u would have to wait 8 weeks just bizzare to me ?
It’s just more lies. If she had been planning to move out for ages she’d have purchased some ot this stuff before she moved, like Laura did. I don’t think there was any argument but she’s had a tantrum because she can’t get a three bedroom house and is now having to rent despite saying she’d never do it, it was a waste of money and basically it was stupid to rent. Despite the fact that her sister does. The problem with lying for attention and sympathy and unwarranted praise is that she forgets what lies she’s told and there are plenty videos contradicting her nonsense. IKEA TV units - from £9 to +£100. All perfectly nice. Delivery by Friday.
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Lucille seems like the type to be in the house all day on her day off but wait until Michael finishes work so they can go food shopping together.
Or wait till he comes home to cook their dinner while she’s been sat on her arse doing another jigsaw.
The poor lad has just signed on to be her personal servant.
I’m sure every time he buys the wrong thing or doesn’t do something her way, she’ll sulk.
can’t wait for the vlogs a few months from now when she’s subtly complaining about him ‘oh Michael didn’t do this right’ ‘I couldn’t have what I wanted for breakfast because someone didn’t get xyz...but it’s fine, I guess’
Ah loves young dream!
Yes!! Absolutely this. She hasn’t got a bloody clue. Not drive or energy and I’m honestly sick of seeing that bloody dressing gown. Doesn’t she put the heating on? She was complaining that her bedroom smells of food after she cooks, someone commented that it’s because she cooks in her pyjamas. She won’t like that. Obviously nothing can be her fault.

If Michael gets anything wrong it’ll be like when her dad went shopping and she was rude about it. Poor man.
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Might I suggest you leave this thread if you think it is going down hill :)

Wouldn't surprise me if you were one of her fans coming to try and stir things up.

I put up the link if people wanted it, as it had been mentioned alot before about "someone should report her."
So the link is there, or easily found, if people want it.
And, reading a comment under her video, someone actually has reported her.

I mean, you're pretty sure nothing will come of it, which unless you have a crystal ball, who knows.

I am sick of people on YT flouting the rules and thinking they can do what they want and have no repercussions. Her sense of entitlement is disgusting. And it will hardly ruin her life, if she has done nothing wrong :)
Anyway, like you say, nothing will come of it, so can hardly ruin her life.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I won't respond to you any longer as it is pointless as you have your views on her, I have mine. No point in going back and forth.

But again, if you think this thread is going down hill, I'd question why you were still on it.
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There aren’t loads of people who comment on this thread. But the comments on her videos get loads of likes so not everyone is from “hate forums”
You're right. I do wish more people would speak out though, instead of just 'liking a comment that is questioning her behaviour or maybe criticism, as more people do need to speak out towards her. I understand many might be worried about getting labelled as a "troll" or a "bully" but she is the bully. Her personality is poisonous and vile.

too many people dont want to think shes like that throw it off as trolls or hate
I wish more people realised how nasty she is and that the "haters" are the ones who see through her and her lies. We see the real Lucille.

i think we will get a video saying shes taking a break for christmas to hide her breaking the rules
Yes! Or another crying video about nasty people online who are stalking her family 🙄
It has been a little while since her last crying on camera episode. We are due one any minute now.
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She obviously reads here but instead of seeing all the valid points we make about her breaking lockdown rules and being nasty to Michael, she dismisses it all as bullying and “nasty trolls”.

Sometimes we’re a bit harsh on here but she could take some constructive criticism.
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