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Well-known member
Guys, contain your excitement but she’s posted a new vlog. Haven’t watched as it’s only 9pm and I don’t need to put myself to sleep but according to the title she opens some Christmas cards.
I cannot wait to watch it. OMG. Right guys, this will be brilliant. Watching her open cards. I've never seen anyone do that before. Right, I can hardly contain myself!!!
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I am pretty sure Laura will have been there. The fact that she kept seeing Lola quiet when usually she would have mentioned it shows that she knows it’s not ok. It just makes me feel really low as it’s not fair is it.
yeah of course there's no way she would not have mentioned it even if its a quick I'm having lola today but not going to film her the way she hid it just looks really wrong she can say we don't know everything about her life and all that but no she would have definitely mentioned it

i dunno i think a lot of us have watched her enough to know shes obsessed with them kids and would have shared it
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Well-known member
Makes me cringe so much when Natasha says ‘we’ and ‘our products’. Your literally selling Avon, not the next Deborah meaden 😂
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You know what really made me laugh? When most youtubers plug another of their videos, they kind of build suspense or offer something exciting ‘if you want to know our holiday destination, watch this video’ ‘might have merch coming soon. Keep an eye on my other channel uploads’
And then we come to Lucille ‘if you want to see what run of the mill Starbucks food I greedily shove in my gob, go watch my next video’
😂😂😂 fucking hell. Who does she think is sitting their going ‘gee I hope Lucille uploads soon. I’m dying to know what food she got in Starbucks and just how gooed it was’ 🤦‍♀️
Haha I laughed at that too. “If you’re interested in that”. Well you’ve not sold it to me. Never known anyone so low energy. But it’s nothing to do with all the shite she eats guys, of course not, not at all.
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Active member
Yes, she has vloged on Xmas before. Usually the usual tearful episodes from her Mum being overly dramatic about the gifts, the usual rubbish content tbh.

We all know she will break the rules.
She will go inside, which they advise against, it is allowed though, but they do say "stay outside" - her excuse will be the snow and the cold. She will then be inside, but will film footage of her staying away from everyone, when we know as soon as the camera is turned off she will be so close to them.

She breaks the rules on a daily basis, they aren't hard to follow..unless you're Lucille that is. Some ignorant, stupid, pathetic little girl. Her fans will never call her out, they don't want to offend or upset her since she is "So inspirational.."
Her mums histrionic response to tat gifts usually
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I don;t think there is anything wrong with it, no one is saying anything mean or untrue and it is not like we are posting on her social media, this is a forum that she has no reason to read
I think people are being quite nice - everyone is quite concerned for her. I think Lucille should avoid mentioning her sister’s “business” as promoting these pyramid schemes is really irresponsible.
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They met on POF, right?
I know they say you can't help who you fall for, however, I just cannot see what brought them together? They don't have anything in common and are still so damn awkward together.

It's like they are little kids pretending to be bf/gf rather than adults actually in a relationship.
i feel like michael was the first person to show interest in Lucille on there and after a day she just stuck it out and clung to him
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I’m confused as how his teeth got so bad within such a short space of time. Did he just not brush his teeth at all? I can’t imagine energy drinks would do that with brushing.

Also, it looks like they just buy Costco cakes for the cafe and resell them lol rip off
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They met on POF, right?
I know they say you can't help who you fall for, however, I just cannot see what brought them together? They don't have anything in common and are still so damn awkward together.

It's like they are little kids pretending to be bf/gf rather than adults actually in a relationship.
OK Cupid I think! I find the distance a bit odd - if you were online dating would you have it set up to 150 miles away? Especially since she was scared to go round a roundabout. Just think I’d have made it easier for myself. I think he’s under the impression he’s being gentlemanly and sweet but I find it creepy and overbearing.
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how does she not watch these things back while editing and cringe at herself? Can't believe the way she went on while talking about Michaels computer all over the floor
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Active member
Her wasteful attitude just drives me mad, saying she will replace the xmas tree with another one when she has money is pointless, it is a fine tree, what is wrong with it? more plastic that will probably just end up in landfill. If she wants a better tree she would have been better buying a cheap table for the tv and just wait til next year for a tree imo.
I wonder what they do for xmas day, will they go to hers/his or be separate?
I don't really like him but as others said, he looks exhausted I feel so bad for him
surely Michael had a Christmas tree... didn't they put one up last year?!
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Quite a few of us on this thread used to think she was ok, nice enough girl. Now, we have seen the real her, just how selfish and inconsiderate she is. How rude and ignorant. How entitled. The list goes on.

I am sure she is secretly loving being on furlough again. Means she can do jigsaws, have a lush bath bomb (her first ever one, or so she says..) and eat chocolate. She could have actually done the shop instead of waiting for Michael to get home from work, but oh no, she couldn't do that.

I'm every video she uploads all she shows is her turn colours, which are awful btw.
Yeah that’s how I feel. I’m originally from the west of Scotland but went to uni in England and then spent the next eight years or so living in various places across England. I run my own business which involves a lot of working from home, was in a relationship that wasn’t brilliant and was pretty homesick so I started watching a few Scottish YouTubers. Lucille was one of them and although I don’t have much in common with her and we wouldn’t be friends it I knew her in real life I thought she was ok. A bit immature bit her videos were nice easy-watching while I worked and as someone said on here it’s interesting to see people who have very different lives to you.

We moved back to Scotland a couple of years ago (although much further North as my ex had family nearby) and it was still nice to have a few Scottish people to watch. Relationship went further downhill and I moved to Glasgow when we broke up eighteen months ago. The past ten months I’ve worked from home even more - I appreciate how lucky I am to have a business that still does well but it can be quite lonely and I have much more time for YouTube. I’ve found her videos really tough to watch - contradicts herself frequently as she’s a liar and forgets what she’s said, is so so defensive and really horrible to people in comments, asks for advice then ignores it, plays the victim constantly, seeks attention and praise in every video. Honestly just feel as though I’ve been tricked by her. Thought she was one of the better ones but she’s actually worse as she pretends to be better than everyone else with her “I’m just so nice and innocent act”. YouTube is just something I find it easy to put on in the background but imagine being really committed to her because you’re lonely/have a hard time at school etc and realising what she’s like. It’s a shame as she could do well on YouTube but she’s shown her true colours recently.

Quite a few of us on this thread used to think she was ok, nice enough girl. Now, we have seen the real her, just how selfish and inconsiderate she is. How rude and ignorant. How entitled. The list goes on.

I am sure she is secretly loving being on furlough again. Means she can do jigsaws, have a lush bath bomb (her first ever one, or so she says..) and eat chocolate. She could have actually done the shop instead of waiting for Michael to get home from work, but oh no, she couldn't do that.

I'm every video she uploads all she shows is her turn colours, which are awful btw.
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Active member
I think youtubers need to remember that their content is a form of entertainment. If we watched a tv show would we only be able to make comments about if they were positive? but anyway stop the hate and bullying ✋ 😔
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Well-known member
They have gone from hardly seeing eachother at all, to suddenly being under the same roof. If they think things will carry on as normal, they are more stupid than I first thought.

He will now see her true colours and how lazy, greedy and how full of self entitlement she is. Sure, he will put up with it as she will easily turn on the crocodile tears and make him feel guilty for daring to ask her to help out or something. He has no idea what he has got himself into.

She will want a baby ASAP so she can "claim" him and just to have an excuse to do nothing but complain about the wrong groceries he will no doubt buy and do another puzzle for the camera. Exciting times ahead! 🙄
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Well-known member
Exactly, there are so many influencers that deserve to be reported for breaking the rules, it is driving me mad. And there is no way now she can even claim she didn't know the rules (which I didn't really believe anyway) after people called her out last time. The entitlement of influencers is unbelievable!
She likes to play the ignorance card and pretends she doesn't know.
No one will call her out on this as her defence will most likely be "Why were you looking at my sister's page" and turn it back round to whoever mentions it rather than being honest for once in her life.

She is so entitled, like many YouTubers are. Lucille seems to think she is untouchable and if anyone ever says anything bad towards her, she is the victim and the innocent one. She needs to take a long hard look at her behaviour! I doubt she will though and her family don't give a shit enough to call her out on it as they like to inflate her ego too, especially her Mum.

Anyone think that Mukbang was the worst video to date? She must have better content than that!!!
That is her content. Food. Eating food. Gifted food from Cherryz. Then some pointless Xmas vlog, then back to food. She has no other content. She is stale and so not creative in the slightest. It is a wonder she has as many viewers as she does.

I haven’t heard her mention in a video that she has done anything on Skillshare ever...a pointless ad that has nothing to do with the video 😳
She will do anything for sponsors. She doesn't care, she is just thrilled no doubt to have been approached to include them in her video. She has zero clue about anything really..

How else is she suppose to afford all her jigsaw puzzles and chocolate. In all seriousness though its sorta annoying that shes doing a sponsorship with a company that values learning and expanding your mind when shes shown time and time again that she has no interest in that. She would be perfectly content having no interest apart from friends and being completely unaware about what's happening in the real world. I would be very surprised if she ever paid attention to the news or had any strong politic opinions. Her lack of interest in important real world events really highlights her privilege. Obviously having privilege isn't inherently bad but she could use her platform to spread positive messages instead of just talking about what shes going to order at McDonalds. She has so much wasted potential
She never wants to divert from her usual material. Food. What I eat in a day. More food. More puzzles. More complaining about being low on money whilst spending the money she is apparently doesn't have.
She is too scared to say anything to do with politics, social issues and so on, she doesn't want to have an opinion on anything important.
Her opinions only go as far as every single thing she stuffs in her face as amazing and her favourite.
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New member
You can't knock Michael really, he has just moved across the country. Doesn't have a car, probably has been thrown into unsociable hours that he isn't used to. Wasn't the easiest time to be getting gifts! They should have discussed it though and maybe bought something for them to have together in the new house!
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little green ant

Active member
Did anyone see natashas rant on Instagram stories?
She's seen comments 'floating around' and her husband earns 'an extreeemely good wage and they live very comfortably'
If this were true then theyd own their house rather than be renting.
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This sounds so bad but Lucille's hair is quite ugly. It just looks so bland and boring. Can she not curl it abit or jizz it up abit. It's just like stuck to the sides of her face. Even clip it back or do half up half down ponytails. So much she could do. Change the parting from a side parting to a middle parting. Omg girl stop being so plain it hurts my eyes 😭😭😭
If beige was a person.
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