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Well-known member
She’s not going to be your best pal Chels S - have you not seen her videos? She doesn’t like friends.
Ha ha. Basically if you're not her sister she won't like you.
that’s definitely Lucilles rug and Christmas tree.
Might even be Lucille who’s holding lola
That so is Lucille holding the baby, that's her onesie she had on when they decorated the tree I think.
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Only Lucille could ramble on so long about a blooming duvet cover..."it's stunning". Surprised she's not "obsessed" with it like she's obsessed with everything else she gets 😂
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Wish Natasha would learn to say thank you and get her kids to say thank you when receiving presents!
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He could also just go to bed? I mean my partner stays up and watch tv and I just go to bed... he seems like he will give up trying to appease her soon, with her bad bad attitude, i feel bad for the boy.
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sweet comment tbh bless him. But the last line😅 not long til theres a baby probably. I hope they’re both ready for that😅😅
Can you imagine. She can barley look after herself. She just has no ambition or drive does she. And before the retail argument starts I don’t mean that! There are people doing pretty high up jobs with very little ambition and vice versa but she’s just so lazy. Everything is always such a chore for her. She works eight hour shifts. Sometimes when she starts early she’ll have a whole afternoon/evening and what does she do - sit around in her dressing gown. I appreciate there’s not heaps to do at the moment but she’s always been like that. So happy to just let everything pass her by.
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So many comments saying about her spending money. And how their relationship won’t last😂

I watched the vlog property this morning (skimmed through it last night to see what you guys were talking about).
michael clearly just wanted to go to bed, don’t know why they couldn’t have just waited. It was the least festive decorating video I’ve ever watched 😂
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Living together should be exciting for them but seems like it’s a chore for them both.
And I think most couples would love putting up their first tree together, could be a cute memory but seems like neither one enjoyed it
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
i cant get over how rude that comment is so fucking rude

i encourage you alll to report her wow thats got me so fired up what she said on her page had enough of people like her thinking they can do as they please and get away with it

she clearly sees her family if shes baby sitting does anyone not think that would be in the vlog ? even if she cant show lola directly
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I don’t understand why she does youtube. She’s so lazy with it and has nothing interesting to contribute.

why hasn’t she done vlogmas (or some people do a couple vlogs a week instead of daily). Why hasn’t she done a single Christmas video yet (Christmas decorating/baking/gift guide). She has no idea how to get engagement or grow her channel
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He could also just go to bed? I mean my partner stays up and watch tv and I just go to bed... he seems like he will give up trying to appease her soon, with her bad bad attitude, i feel bad for the boy.
Same. Never thought I’d say this but poor Michael. I mean there’s an awful lot I don’t like about him but a lot of that is just my taste, he’s not that bad a person I don’t think. She’s changed an awful lot this year hasn’t she. Or she’s given up pretending be so sweet and lovely.
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I just don’t see what there is to be jealous of. Like I guess when you have a bunch of teens telling you how much they love you and your mother praises you for everything down to tying your shoelaces you might get a big head but honestly what does she really think people are jealous of?
Exactly. It’s just such a pathetic deflection from a valid comment. Whoever that Charlotte girl is I think Lucille was really mean to her. Trying to get people to jump on her comment and calling her a bullying. She said “I see your sister has been round” - someone calling you out for your bad behaviour is not bullying! And someone saying your behaviour is selfish isn’t name calling. It’s so immature to say “oh they must be jealous”. What exactly are we all jealous of? Her average rental flat? Her minimum wage job? Her amazing YouTube following? All her fantastic friends? Her amazing hobbies?
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'reporting people out of spite' or stopping people from doing illegal things?! its funny how many people seem to think covid doesn't matter yet the death toll is saying otherwise
if someone breaks the rules and we notice and report it, that’s hardly “out of spite” but more than she fully deserves it.

last time she pretended she didn’t understand the rules, but that excuse isn’t possible this time.
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Chatty Member
I have finally unsubscribed from her... I can't take another video of her whinging/complaining, doing jigsaws and eating gross food. It's a shame, because a couple of years ago, I really liked her videos and found them comforting. But now she reminds me of a mini Sarah Ingham, personality-wise.
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Oh goodness not Michael working at McDonald’s that’ll only encourage greedy Lucille to take trips there more often 🤢 do they get discounts for family? I know the workers get free food but not sure about discounts. Let’s hope not or else lucille’s diet Will solely consist of Big Macs.

edit: anyone else find it weird she made it sound like she’d already paid for the sofa on Facebook marketplace way in advance even though it sounded so sketchy? Surely the seller would’ve been fine with just waiting until their new one arrived? Maybe I’m being irrational but I wouldn’t really want to pay however much for something that I don’t know if I’ll even receive?
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I haven’t heard her mention in a video that she has done anything on Skillshare ever...a pointless ad that has nothing to do with the video 😳
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Might I suggest you leave this thread if you think it is going down hill :)

Wouldn't surprise me if you were one of her fans coming to try and stir things up.

I put up the link if people wanted it, as it had been mentioned alot before about "someone should report her."
So the link is there, or easily found, if people want it.
And, reading a comment under her video, someone actually has reported her.

I mean, you're pretty sure nothing will come of it, which unless you have a crystal ball, who knows.

I am sick of people on YT flouting the rules and thinking they can do what they want and have no repercussions. Her sense of entitlement is disgusting. And it will hardly ruin her life, if she has done nothing wrong :)
Anyway, like you say, nothing will come of it, so can hardly ruin her life.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I won't respond to you any longer as it is pointless as you have your views on her, I have mine. No point in going back and forth.

But again, if you think this thread is going down hill, I'd question why you were still on it.
Exactly. As we’ve all said none of us have reported her or commented on her videos - frankly couldn’t be bothered, just find it useful to have somewhere to vent about some of the things she posts. As I’ve said plenty I thought she was a really nice girl and thought it was a shame that she didn’t really seem to listen to anyone as loads of people have commented with video suggestions and general advice and she’s not very nice about it. The current situation is really frustrating for everyone and understandably people get very emotional about it - she could use her platform to educate and I think it’s a shame she doesn’t. She’s quite different to a lot of other vloggers and I think that is (was) her appeal. Look at grackle - she could so easily do some similar videos and she’d get lots of positive engagement. I think her recent behaviour has sadly made her look really bad and I can absolutely understand people being fed up of seeing people doing what they like.
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1)Lucille is definitely the type to ditch friends in favour of a guy.

2) She lived independently for 2 weeks before Michael moved in. Hardly anything to shout about. She most likely got him to move in so fast because she realised she might need help with bills and so on, so get him moved in ASAP and get him with the bills and everything else. Maybe I'm wrong, but seemed so sudden.

3) Her fans are pathetic as she is and she is misleading them. I hope they open their eyes soon and realise how fake she is, instead of constantly missing her ass on every single video. It is cringey.

4) I cannot stand those pyramid schemes. It isn't Natasha's own business, and if people believe that it is, they are more foolish than I first thought.

5) Unless Lucille has difficulties or has had things preventing her from doing what is classed as 'normal' things, I don't see why she is getting praised? But I feel like that is something she would have mentioned, so I'm unsure why people are constantly inflating her ego?

And you know, I actually feel guilty saying that, as she is younger than me, I'm 32, and she has 'achieved' more than I have in terms of adulting.

And I don't want to make it too personal so all I'll say is i have long term mental health problems and I live with my mum as she is sort of like my carer. I cannot drive. Cannot work. Everyday is an uphill dark battle. Getting out of bed is hard enough. My head is constantly at war with all the thoughts. I'll stop there, but I wanted to say that because IF she had any struggles either mentally, physically, or anything at all that could have prevented her from doing what she has done, then I could see why people were really making it into a big deal. As in that case, it would be amazing. However, as far as we are aware, there has been nothing like that to get in her way or possibly stop her (and she is the type of person who would let us all know).

I also hope you don't mind my little personal explanation, but I felt I needed to explain why I feel slightly guilty with part of my judgement of her.
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I remember her saying he was the first person she spoke to or met up with (definitely one of the two). I think at that age, especially if you’re online dating, it’s worth speaking to a load of people and meeting up with a few before settling down. It’s not like he’s some perfect man that she just had to pick him.
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Wouldn't it be a shame if a few people reported her.. *ahem* look at the form I found on Police Scotland.

Right, let's get into her reply. That made me FURIOUS. She is a lying little bitch. She is a bully. That person is certainly not as all she did was ask a simple question. So she is telling us that Laura had no one else to look after her kid. What about her Mum? And i am pretty sure you can take your kid with you to an appointment.
Laura most likely took the photo. Her Mum was probably there too, her Dad put up her wall art etc as no way would she do that, and I am unsure if she would let Michael do it.

She is a conniving lying brat and I hope she gets enough reports against her that she at least gets pulled up about her behaviour. Even if nothing happens, it might be enough to make her think as surely she has some braincells kicking about in that head of hers.

Seriously, I am pissed off. So fucking angry at her breaking the rules again, but also her reply to that person. She was not babysitting. She was having her family round for a visit. She is probably driving Natasha around too. I so want her to lose her fans as she does not deserve it at all.

As for her doing the innocent act and try to turn it around on that person who had every right to ask her, she has shown her true colours. She is the bully. Not whoever asked her why her sister was there. Why does she think she is so special that she can break the rules and get off with it? You are nothing special, Lucille. No doubt her minions will believe her. If they do, they are more stupid that I thought.

I hope Michael makes loads of new friends and realises what a bitch his gf is and realises he can do so much better than her. He left everything for her and she is already having sly little digs.
Lucille, the Internet you only got fixed recently which means you were using your Mum's Internet again breaking the rules.
She needs to make him feel more welcome but it sounds like she is regretting it, when really he should be the one running for the hills away from her.
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