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ie. I want to be earning millions without having to do f all! 🙄🙄
…also, “I love social media and think I’ll do it for as long as I can”
By “doing” social media does she mean going on huge boring rants about her most dull, current hyper fixations and examining and posting critical dissections of every cm of her face? How is that fulfilling or earning her any money? 🥴

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I’m not sure why I put myself through watching her stories they are such a snoozefest.
I was thinking the same but I'm so intrigued by what is going to set her off.

I can't believe I sat through that many stories about a fullstop. Lucky she doesn't work in corporate.
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Director of Mugs

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I don't know what's worse. Her filming this content about curling eyelashes and dry shampoo or how her face changes over the years Or my fascination with watching her stories to see what random mundane thing she pops up with next.
She walked into the bathroom while Reece was in the shower to share what brand of shampoo she uses. She just couldn't wait for him to leave. So weird.
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Director of Mugs

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I remember when they lived in Perth and Reece had his friends over. Lauren just hid in the bedroom the whole time.

Despite having a big house they don't want anyone over. I understand in away, as hosting people and being the cook is not for everyone.


Why not take up photography? She may even e able to sell some of her photos.

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I tried the mcobeauty one and it didn't work for me.

I also don't want to pay for shipping for a mascara.

We haven't had much rain here. Wonder if Lauren has to truck in water to top up her water tank.
I’ve wanted to try the McoBeauty one because Bec Hardgrave uses it and hers look great! …but she actually just has naturally nice, long, curled lashes so… 🤷‍♀️
No WAY am I paying to have Loungeface shipped to NZ!
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Director of Mugs

VIP Member
Didn't she have that expensive iron man style mask for red light? I thought she did an ad for it. I couldn't find it on her page.

A few questions about her income.



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Yea I don’t like wearing any jewellery I’ve got a necklace I can wear for a few hours then I need it off.

Not that I would ask her but I wonder if she’s on any birth control.
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Loz does know that adding a contour shade to your face is creating shadows, RIGHT? By going flat out with the concealer under the eyes, over the cheek and nose she’s just making her face look… flat? Or at least that’s how it looks on screen….
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Is Loz broke AF in the new year she’s only posting about her affiliate links LOL.

Yea the house being where it is, her job being online for all these years and her friends moving away and starting families have definitely made the gap between her and the others from around that popular YouTube time widen. Not saying anyone needs kids to have a fulfilled life but she seems so bored and low. Now the house is done she’s got nothing else to complain about 😂 She’s totally gone off makeup and beauty never films a new look. I still follow her and I used to watch all her videos.
Good point - what is she actually on the interwebz for these days?! What is it she offers her audience?
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Her Q&A was interesting tonight especially for our boring loz 😂😂 if she can pay herself a wage from whatever she makes from influencering.. it obviously pays the bills.. she must not be doing too badly for money.
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