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Does she fuck run four businesses, she might be the face of them but thats about it. When she gets new pocket sport leggings delivered to her you can tell it's the first time she's ever seen them.
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So she said happy birthday to Leo a day late…. Understandable if she hadn’t been online and actually spending the day with him yesterday, but she stuck him in nursery, went to hospital hoping for a diagnosis and went shopping. And her post today is so impersonal! Where’s the gushing love for her only son? Did Ryan even say happy birthday? I know they don’t have to, but considering they use him for content every other day, he deserves a loving happy birthday post from
his parents!
I don’t think the photos are even from yesterday. It looks like in Zara’s story he has had his hair cut (short above the ear) and the photos she’s shared it’s longer. Not with any balloons or new toys either.

I can’t understand the mentality when she’s usually posting him almost constantly. Is it a conscious decision to just ignore him on his brithday?
Nice to see him keep up with those go ahead breaks away from the desk
I don’t think she loves her son at all. I think she resents him / struggled to bond with him as a result of what happened. I think Ryan is the main parent and has had to pick up a lot of slack. I’m not arguing how people deal with birth trauma as I suffered trauma on my third and it still stays with me today I think that’s why I didn’t have a 4th but would I hell be treating my child as a money making scheme. She is an absolute bitch
I mostly agree but I think that is too much credit for Ryan. I don’t think he’s picking up any slack at all. I think that’s why they stick him in nursery despite being lucky to have the kind of jobs they could be really flexible and spend lots of time with Leo. He’s actually the one that’s had numerous weekends abroad without him, and Leo is only 2.

I do think he did ‘more’ than he thinks a father should do in that first year, but I don’t think what he did was anywhere near the amount of what a decent father would do. And he certainly didn’t do it willingly. I think he resented both Louise and Leo for it, he’s commented in the past that makes me think he believes it wasn’t meant to be his ‘job’. And they absolutely had paid help in those early days.


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oh my god it’s one hit after another. She’s vile!!

And ‘I nearly died in a fire’ trauma story oncoming 🙄
So harsh! It’s not even normal brother/sister teasing, it comes across so venomously! I would actually be so hurt if I was Sam - he’s doing really well but all she can do is list all his faults.

On the bright side, at least she finally re-posted a link to vote for him 🤷‍♀️
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That poor little boy doesn’t stand a chance. To be honest he’s better off in nursery than with these two cretins.
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Why is turtle just for women? It’s quite generic branding, no reason to not be open to all.

Unless of course you get some sort of sick thrill of being one man amongst many women or you just like to take advantage of their insecurities amongst diet culture and rinse them for their money.

He (and Steve the accountant) will always make me feel really uncomfortable using Louise’s face and only marketing to women.


OMG making women turn their cameras on 🤢

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You should 100% still be cutting up grapes for a two year old, but if you’re not doing that then at the very least they should be eaten while upright, with supervision. Blows my mind that her hysterics about illness and death only extend to herself, it’s like a blind spot when it comes to her own child, who statistically is the one more likely to come to harm.
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I thought they were going ice skating? Or are we living in Louise’s timeline so it’s actually still last week?
And that message for Sam was awful… there was clearly no thought put into it as she didn’t know what to say. Surely u would think about what u wanted to say before recording and if it’s shit, u record again? She is vile… if she was a nicer person and actually supported Sam and Zara in whatever they do, she would maybe even get some work put her way! But because she’s made trauma her personality and is the most unsupportive person ever, she gets shit jobs like advertising Ring when Zara was on strictly and sams in the jungle. She’s not the sharpest tool in the box is she?? Lol
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They’ll probably use the 6 week turtle challenge as an excuse to miss it. Lots of early nights needed to be up in time for the morning sessions - they couldn’t possibly stay up past 9pm to be able to watch I’m a celeb 🥴
They also said when Zara was on strictly that they don’t watch much tv.

Which we know is a fucking lie as the tv is always on when they are home.
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They’ll probably use the 6 week turtle challenge as an excuse to miss it. Lots of early nights needed to be up in time for the morning sessions - they couldn’t possibly stay up past 9pm to be able to watch I’m a celeb 🥴
Also, Louise "doesn't watch television", remember.
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Wow they really didn’t acknowledge him with even a single happy birthday post! What a bunch of c*n*s!

There’s tiny tears time but for one day they couldn’t even do a happy birthday post for their 2 year old boy!
Yep, it’s kind of sickening how she even left a “happy birthday” comment for Millie Mackintosh’s daughter today but couldn’t even bring herself to publicly acknowledge her own son. And sure, they might say “we celebrate privately” but honestly it’s fucked up Thad they post constant content of Leo on every other day of the year on public platforms to make an income for themselves through #ad deals etc, yet can’t even make one positive acknowledgement of him on the one day that’s his. It’s exploitive!
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In this clip, Sam admitting him and TT argue all the time.
I think she reads here, she’s just posted that bit of the show 1 min after I posted this onto her stories with laughing emojis.

I feel like @Tofino right now with my detective skills. I mean it could be coincidence but I think she’ll be obsessed with this thread being the narc she is.
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Lucky for her they were screen shot to here by @Tofino here’s hoping somewhere like the daily mail see and essentially cancel her for comparing her upper class entitled prick✨trauma ✨ where she took to her bed for days, to people who have had near death experiences, lost loved ones, had the deliver their babies in war zones , whose lives have been destroyed by war whose homes have been destroyed and have minimal healthcare support at the moment!

The only reason she still has all this ✨trauma✨ is because she is constantly posting long blathering ‘prose’ about it repeatedly bringing it the surface and has fuck all going on in her life to actually focus her attention on just sitting in the Tiny Tears Townhouse rehashing everything over and over and over again!
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This is Ryan’s mate commenting on Louise’s speech TikTok. Bloody brilliant 🤣🤣

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I remember Louise saying before that Sam was her best friend and that they should have been twins… in other words I think he just lived in her shadow and she bossed him about. I’m so happy for him that he’s nothing like her!!
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wondered why I hadn’t seen anything posted about that utterly delusional post and forgot it was new thread day 😂

clearly doesn’t have a mortgage on tiny tears trauma filled town house, nor does she pay what I can only imagine is astronomical council tax, let alone gas/electric yet Brian was complaining about the cost of car insurance - I guess neither of them got the memo about having to actually pay for things in life!

also no wonder tt spends all her ‘income’ on food it’s about the only thing they do have to actually buy!
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