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My mum starting her usual Christmas negativity. "It's just another day to me", "It means nothing to me" 🙄

Charming. Thanks mum, will remember when opening my present and card that it meant nothing to you.
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Fledgling Psycho

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People who have a good shit and don't flush!!! I went into a PRET today, needed a piss
so I headed into a cubicle only to view a pan full of shit.
Also a toilet full of shite but no toilet paper. 🤮
They didn't even wipe.
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Hello Kitty

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Work colleagues that think they can talk to you like shit and then call back 30 minutes later apologising because they are 'stressed'. Fuck off mate and go and work on your attitude as it seems to be a regular occurance with different people.
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Chatty Member
When your partners mum turns up unannounced and then has the cheek to say "well who was you expecting then" when you act shocked at the door 🤬
Mr moons mum does this, and she lets herself in too. She also rearranges my cupboards and no matter how many times he tells her not to, she still does it. Seems to think she can do whatever she wants because she birthed him. 😤 we’ve started locking the front door now, to which she says “why’s the door locked” because we don’t want you here 🙃
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Chatty Member
Another bus one, getting off the bus but a passenger decides to get on then have to squeeze past them because they are too rude to just step off to let passengers off then tut at you, fuck off Karen have some manners & wait till people get off before getting on.
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Over enthusiastic grandmothers.

I'm at a kids play world thing, a few grans here and they are so over the top. Screaming and cackling over every coo and gurgle, losing their shit because the kid has a pirate hat on. Chill out Jean, it's a baby I assume you had one once.
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Might have posted about this before, but when someone takes a selfie on a train where their head is tilted just right for the camera to pick up the "first class" written on the headrest :rolleyes:
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The fact that I spent half my yearly bonus on a holiday abroad, for it to be chilly and windy, with a heatwave back at home. 😭
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Rosie really isn’t funny plus she should accept that a massive part of comedy is timing and she can’t deliver a well timed joke.
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When people die they suddenly become good people ??
My mum's uncle died today, and it's all he was such a nice person etc etc when we were kids he used to play with us and take us out
When I was a kid he use to relentlessly tease me about my weight to the point of bullying I don't he think was a particularly nice person I haven't had anything to do with him in my adulthood apart from seeing him at family wedding etc
I am actually quite annoyed at my mum as a few years ago she said herself he wasn't that nice a person and he was always trying to get them in to trouble with their mum by tittle tatting about (them their mum was very strict)
Now it's all about what a nice person he was wtf I have had to bite my tongue a fair bit but it really has annoyed me I know you shouldn't speak I'll of the dead but you don't have to embellish the truth either 🙄
This is annoying. It’s happened in my family too. People saying really sweet things in the eulogy that bear no resemblance to the person’s behaviour.

The same when a notorious celeb dies, especially ones who have done illegal stuff, damaged their careers, broken lots of hearts etc, suddenly they were amazing and perfect etc. No, no they weren’t.
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People with no manners. I was walking out of my local shopping centre earlier. It's a wide entrance, with sliding doors. A man was absolutely barging in towards the doors with a small girl by the hand.

At the last minute he had to do a kind of sideward movement to avoid bashing into me. I think he might have muttered sorry but I'm not sure. Anyway, the point is, there's plenty of room for people to get in and out.

You don't get to have the whole thing to yourself, whether you're barging or not. And maybe slow down a bit and remember what's attached to your hand is a child, not an inanimate object that you just drag along. 🥴
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Sorry for the late reply but I think the fact parents are so desperate to be their kids friends means they let them get away with anything at home and that means in school and anywhere else they go they continue to disrespect adults and rarely face consequences.

The school I’m currently on placement at follows a positive framing approach which basically means unless a child does something really bad like hurt someone, they never actually face any consequences. Which makes teaching incredibly hard as when you have kids constantly messing around or talking during lessons the only thing you can do I point out children who are following the expectations in the hopes they get the hint- which they never do! The thing I find the worst is when I’ve repeatedly asked the class to stop talk and listen and there are still children talking- even though they know I can see them so just don’t care that they’re ignoring me and disrupting the lesson.

I understand why schools and parents want to take a gentle approach to behaviour management as if we too the opposite approach children would only follow rules out of fear. However, I did think we should be teaching them that if they don’t follow the rules and show respect there are consequences because once they’re in the real world none’s going to gently remind them not to do these things.
I hate this gentle approach, yes pupils need to understand what they’ve done wrong but there does need to be a consequence in place or they’ll just keep doing it. It’ll be a shock when they’re in the real world.
Children need to learn that all behaviour has a consequence wether it be positive or negative.
Gentle approaches don’t work in all situations and behaviour simply escalates.
Iv stood at the school gates and some of the vile stuff parents say about teachers riles me up. They are basically teaching their children not to have any respect for authority and that they don’t need to be disciplined.
My wee one knows that there will be consequences if she doesn’t behave in school. I will always listen to her points but I also know half the time when she has been given into trouble it’s because she is being a little shit and that is not acceptable
Amen. loads of the parents can’t control their own kids (one pupil last week told his granny to F off in front of loads of teachers) so teachers have little hope with some of them
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Chatty Member
My neighbour has had loud music playing in his garden all fucking afternoon. It’s anti-social and why is it always the shit music that people play at full blast?
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Serene Serena

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When you send an email to someone, include the usual hellos and thank yous but keep it to the point. And then in their response they’re like hello, how are you? Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Makes me feel a right miserable prick 😂
Worse is when you send a chatty friendly email and get a plain 'thanks' back :(
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People who spray a massive cloud of perfume or body spray over and around themselves in small spaces. Someone keeps doing it in the ladies locker room at work. When I walked in earlier today I could taste it in the air 🤢
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Pesky Tarian

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I sit on a board and we had our last meeting of 2023 this morning. Every single one of the other members was coughing and hacking. I tend to look at the docs on my phone but the lady with admittedly the worst cough said oo share my laptop and scooched close to me 😟.

Having spent all of Nov with at least one family member ill we have all findlly been in good health of late, if I'm ill for Xmas I'll scream. Why couldn't people speak up, we could have easily done it via zoom.
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