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VIP Member
People saying it’s summer because it’s a bit sunny. Did everyone forget spring exists? It’s March ffs. That’s not summer.
People do this at the other end of the year as well, start chatting on about autumn in the middle of August 🥴
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Petty and mean but the new thortful advert really pisses me off. The 2 people are so fucking weird looking and the ad is shit
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Having an itch in an awkward place. I've sometimes injured myself trying (and failing) to scratch my back!

The joys of being single!
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It's because you've accidentally spelled them wrong so many times that your phone has remembered them.
If the wrong spelling turns up as the centre word in your predictive text options above your keyboard, then press and hold the middle word down and you should get the option to delete it from your dictionary 👌🏼
But can I really have written Whi and Hou so many times?? Thanks for the tip on how to get rid of it!
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Childproof caps on absolutely everything! Children can learn to open them, and they cause problems for people who are disabled or have arthritis etc.
I don’t have arthritis but there is an entire market of items geared towards people with it. I’ve held off on throwing away a bottle of NSAIDS which don’t work for me because of its glorious arthritis friendly lid.


Also your post reminded me of this glorious pup breaking out of his kennel 😆
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What has happened to Pizza Hut? I gave up trying to order a pizza it was all what you couldn't have, but not about what you could
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I've not had burger king for a couple of years but always preferred it to McDonalds. What always put me off about Burger King though was I always had to wait ages to get served whichever one I went to
The one I went to the other day was dead which probably should have been a warning sign lol. But yeah generally they never seem in any sort of rush.
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It is annoying why a half tin of say diced pineapples cost more based on weight than a bigger tin of the same product.

A 220g of tinned pineapples. 80p at Asda. Or 57.1p per 100g
A 435g tin (almost twice size) of same. £1.10 at Asda. Or 42.3p per 100g

And it is not only pineapples but other tinned products too. Why is this? Seems very unfair.
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Oh it pisses me off no end too and I learnt the hard way not to borrow money to friends anymore. I never used to begrudge lending out a small sum if it was indeed for a one off emergency but once I did that, I would then find the borrower asking every week. Taking me for Wonga. Honestly I felt like slapping interest on sometimes! Like I say when I made it clear to them I am no longer borrowing money out they would shoehorn a sob story about their kids needing things into why they need the money. People should stay on top of their own finances and make sure their children/household have what they need before succumbing to their vices and relying on others. And furthermore if they can’t afford said vice - give it the fuck up!

Personally I can’t bring myself to and won’t borrow money from people. I just can’t be that person and would rather go without. Maybe it’s because growing up my parents had a lot of pride and didn’t like us accepting things from other people, no matter how hard off financially they were.
I was taught to only if I can afford it. I've lent my parents large sums of money. I was living at home at the time so just lived rent free.

Switched from the pill to injection yesterday. Why of all the places it has to be injected, why must it be my backside? It hurt!
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Al Fresco

VIP Member
I used to go out, constantly worried I might have left something on, or forgotten to lock the door.

Then I read something, where a guy suggested that you talk to yourself - out loud - and say, "I am locking the door" or "I am turning the iron off". By verbalising it, you know that you definitely did it. It sounds balmy but really does work!
In my case it would be “I’m now forgetting everything I’ve just said” and then I’ll convince myself it was yesterday.🙄
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1001 others

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You sound like a dishwasher expert so I’m sure you know everything but do you use dishwasher salt and rinse aid???? When mine doesn’t clean stuff properly and I top up and salt and rinse aid everything is shiny again
Haha - no way am I a dishwasher expert! I use the capsules that have a coating which self-dissolves, as well as rinse aid. I also tried using Finish powder, but that didn't work either. I don't typically rinse my dishes before they go in the dishwasher (you're not meant to, and the capsules package even mentions it), but even if I do that they still come out a bit dirty.

I actually went and bought a secondhand machine today. I got it for $50 which is a bargain! It's a Haier, like this one, but in far better condition. So, when the dishwasher man comes back on Thursday it will be to install this new one. I will sell our existing one as 'good for parts' - I'm sure someone'll be keen.

I have a Fisher and Paykel double drawer dishwasher. It’s a year old as I left my other one, which was 11 years old but in perfect condition, at my old house when I moved. It was expensive but a great investment and I loved it. From day one, the new model was nowhere near as good as my old one, everything about it is poorer quality. Anyway, I’ve noticed that it’s extremely temperamental in cleaning anything properly unless it’s a flat plate etc and if I put anything in it like a bowl or pan, it’s hit and miss whether the jet spray reaches it properly. I’d suggest you try out just doing plates, cups and things and see how it does, compared to bigger, rounder items. Like me, you might end up having to do more, less crowded loads. The only benefit I have is that at least I can put the two drawers on at the same time😞

ETA Despite being able to previously just use 3 in 1 tablets, I have to also add rinse aid and salt. I’m in a hard water area which does affect it.
That's a very interesting point ... I will try smaller loads until the replacement gets installed. I did clean the jet sprays, thinking they were the issue, to no avail. Mine is a Haier, which is Fisher & Paykel's budget brand. It's very annoying because up until a few months ago, it worked perfectly.
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1001 others

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I know I’m going to sound like someone from the Department of Stating the Bleeding Obvious but have you unplugged it and left it for a while? Only reason is that mine went weird last week and no matter what I did it wouldn’t stop switching itself on to a cycle, even if I just opened the door, put something in and closed it. It sorted itself out after I switched it off.
I did try that. I also tried wriggling the cords as @Purrrrrrr suggested. I think it really has reached the end of its life.

The repairman phoned a short time ago to confirm he's coming tomorrow to install the new (secondhand) one; I mentioned to him all the things I've been trying to do to fix it and he was like, "Yeah ... nah; it's just old and needs to go."
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