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Did FB give CWH details to LLL?

I'd love to see this back firing on LLL.

There is something Lisa is trying to hide. Who jumps to high court action over a gossip page.
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Sad to see Pamela Scott is closing 12 shops today. 104 staff being made redundant but its okay Gail has her BA and lisa gets her monthly cut. Sad to see the way retail is going. So many shops I used to love Karen Millen/Coast/Debenhams/Monsoon. Maybe I'll just end up joining the Shein bandwagon.
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Sorry that dress 👎🏼 With a hood and leather jacket , not the look for one almost 50 . Well I don’t think so anyway
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Superstylesabby saying how she’s ecstatic for Lisa. I never ever heard her name mentioned. Then saying oh I can’t tell you about the jeans I’m wearing as they are not launched yet!
As for Lisa’s rant yesterday bully comes to mind so I reported it. She done herself no favours, she should be thoroughly ashamed. And ffs talking about daddy again & his great advice. 😡
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I think other influencers bring themselves into the overall conversation for a bit of perspective on whats going on in the tattle world.

* "The charity money, the envelopes on tables, her non donations, her making out she raised the monies. "- definiely need addressing.

* "Her breaking covid rules"! Will never be addressed as bigger f*ck ups like B perfect take it to the next level.

* "Her companies, her team! Her directorships!" - I work in business. Most personalities have a team around them - I don't really see whats wrong with that. Agree or not Lisas has certainly been good at monetising her popularity. Once the shows started it was pretty obvious to see this brought her earning to the next level. I initially thought the website was a step back but now I know about cookies its genius. My issue is it needs to be transparent I'm earning off you over a longer period of time (think its 30 days)

* "HER constant mentioning of her family & their everyday life." Family is probably important to her. Wonder will she reduce the mentions exposure once she got the kick back. D is mentioned but rarely features. She seems incredibly proud of her parents and son which is a nice touch.

* "Her Chlobo necklaces & braclet set with her 2 favourite chris’ engraved names! 1 being her bf the other being her deceased brother. The fore mentioned brought on herself made people feel uneasy about the tragedy, which to this day has left other families in turmoil. Did she care, no she didn’t." Always hated mention of her brother once I heard about circumstances. But it must be a terrible burden on her family to know the havoc this accident wrecked and I certainly wouldn't deny her the right to grieve or remember him.

* "Her mocking of MH, we all seen her videos with her viscous words, and pointed finger to her head. Did she address this? No she didn’t. " - this was low low low. She can be so tone deaf. Wonder did anyone pull her up on it.

I find this threat interesting informative. I don't despise LLL or have an axe to grind. I was drawn her by how I'd loved her platform to being a bit meeh. Seeing how it was monetised was an interesting development and the use of different marketing techniques and how some are very underhanded.
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Shop girl

Chatty Member
Another little comment in the story about the tru wash to say that her kitchen worktop isn’t marble but Formica. Waiting now for marble worktop stockists to reach out. Obviously none of them took the bait the last time she mentioned it so better mention it again. Another issue with not mentioning that the Tru Wash bundle on her website is priced in Sterling the same as the Chlo Bo. She’s such a great ambassador for Irish producers 😃 that I would hope her followers cop the stg sign before they add to cart.
She also never went to any great pains to tell us she paid for her manicure this morning which would lead me to believe that she didn’t as she ALWAYS makes a point of saying when she pays for goods or services. If that is the case there was no #ad # gift anywhere to be seen in the manicure stories. Poor Monica having Lisa as her first client at 7am, her head is probably still reeling from it.
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Roisin Dubh

VIP Member
Absolutely she was. When she didn’t have her ‘team’. She seemed to show jackets from Penney’s and stuff from Dunne’s. Did she just get greedy? Or was it all an act from the start?
I think things went downhill once she started being managed. She was the golden girl with a huge following and her team helped her monetise that as much as possible. And look, she’s clearly made a lot of money, so they did a good job in ways. But I think all the money changed her and she became less relatable in the process. And the constant selling over the past few months has definitely made her less likeable. But ultimately it’s a fickle business and every flogger becomes yesterday’s news at some point. Very few have real staying power.
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Listening to the news pretty dire out there , but never mind as long as spoilt influencing 🧙‍♀️s are happy it’s all ok. Nail tec opens 7am to accommodate , spits dummy out due to too many messages etc, whinges, laughs gets caught in the rain but the auld freebies soon lift the spirits , them himself is videoed cooking for her , no sign of the free wine yet!! The counry , the world is falling apart , jobs gone, income gone, homes gone but as long as these spoilt greedy grabbers are ok . I hear there is an abundance of cake makers baking their little hats off now to try and get a cake to RmcG house, god knows she has hinted enough . Would it not serve them better to drop some off at the hospital for overstretched staff on 12 hour shifts , they never stop , seen it all first hand myself after 5 day unplanned stay ( not Covid related but there were cases in there god bless them all) These influencers need to buy a bottle of cop on , open their selfish eyes and ears to what is happening around them. Not screeching trolls, crying into their phones . Absolutely Pathetic behaviour by self entitled, self loving adults 😡
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I actually don't like posting on her threads on here as I have visions of being socially distanced told off by her very astute legal team. Hope she can't get to us here!! But her stories yesterday really pissed me off that is no way to make your point using MH for your personal gain. She should not be allowed to call herself an influencer she is a self entitled bully who sulks to daddy when she's not getting her own way. Again today I actually feel sick watching her stories is she really sitting in a coffee shop looking through a tray of diamonds. Oh lord help us how far removed from reality can one be. If I see another f****** dress I'm going to explode... Sorry rant over please someone confirm if this is a safe place if I'm worried I'm sure others are to.
Oh my god it was only a recommendation by the judge. , they haven’t handed over any info that can actually identity someone .....everyone needs to just relax !
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Chatty Member
Lisa comes across so badly when she sits on the sofa. Her demeanour and facial expressions don’t come across well.
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LLL has shown has shown her true colours. Also, today is World mental health day. We all know how Lisa feels about that. I have to laugh at the court talk above?! 🤔🤔🤔
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Shop girl

Chatty Member
Only watching last nights stories now, going on about the Image skincare and showing the tub with the lid off and the barest scrape left in the end of it so that whoever supplies Image skincare can gift her the next pot of it.
She is gone very slapdash with her descriptions of the stuff she’s flogging, fluffing up her lines, repeating herself, forgetting to mention basic details.
Hope the new staff member coming to the business won’t mind having the camera shoved in his face and featuring on Insta. Made me laugh when she said she was going to just be working part time from November, how much more part time could she be than she currently is. I work part time, but it’s proper part time, I attend and leave at agreed times, not swing by when am finished in gym or leave early to shoot pics for my Newsletter!
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Chatty Member
Has crusty Chris finally moved in..he crackin the eggs there...are we not meant to be having zero visitors in our home?
No he does not live with her but LLL ignores the rules and then screams she’s being bullied if anyone points it out to her
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According to her Instagram, she is out pounding the roads now.
Its well for her to have the luxury of doing that when most people have to stay at work until their working day is over, others have to suck it up and secondly her phone is busy and she is 'wool gathered' and hasn't had a good day so far. Why then at nearly 50 years of age would you be blogging and flogging when you can well do without it and are financially comfortable. Seems to me like its self inflicted and of her own choice.
Genuine and fair question I think.
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VIP Member
Why isn’t she launching in pharmacies? They’re not closed? Aimee Connolly launched her selection boxes this week and they’re available both online and in store. It’s not like the product will be kept behind the counter in the glass shelves, more likely it’ll be on the shop floor placed beside the So and Impulse sprays 😂
  • Haha
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