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Well-known member
God forbid anything happens to the baby like prematurity for example (I’m not in any way implying anything as that’s not my intention at all) but she has SO much stuff it seems crazy to be being buying EVERYTHING now.
Also, we know she doesn’t know if it’s a boy or a girl and we know she’s going to go out and buy a million outfits once the baby is born so how much stuff does she actually need right now?
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Here is something I dont understand... supposedly she found out she was pregnant on Christmas day and told Mike.... yet here she is holding an obvious 'baby bump' around Christmas time? Did she do the test and it say positive then look down and was like.....woah.....there's the baby bump? I smell bullshit. Clearly a fake pregnancy revelation snap from Xmas for the gram. Or am I missing something?
She did say it was a food baby and not a real bump.
also said she had the pregnancy tests and the box and other shit all bought as soon as they started trying...which is a bit odd (the box that is not the tests)
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What are they having done to their living room, it’s a bloody new build?!
I wondered this too as she's put a 'workman' emoji. Unless she is extending the bottom floor but her garden is already tiny as most new builds are (I have a new build and it is tiny)
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VIP Member
Used to really love Lindsey but she’s obsessed with her weight so much its worrying. I agree with other comments about the thigh gap. So irresponsible to post.

Also I get she’s a newlywed but it’s a year later and she seems obsessed with her husband!
Ah that’s a bit harsh! Why is it a bad thing being obsessed with your husband?
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Chatty Member
She's so disordered! Carby has been calling her out on stories tonight.

Where are you seeing her house? She hasn't moved yet. That bedroom is his parents house. She's moving to my home town.
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I feel like she takes those messages so badly because it hits a nerve for her. She can say she’s all about balance but it’s not really balance if you’re going to go out for a burger or whatever and then come home and hula hoop to burn it off, that’s obsessive and unhealthy.
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Well-known member
How long did she spend posting previously if she had time to sort out everything for the house during her insta "break"?
I know she didn't delete as she said because she was still liking posts during it (I saw ya, Lindsey)
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VIP Member
Hahaha never ever seen mike pull any other face than this 😂😂😂😂 they must be so boring!!! I reckon she was so pushy!
Must say my hubby is the same in photos especially selfies, he hates them so won’t smile nicely on purpose 😂😂
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VIP Member
He is totally creepy and the way she is absolutely besotted with him and talks about their wedding day all the time just sounds like he’s totally brainwashed her that she’s the luckiest woman ever.
Yess!!! It’s so strange isn’t it!
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Active member
My thoughts exactly, she is 100% the most annoying person on insta. The constant hooping is getting right on my tits. Ffs, who takes a hoop on holiday to video themselves and upload to insta?? I mean, who fuckin cares. Sad Cunt.
Exactly!! I just find it super weird and fake. I also think it's unrealistic and dangerous. She is definitely struggling with an ED and just because she's not stick stick thin and underweight doesn't make that any less true.

I hope she reads this and realises how much of a poor role model she is.
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Chatty Member
Not saying she hasn't done amazing but there's so many before and after tricks in that transformation. Posture and facial expressions being the main one.
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She's actually deluded! She's the type that has bought everything brand new for her hospital bag for her, and hasn't even thought about baby being 'newborn', because as long as she has her mama nightie and baby can latch on first time (we'll see) she'll be alright. I can tell you now she won't be snacking, or cuddling her pregnancy pillow.

God I feel for the midwifery team, I bet she's such a highly strung patient. I also think she's having a photoshoot in the hospital after birth, for "memories" 😂

Wonder what her sister thinks of her taking all that with her in her hospital bag?

She's a walking cliche! Wait for the Bounty rep to come, bet she's giddy about that.

Also, I'm willing to bet they've booked a private room too! Not that that's a bad thing, but for them it'll inflate their heads even more because they'll think they're actual (tacky) royalty! 😂

I do think she's going to struggle with her postpartum body, but then again she'll "bounce" back and make new mums (especially first timers) feel like utter shit, because that's what Linds likes to do, rub things in to people's wounds to boost her own ego! 🧂
Our maternity hospital only has private rooms, are other ladies labouring on a general ward in some hospitals?! I'd have hated that.
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Active member
Woohoo 🎉 A month off seeing the poxy hula hoop and borderline ED.
Here’s hoping being away from the insta limelight will make her realise how obsessive she’s become.
I am so fucking happy!!

Also I am assuming her negativity is from continuing to read on here... if so, please stop hula hooping x
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Agree....don’t think he’d ever lived away from home, he just moved her into his childhood DC bedroom. also think she has the whole 50’s housewife fantasy going on and likes the idea of saying she managed to turn him into this amazing husband that can clean a toilet
Childhood DC bedroom 😂

Along with cleaning the toilet, he also cooked her a roast dinner before and a cheese toastie - husband goals there 😂
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