Lily Pebbles #50 Try as I might, I just never get it right. My taste in everything is shite.

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How DARE her toddler not instantly love sitting in a pushchair or hold her hand to walk calmly round his mum's favourite shops and cafes.
makes me think if she even considered what parenting entails before becoming a mother? because thinking your kids will just seamlessly fit into your life without any accommodation on your side is insane and explains why she complains that much
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makes me think if she even considered what parenting entails before becoming a mother? because thinking your kids will just seamlessly fit into your life without any accommodation on your side is insane and explains why she complains that much
It obviously entails nothing Whiny Wobbles has ever considered, given she's always been the one accommodated to: Daddy's princess, last sibling, youtube cushy career, kindly gifted life, from her food, clothes to her furniture, stupid beyond measure yet wealthy enough to be a London home owner before 30 (thanks Mum and chartered accountant Daddy), doormat hubby...
Houston, we have a problem.
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I just want to add that what she is saying is so unbelievably arrogant. She “can’t” go out with her son alone. No Lily, you DON’T WANT TO. The minute you and Rich divorce or something else happens to him, you HAVE NO CHOICE. And that is even an extreme scenario. Most parents, in a relationship or not, take their OWN responsibility towards their kids and don’t need to be assisted in every minor thing by their partner. She cannot do a-ny-thing alone. My sister is divorced with 3 kids that she has with her fulltime and NEVER complains like Lily does. I’m not saying there should be pride in single moms struggling, of course they deserve help. But Lily is a disgusting piece of tit who NEVER acknowledges difficulties in life that don’t apply to her. This is why the break-up with Anna was so traumatic for her, she is so co-dependent that she could not even function without her workwife. She’s pathetic honestly
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makes me think if she even considered what parenting entails before becoming a mother? because thinking your kids will just seamlessly fit into your life without any accommodation on your side is insane and explains why she complains that much
She had children because that's what was next on her list. She was not maternal, it's not like she had wanted to be a mother for a long time, it was just something that was expected, both of her and by her. Get married, buy house, have children.
I don't think she gave it much thought beyond that, it was just to tick the box. She seems baffled by the fact her two kids are not carbon copies of each other in terms of behaviour, that she needs to figure out hair dos for her daughter, and that children enjoy things that she as an adult might not.
Who knew...?
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I just want to add that what she is saying is so unbelievably arrogant. She “can’t” go out with her son alone. No Lily, you DON’T WANT TO. The minute you and Rich divorce or something else happens to him, you HAVE NO CHOICE. And that is even an extreme scenario. Most parents, in a relationship or not, take their OWN responsibility towards their kids and don’t need to be assisted in every minor thing by their partner. She cannot do a-ny-thing alone. My sister is divorced with 3 kids that she has with her fulltime and NEVER complains like Lily does. I’m not saying there should be pride in single moms struggling, of course they deserve help. But Lily is a disgusting piece of tit who NEVER acknowledges difficulties in life that don’t apply to her. This is why the break-up with Anna was so traumatic for her, she is so co-dependent that she could not even function without her workwife. She’s pathetic honestly
The workwife divorce and her two children are her first figments of grasping reality ever. She's so dense. So so dense.
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so my ultra snobbish and rich friend who only occupies the most affluent areas got attacked and robbed in holland park lol and it wasn't the first time either, made me think of lily's "phone gets stolen this way" story that imo proves she's not a londoner at all
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I couldn’t watch it today.
She spends a whole vlog struggling to make and ice cupcakes, something that 4 year olds learn to do completely.
She slags off people who buy cakes, refuses to spend money on her 5 year old daughters cake , because she’s just a kids and won’t appreciate nice cake, and at the same time devalues the skill, time that goes in to a professionally made cake. All this while inadvertently emphasising that exact point by spending well over £90 on random tit and ending up with a hot mess of crap looking, cheapskate cake , not accounting for the time it’s taken her to do.
her inability to value anyone else’s skill and time is evident.
she can do nothing for herself, yet somehow sees this as virtue that makes her relatable.
god knows how many people at that sad party will get the “ story of this cake “.
I’m pretty certain there will be a schools WhatsApp group , which she is excluded from, that documents in real time, her patronising ignorance.
Plus, she could have bought a god damn cake with the money she used to stick Rudy in nursery and then still had the day with him.
she’s beyond thick.
This one has really incensed me . 🤣
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I couldn’t watch it today.
She spends a whole vlog struggling to make and ice cupcakes, something that 4 year olds learn to do completely.
She slags off people who buy cakes, refuses to spend money on her 5 year old daughters cake , because she’s just a kids and won’t appreciate nice cake, and at the same time devalues the skill, time that goes in to a professionally made cake. All this while inadvertently emphasising that exact point by spending well over £90 on random tit and ending up with a hot mess of crap looking, cheapskate cake , not accounting for the time it’s taken her to do.
her inability to value anyone else’s skill and time is evident.
she can do nothing for herself, yet somehow sees this as virtue that makes her relatable.
god knows how many people at that sad party will get the “ story of this cake “.
I’m pretty certain there will be a schools WhatsApp group , which she is excluded from, that documents in real time, her patronising ignorance.
Plus, she could have bought a god damn cake with the money she used to stick Rudy in nursery and then still had the day with him.
she’s beyond thick.
This one has really incensed me . 🤣
It’s mad because at 32, the only birthday cake I remember is one my mum made when I was around Grey’s age. It was a bear covered in chocolate and had sweets and smarties for eyes and smile. Didn’t look as aesthetically pleasing as her M&S cake but yet it’s the one I remember, probably because my mum went through that effort for me
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She always insists that her kids won’t remember things as an excuse to not make an effort. But why not create special moments for them now? Who says that Grey won’t remember a gorgeous Frozen-themed cake for her fifth (?) birthday?
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My mum made an amazing birthday cake for my son’s 5th birthday that was tailored to a niche interest he has, he absolutely loved it and was so excited, I strongly suspect he will remember it forever. Lily has such a weird attitude to what’s important in life.
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She may or may not remember for the rest of her life, but would you not want to see the joy an surprise on her face now? You know, in the moment?

Lily claims to be sooooooo creative,has all the time in the world, and enough money to spend. Why is she alway begrudging her children the toys or cakes they want?
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She may or may not remember for the rest of her life, but would you not want to see the joy an surprise on her face now? You know, in the moment?

Lily claims to be sooooooo creative,has all the time in the world, and enough money to spend. Why is she alway begrudging her children the toys or cakes they want?
Absolutely! She’s thick and heartless. I dislike her intensly 🤬
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One of my clearest memories is from when I was about three and I don’t remember every detail but i remember it because of how it made me feel. Imagine what Grey might have felt and remembered if she had an amazing cake (made at home or ordered) that reflected everything she loves.
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Oh my god, she doesn't want to indulge her child with a special cake because that would set a precedent for special bleeping nasty.

This video is so grudging and malevolent. A new low in her crappy attitude to her daughter.

And what exactly is 'catereen' Lily? Is it a London-y word?

ps. This witch has made me pissed off and it's not even 10am.

Get fucked Lily, you're an apology for a mother.
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Not even 1 min into the vlog and her intro is alrdy so first-world problem, entitled, moany, whine.
She really hates being a parent.

Asks her friends for cake recc and she didnt to spend 90£ on a cake that will be cut up in 5 min. Then she continues to thrash the M&S cake and make mini cupcakes
Wtf is this woman up to, just buy a proper cake and do it properly instead of her messy half hearted attempt.
She doesnt even have the stuff to do the cupcakes with and went out to buy all the tit she needed and she realised she spent more ££££ instead

And praising herself for not wanting to spoil Grey with over the top cake.

How is this woman a mom? She is so fking awful

Her forehead lines are way off the charts here.
Her facial expression during the baking segment sums up her whole life misery isnt it, that massive scowl.

She cant even bake!!!! And yet she forces herself to go into this trouble just to save ££££ wtf wtf???? She is so stupid!!!


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I haven't watched it (and won't be) but your summaries are enough to make me so angry!

I always bake my kids their birthday cakes because it's a way for me to show my love for them and I like baking. If I didn't like baking I would find someone to make them a professional cake. I know how much work it is because it is a bit stressful and takes ages and mine obviously never look as beautifully decorated as a professional one - of course a professional cake is expensive!

But her attitude is just vile, she has plenty of money, she can afford to do something nice for her daughter but she chooses to do this, the cynic in me says it is in part because she's utterly tight when it comes to her own money but also because this baking fail is #content.
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A while ago she posted something saying 'core memory unlocked'. So she understands the concept, just not when it might cost her money and take some effort .....
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I got 2 minutes in before I wanted to scream at her! I’m all for not spending £90 on a cake because I can’t afford it. But she says it’s because it’s for the kids, so clearly they don’t deserve it in her eyes.
What a complete bleeping witch she is.
Also, complaining she’s very busy because she has to to things which others do around a normal job and kids.
She’s an entitled little brat and I feel for those kids, especially Grey
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I haven't watched it (and won't be) but your summaries are enough to make me so angry!

I always bake my kids their birthday cakes because it's a way for me to show my love for them and I like baking. If I didn't like baking I would find someone to make them a professional cake. I know how much work it is because it is a bit stressful and takes ages and mine obviously never look as beautifully decorated as a professional one - of course a professional cake is expensive!

But her attitude is just vile, she has plenty of money, she can afford to do something nice for her daughter but she chooses to do this, the cynic in me says it is in part because she's utterly tight when it comes to her own money but also because this baking fail is #content.
I'm at the stage with her, that when I saw her lugging her KitchenAid our her grubby looking cupboard I thought two things:

1 - You actually set your phone up on the floor to record you taking something out a (grubby looking) cupboard??
2 - Did you pay for that KitchenAid, or was it #kindlygifted? (answer: probably not)

She's rotten to the core, and it's really showing these days.
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The ‘they won’t remember it’ thing also doesn’t really track when you are filming, photographing and documenting every moment of every occasion… they might not remember but they will create a memory of at least seeing it on film, and they sure as heck will remember the first time they watch this video back and hear first hand how their mum felt about them having a birthday cake and how inconvenient that was for her.
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