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Just joined to post here! I used to love Lily and now I just feel a bit sad for her.. so many of her peers have evolved and are doing some really interesting stuff. Thinking particularly of Zoe London who recently DJ’d at the wrestling - didn’t they used to be good friends??
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I never followed Lily back then because I lived in Bristol at the time and it was allll about Motel dresses
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Yeah for sure this. She peaked around 2011 - 2014 when she took the infamous photos for her blog against the white wall and sold her jewellery. She seemed to be the ultimate relatable blogger who had a cool style. Her peers did it too but then they started to evolve to Youtube and shared more of their lives whereas she always kept quite private and became more and more irrelevant.
exactly! Tanya burr is private and still shows just enough to make her life seem lovely and desirable and “Influential”. I don’t need to be influenced to stand in my house share bedroom and take photos of clothes I’m wearing 😬
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Where is this monthly event please?? They’re so hard to find these days! This fully functional, mortgage paying former emo needs to dance.
Not sure if the same as OP but Facedown in London is monthly and a good emo night!
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This reminds me... Does anyone remember a few years back, in a video or vlog of hers, where she randomly stuttered/stumbled over her words VERY badly continuously for a solid few seconds? Obviously something she meant to edit out but didn't. People commented, not to criticize but were genuinely concerned and maybe just a bit shocked about how bizarre it was. Of course she was arsey and tried to ignore it and then went on to complain about the fact people had dared to say anything!
This is exactly what the stories we're like, stuttering and not able to get her words out, she was literally getting a sweat on trying to talk about her outfit. I was genuinely a but concerned!
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Why does she keep writing Harley Davison. It says daviDson on the literal tshirt she’s wearing and the one she’s posted a picture of.
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Agreed, it’s almost like it’s a hindrance getting so many messages… don’t do this for a living then! In fact be grateful you can make a living from this weak ass crappy content 🤣
Exactly! Acting so hard done by when she chose to do it!!
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At least we know where not to get lip filler in Brighton now! There’s more filler below her nose than below her lip line. Absolutely no shade to getting work done, I am proud of my static forehead but please please please see someone good (preferably a doctor or dentist).
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I don’t know where this cultural obsession with slamdunk has come from, it used to be so fun and now it’s just an emo fashion parade. All the bands I wanted to see from the various line ups from 2020 onwards have dropped out. I went to Hatfield in 2018 and it was just queues and posing. Maybe the Leeds one is still more fun but I assume the influencers are all going to Hatfield?
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Chatty Member
New to this thread but not to following Lily.

Does her constant mindless fast fashion purchasing piss anyone else off? It’s like she purposefully shops sweatshop only everyday.

it’s totally inexcusable and I politely raised it with her on an ask me anything a while ago and she ignored it.

Nothing alternative about her, she’s just the same as the love island girls only wears more black.

Edit: just read some of the posts here, OMG NAIL ON THE HEAD that she’s still smug despite being in the exact same place social media wise as she was 10 years ago except now she dresses in more black when she used to wear whatever was in fashion at the time!
Yeah, it does. I don’t claim to be the most sustainable person but in the interest of ‘all doing our bit’ I only buy clothing as needed from sustainable brands now.

She could be doing so much to promote slightly better choices and with the amount she spends on fast fashion she could easily afford more long lasting/quality sustainable pieces but nope - ASOS everywhere.
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Has Lily wiped all her old YouTube content? I don’t follow her now at all cos she’s a mess but I liked watching her old grwm videos every now and then.
Same, I liked her "come shopping with mes". she has wiped it yeah, probably because the videos show her old face and weight......

I find it a bit weird that her style hasn’t evolved much when her personal style is such a huge part of her ‘brand’. She throws in the odd pops of colour here and here but it’s largely the same prints and shapes all the time.
it's particularly weird considering she didn't used to be like that at all! It's like she's going backwards as shes getting older
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