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I've been listening to her autobiography (I quite like an audiobook when I'm cooking) and I've found it really interesting. But she doesn't seem to learn or grow as a person does she? Her parents definitely seemed shit parents, and that's probably messed her up. But she just seems trapped in the same hopeless circles
I think a lot of celebs stay static at the point they found fame and never have to grow as a person or take responsibility for anything is because there’s too many people around them blowing smoke up their arse. Yes, their upbringings might have been shit, but at some point, you just have to accept it and realise the only person who can change things is you. Lily blames her parents for a lot of stuff, but the only thing she won’t give them credit for is the opportunities they gave her, because of course she got to where she is now on pure talent alone 🙄 Going to Bedales, and other fee paying schools, her famous surname, her mothers showbiz connections all had nothing to do with it, ALRIGHT?!
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Chatty Member
I'm glad she's actually naming Dan. She's not quite the blameless victim though, she was happily doing deals with the murdoch empire while also complaining that they're ruining her life.

They followed her not for no reason, but because she gave them opportunities for pics like that.

Not that I'm saying it's right to follow her around at events like glasto, but that's fame - you do a deal with the devil and give up your privacy at public events once you go chasing that monster.
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How can she be courting the tabloids like that while having kids. It's so wild to me. Would you not think of how it's affecting your children. Also I feel like Lily has done zero work on herself... she has written songs about these topics years and years ago but is still stuck in the same cycles.

Then you have somebody like Cillian Murphy who is an extremely successful actor, never in the papers and almost never does interviews. It can be done if your talent speaks for itself. Nowadays the people in the tabloids and media want to be in them.
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On r4 now this cultural life. Lily is really having a moment. Hope her new music is good after all this
She said on the latest podcast that she doesn’t feel her current studio sessions are going well (yet)… so it might be a while before we get something decent.

For all her faults, I do think she has written some brilliant tracks and she is a very interesting pop star compared to non charismas people like Dua Lipa etc. LDN blew my young mind when it came out. And The Fear is brilliant.
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Russell Brand uses this "honesty" tactic too.. The power of endearment keeps people on board with them, warts and all, and evinces sympathy and tolerance.
Is RB honest though?

He strikes me as a bit of a walking blind-spot in that he preaches from the vantage point of someone who is not a winner of the the game of capitalism when that I’d exactly what he is.

I think we’d all be able to meditate/ exercise/ eat densely nutritious food/ ice bathe etc, IF we were millionaires living in a huge house where our wives take on the emotional labour of raising the children and being a general household slave.

It would be easy to ‘fuck the system’ once we got the best that it can offer.

I see through him and wish he’d be more humble.

All this guru shit is cringe. Hugging his fans as though he’s something special.

Do you know what would make you special mate? Rolling up your Selfridges cashmere sleeves and participating in the monotonous daily job of domestic life and not running off to your converted barn room meditation space to meditate for 2 hours a day with a blanket over your head, followed by mutually masturbating with a celebrity neuro scientist in your podcast booththen topping it off by an hours run then an ice bath (photographed for social media first).

Grow up. There’s a woman indoors carrying out the crazy making task of raising your children.!
What a vile bitch! Could never stand her, this has just solidified it.
You’ve taken that out of context. If you listened to the whole podcast you’d hear that it was not meant literally.
She said she had to tour because she was the breadwinner. I mean, she had the mortgage on her huge country pile to pay for after all…priorities.
Men do this every day of the week without questioning. Check your internalised misogyny.
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Well-known member
I honestly love imperfections!
Teeth a bit crooked or gaps are my fave !
I know it sounds mad but you see so many straight white Turkey teef that when you see something different it looks ace x
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Miquita hasn't aged very well has she. Where has her top lip gone? They are both very thin and wrinkly. The effect of heavy drug use and smoking.
I think that’s a bit harsh. It’s refreshing to see a woman whose face is not stretched out or overfilled.
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Restless Native

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Yes I don’t think any of my 2006 looks would hold up now. I used to be a big fan of a huge stretchy belt over a tight jumper + capri trousers. I wore a lot of polka dot dresses too. And I didn’t understand the importance of eyebrows. The noughties were a bleak time.
Tbh feels a bit bleaker now with botox and fillers the norm 😞
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Lily was NEVER fat even in her early 20s, she was rounder but she looked cute as heck. She's been slightly heavier at times but she also gave birth to three babies. She's actually just sick again now.
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Enjoying the podcast. Lily does have a chip on her shoulder about the media, despite using and courting it when it suits her. Very little in the way of ownership about her own questionable behaviour over the years.

Miquita comes across quite airy fairy and dippy. Completely unaware of her own privilege. Living that bohemian London lifestyle that you can only really live if you don’t have to worry about money. She makes out she grew up poor but just listening about the various schools she went to, where she lived, who her mum hung around with, it’s clear that it wouldn’t be most people’s version of poor.
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Chatty Member
She resembles Peaches Geldof when she was suddenly appearing at premieres looking extremely gaunt and being lauded for her style 👀
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I mentioned this a while back on another thread, and thank you for bringing it up! I know first hand (well, third hand through my bessie who has a family member v high up in the industry) and can indeed confirm, that Eve Hewson is an absolute unbearable, insufferable cunt. I am surprised more stories have not leaked out about this. She does nothing to hide it and people who work directly with her talk of nothing else.

@PeteM I disagree entirely. Many takes are needed.

Back to Lily. Is Dave paying for that pad? Is Lily living on royalties? That townhouse has to be in the 5-10Mil range. Now she’s over there, she is also paying massive taxes (him too) in TWO very expensive countries.
Details, details - what did she doooooo?

Also Bono’s son’s music is shit and “Inhaler” is a terrible name for a band. It’s very much a name that the lads at the FE college thinks is a bit cheeky and wooah cos it might mean inhaling ganj.
I do feel for Lily because although they always had money her parents were drug abusers, absent, neglectful and left her traumatised. I think she alluded to a friend of her dad’s having sex with her when she was quite young and her dad just laughing about it. A lot of her challenging behaviour in school was because her needs weren’t being met at home. I’m not going to make a rave thread about her because she’s done a lot of problematic shit even after (I assume) bring in therapy and becoming an adult. She has suffered and I don’t begrudge her her happy life with David. Maybe a bit of an eating disorder is a lot less destructive an addiction than drugs and alcohol. I hope she is able to break the cycle and be a good parent to her kids now.
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I don't disagree but miquita looks like she also has an eating disorder.
She’s still friends with Simon Amstell and he tells a story of when they were on holiday together and got caught in the Boxing Day tsunami in Thailand. They were offered emergency food and Miquita wouldn’t eat it because it had carbs in.
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I never understand why celebrities get married so quickly. Getting married to someone (which is meant to be a lifetime commitment, ideally) who you have been dating for 12-18 months is just insanity to me. And then we act surprised when they inevitable separate about 3/4 years. And it’s even more likely when you have two people in recovery. His sobriety may be well established, but she’s only in her first few years of it, and the emotional work you do during that time literally changes your personality. It’s understandable that they have probably grown apart.
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Horrible entitled cow she is, I'm not a violent person but I'm somebody who has 4 rescues cats and dogs, and feed the pigeons twice a day all the little hedge sparrows over 50! Blue tits great tits coal tits parakeets hedgehogs foxes robins ( it costs me a fortune 🤣) but I do it with love, I'd at the very least kick her! I have in the past liked some of her music I read her book and I then started to go off her and now the animal thing is the last straw and I cannot stand her. David Harbour must have the patience of a saint, they seem to be a very odd match, they say opposites attract but this is to me a very strange pairing. I can see divorce looming.
I read your comment as being the actual parklife lyrics 🤣
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Jackie Brown

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Can't believe i'm saying this, but I think she actually looks really decent here! Better than the previous hair disaster / look she sported previously. Loving the Chanel heart earring.
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