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Chatty Member
I think they’re one of those couples that stay together because they have kids but actually it’s toxic doing this. They’d be happier and better apart.
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She talks about being shocked about the amount of rage she has, fuck Lil the rage you give me. “We know so much more about parenting now” honest to God fuck off. What is there to know? Get up earlier, be more organised, less selfish and stop being a c*nt to your kids, it’s actually not that hard. If she can’t see after her many MANY hours of therapy that she is the problem then she needs a new therapist
These mummy influencers all hate their kids…… except when the money is rolling in. They actually disgust me.
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If she doesn’t want to share what’s wrong why post at all, from what she’s said I’m guessing K has relapsed.
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What sprang to my mind was that she was trying to get free gifted counselling sessions. Just like the gifted math tutoring. These people want freebies !! Even when it comes to their children. Maybe being cynical but that’s what it felt like. Why would any decent parent even share their kids mental health needs anyway?
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Why are all these Instagram mums weak, I’m embarrassed to be of the same gender. I think she posts it to be relatable, but I actually can’t relate. Whatever issues my daughter is facing are private and I couldn’t imagine announcing it to the entire family let alone thousands of strangers online 🥴 it’s absolutely vile and her inability to control her emotions is embarrassing. Go get help, no fake online group, no facial, no PT session, no hair appointment or day time bath is going to help. Those poor poor kids.
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Sticky One

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I honestly try and not judge but Lillie is one of the worst parents I have ever come across, from a far you probably wouldn’t notice but the more of her private life that she shares the more I feel so deeply sad for those girls. Lillie needs to start saving for their fucking therapy now coz Jesus Christ they are gonna need it
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Why on earth would she want another child when she can’t cope with the 3 she has and portrays being miserable 90% of the time. That’s really shocked me
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I haven't spoke about Lil in ages but just watching her stories I have to speak up.

She is ridiculous. Another baby? In that relationship, in that building site?! How stupid can she be.

She doesn't want another child she wants a distraction. Let's be honest, she has got away with "working from home" because she has always had a little one at home with her for the past 10 years.

Come September, she will have 1 high schooler and 2 primary school kids. No excuse to have to be home. SAHM is a tough job, but she moans about it. She hates getting them up and ready for the school run. She is a joke.

All she wants to do is pop to the gym, go on gifted spa dates or film Hallie in Tesco for an ad. She is shitting herself with what to do come September.
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I thought it could be Abbie that was the angry one. She said a few whinges back that one was agressive & one was sensitive & then mentioned something else about Isla being sensitive & emotional. I could be wrong. I also shouldn’t know this much about a strangers kids from the internet. Scary how much she shares.
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I’ve never commented on Lil‘s thread before though I’ve followed her since her SW days. It’s a really sad situation and reminds me a bit of my own mother who was a depressive who thought mainly only of herself and how she was feeling. The thing I remember most which these girls will be experiencing is the shock of realisation when they go to a friend’s house of meeting a warm, caring mum who is actually interested in her child and her friends lives. Then going home to a building site and a tired, grumpy, shouty mum who seemingly can’t really be arsed with anything except cooking and “self-care”. This could be a completely false impression I have painted but that’s what she portrays.
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Chatty Member
In her latest story alluding to Ks issues with alcohol or addiction, she says they are not on the same page about being so open online. So she’s sharing parts of Ks life that he doesn’t want her to share? Sorry what ??!! Absolutely awful behaviour from her!! We get the crying & the moaning about what it’s like to live with someone with an addiction, which I get, but what must it be like to live with someone who does not give one shit about you or your feelings, only how your issues affect her. She shares far too much personal information about K & her kids & she’s an absolute arsehole for it.
Wish she had the same energy for getting Hallies dummy off her & preparing her for starting school !!
This!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Calls her over sharing on Instagram being an ‘open book’ that’s putting it fucking lightly!!
If K doesn’t want his personal problems shared online by his ungrateful other half; then fair fucking play!! I don’t doubt that life can be tough dealing with someone you love who has an addiction. It’s a mental health condition, just like your depression Lil. And although you’re ok selling your soul online, many of us aren’t. K included.
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Chatty Member
The irony of Lil being the only person in the world who doesn’t like the ending of the new Bluey episode… Maybe because you have no qualms about uprooting and unsettling your children Lil? That you’re incapable of seeing how fortunate your life is? How your old house was perfectly fine for your family, and that your girls were settled there?
Oh how I laughed seeing her story this morning.
She’s so fucking dense and self absorbed, it’s beyond belief.
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VIP Member
What is wrong with her though? Why is she so miserable? Nothing bad has happened. She lives a charmed life of treatments, gym, weekends away with girls, cooking which she loves and no stress. What is actually wrong with her? What imaginary problems is she offloading in therapy? ‘Ohh this week has been a LOT’…[proceeds to talk about normal family life]
it’s called depression. Unfortunately it doesn’t discriminate and comments like this are the reason why a lot of people feel misunderstood. My uncle had the “perfect” life- wife, kids, holidays, my cousin was getting married in a few months etc…… he still killed himself. As that’s what depression is.
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Chatty Member
OK im totally on one about her lately but WTAF is she smoking.... why is it so hard to put yourself and your feelings first? She's delusional.

Is she having a laugh? That's her default!

And then immediately after she is saying I'm off to get my nails done and some ridiculous scar removed that is probably so tiny only she can see it!

No wonder that poor bloke is an addict. She's a joke and living with her must be absolutely impossible. Those poor kids 😢
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I find it absolutely unbelievable that this woman was moaning just a few weeks ago about the precious little time she gets to herself. In the last couple of weeks alone she's had a girls weekend away, a trip to the theatre, several meals out, gym quite a lot and countless beauty treatments. And she still moans!!! She's not got a clue. I class myself as very lucky to have a lot of family help with my kids and stuff but I mostly use it to work!!! And I do get nights out etc but this would be like 6m to a years worth. Not to mention how she's affording it. Jeez.
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Chatty Member
Why is she posting about her daughters knickers? She seriously needs to think about who is watching her stories. I'm a 40 year old woman who now knows what knickers her daughters wear and had seen her getting her child dressed earlier this week so has a potential paedophile.

I know her kids names, her partners business name, her dogs name. I can easily work out where she lives from rightmove and no doubt i can probably find out where her kids go to school in a few minutes. It's really really scary!
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I think the kids being horrible to each other is learned behaviour. My kids squabble & argue & we have the odd push & shove sometimes but it’s over trivial stuff (almost 4&7 so similar to Lil’s younger 2). We don’t scream & shout or argue in front of the kids, we’re not perfect, we absolutely do disagree but we try our best to keep it from the kids as it not fair for them to see / hear. I get the feeling that her house is a very toxic environment which isn’t helped by her fucking moaning & whinging over absolutely everything !! Almost like screaming & shouting & being awful to each other is the norm?
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Chatty Member
She should not be telling ‘us’ about her child being angry, that is something she needs to keep off social media. Not fair on the child at all. I imagine people local to her and people that know her in real life & follow her will be taking about ‘the angry child’
So delusional too, I wonder why she’s angry? Maybe seeing Mum & Dad not talking or shouting screaming at each other daily, or perhaps Mum screaming every morning because they ‘won’t do what she says’
I’m not going to pretend my house is always a stress free but goodness Lil needs to wake up.
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