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I actually quite like the pink and green! I can’t believe how fast they’re making progress - she’s so lucky to have K!
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She strikes me as someone who probably pins a lot of blame on K and thinks his addiction issues are the root of a lot of their troubles but doesn’t seem self-aware enough to realise that she generally isn’t coping with life and basic parts of it like the school run and just generally being a mother and is constantly very, very negative.

I can also imagine she wouldn’t take that criticism or observation very well and everything is everyone else’s fault but there’s no personal accountability which must be hugely frustrating. K seems like he’s really put the work and effort in but Lil doesn’t seem to have changed her behaviours or mindset at all. She is absolutely draining… I watch her stories and my eyes roll that far back my body thinks I’m having a seizure.
On the money. Right on cue Lil not coping with the general basic of life when a train cancellation has her like this on stories


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I find her annoying but absolutely love that she is loving herself and confident in her body (even though she says otherwise, I don’t get it as i feel like I’ve seen most of her body loads), anyway I’m loving it for her, honestly

But… well… I did not need to see her full arse thanks 😂

Also haven’t most of us stopped wearing thongs? Because they’re not comfortable and worrying about VPL was left on the 00s where it belongs? 😄
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Complains she has no money, yet her latest story she’s got a dior handbag and Chanel sunglasses
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I have 3 girls 5,7 & 10. I’m in Ireland though and their summer holidays started on June 23rd (I’d say Lil would have to be sectioned here!!). Yep the summer is tricky but we fill it with summer camps, day trips, play dates and parenting. It is what you make it. I cannot fathom Lil coming on moaning about it constantly, it makes my toes curl with sadness for her girls. she is the problem. Nobody denies that it’s tough but she is the parent - their memories of summer is going to be filled with a Mam with a bad attitude, it’s so sad.
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She has counselling week in week out, she's on medication, she appears to have disposable income despite not having a proper job and is able to be at home for her kids and gets loads of time on her own. I get it that K has addiction issues but she's had plenty of opportunity to leave that relationship and he brings a lot to the table both financially and as a parent. I'm sorry to sound heartless but I just don't know what she's got to be depressed about!
Completely agree, she has so much to ground her and be thankful for and all she sees is problems. I'd probably feel more sorry for her if she seemed aware of the privilege she has but she's absolutely delusional and oblivious to it.
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Why would u not take your medication when u are responsible for three young kids, it’s really stupid!!! Do these insta huns not realise that living your life through social media is literally wrecking your mental health!!! Hope it’s worth all the free shit you get!!
She’s just so lazy and incapable. Like she sits about for a good chunk of the day how hard is it to take your tablet when you’re faffing about in the kitchen making pretentious lunches.
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I couldn’t believe yesterdays stories. If they knew the reno was going to be so hugely unsettling for the kids and it was going to be such a huge leap financially, why not just stay in their perfectly lovely house? Sounded like everything and everyone was more balanced when they were there. It’s just this constant want, want, want attitude, that ultimately destroys people. Always got to have more. Sickening.
Exactly! And at what price... children who are clearly not coping and a relationship on its knees. Just pure selfishness and greed.
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To be fair & I know some people get weird on this thread if you post anything positive, I think she looks good. She’s had 3 kids & we’ve seen how her weight has fluctuated. She’s a braver person than me as I couldn’t put myself out on the internet at my most vulnerable.
Brave, brave, brave of her! Fair play… but I gotta say; I’ve been eyeing up the Adanola leggings for a while… but I can’t say she’s sold them to me! 🙈 They’re so baggy at her ankles, which is something I often have a problem with in leggings. I also don’t think they ‘pulled her in’ much?
I shall be sticking to my H&M’s, for half the price!
Emma posted about them a week or so back, raving over them. I clicked the link, saw the price & clicked back off it :ROFLMAO:
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She is such a dick. The kids walk all over her. She knows very well there is nothing wrong with Abbie yet still keeps her off. Miserable, moaning mood hoover.
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*when you haven’t been #gifted new school uniform and Kickers yet
I thought this exact same thing when I seen it. Can get a cheap pair of kids school trousers for under a tenner. She could have even gone a size bigger so they fit in September. No need for this especially when she’s off on holidays all the time and buying herself clothes.
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I don’t have a lot of love for Lil, she’s changed so much since I first started following her but, the stories she’s just done about K and his alcohol issues and the knock on effect of that - I think fair bloody play to her for being so honest and open. Must take some courage on her part and it can’t be easy to be living in that situation and being a part of the recovery.

It doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s still a massive sell-out who probably shouldn’t have had children as she clearly doesn’t like them most times, before anyone comes at me for being a supporter lol.
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I agree with a lot of the stuff is probably gifted😡😡
But, K having a proper job alongside all that he’s doing on their house, I’m baffled as to when he does his proper job - ie. actually earning money to pay for everything ⁉⁉
I would say K has a team of guys he employs that are out on other jobs earning money and keeping the business ticking along, and he probably goes on site to do bits and pieces/ check in on jobs but is able to do his own house because he has his guys out earning the bread and butter. He then pulls them onto his reno as and when he needs them. They are very fortunate!
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