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Well-known member
Wow, just wow.
He’s hit a new low there saying that! 😱 considering he never even took so much as a day off the gram whilst he was supposedly having this breakdown I find what he’s insinuating there very hard to believe and find it very disrespectful to those who actually suffer like that. I’m shocked 😱
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Well-known member
I’m calling he’ll go back for a bit now and then be off again once Blake starts school because queen Megan won’t be able to get all 3 ready all by herself, especially as she breastfeeds do you know?! 😂🙄
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Chatty Member
It’s obvious that Hallie is the least favourite child! The Dear Zoo book is perfect for Hallies age .. but she has to say “Blake will love it” 🤔 no mention of Hallie at all
He’s starting school in September- it’s got bloody lift the flaps 🤣

He’s starting school in September- it’s got bloody lift the flaps 🤣
Also can you imagine them doing phonics with him - they can’t even check their own spellings
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Well-known member
Then get back to work you lazy cunt!!!! I’m livid
He’s in a much better place... wasn’t it only a week or 2 ago he was sat in his car almost crying about the fact he thinks if they make him go back he’ll be having panic attacks 🤔 wow didn’t no you could click mental health on & off when wanted 😤
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VIP Member
For me, that fact he questioned if it was his family making accusations because "they've done it before" says it all.
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Imagine purposely putting your kid in a grotty tog jumper over her pj’s so you can take a pic for your undeclared ad

A rethink of his hours, his employer must literally be crying and I also think he’s massively taking the piss even posting all this winging about work stuff when so many people have lost jobs due to covid and are struggling to even make ends meet! My friends partner got made redundant she’s 38 weeks pregnant and has another little girl who’s 2, universal credit offered them £400 a month, their mortgage is £600 alone! Imagine how much it’s salt in wounds for people like that seeing him taking employment for granted!🤬
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Chatty Member
I’m calling he’ll try and flog some cbd oil as the miracle cure for his depression when we all know that he’s a proper stoner.
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New member
God forbid they split up. How on earth would she cope? She’s not done a hard days work in her life, she can’t even mother her own children alone, go to meet a friend without him by her side. She literally has 0 independence which is sad for a woman of her age.
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Least we all know we were right about him and his mental health. Smile couldn’t be big enough next to that big car.. and them jeans OMG 😂🙈
But didn’t you know, it’s not a real smile, it’s hiding his true feelings, he’s never happy it’s all just an act for the gram so he can continue to support his family by doing his good honest advertising work...
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Chatty Member
Someone said further back that they worked for KP and that they were well aware of what he’s up to, but obviously they have to go down the correct channels which takes time. But he will be losing his job.

My guess is he’s suspended on full pay.
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I still think there’s something more to it with Hallie,
I honestly think when she starts a provision the school will want to push for a diagnosis on her, I definitely think she’s on the spectrum.

The fact she literally seems constantly so zoned out she doesn’t seem present at all in any of the posts they put about her, very vacant stare as if she’s a million miles away and is completely non verbal. Which makes it even more heartbreaking that she’s the odd one out of the family and the one they seem to bother with the least when in reality she’s probably the one who needs their time the most.

But then I dunno cause Blake May as well be non verbal too as it’s virtually impossible to understand anything he says.
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Anyone else see the irony of this story?😂 Isn’t that the point, he only lets people see the completely fake nicey nice version of him, so he can fool his followers into buying whatever it is hes trying to sell, he won’t show us the actual person he is-who by the sounds of it isn’t a nice bloke at all.


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Amber rose 123

Active member
Honestly he should be feeling grateful and lucky he has a job. Thousands of people are being made redundant daily, yet you have this absolute plank making a song and dance about work! He works shifts 4 on 4 off, so plenty of time for family time on his days off. He wants to try working 6 days a week like my husband does, or doctors, nurses , care workers, retail staff - all key people who have worked through the pandemic! His lack of empathy for the real world is shocking. Him and Megan live in La la Land.
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Active member
I just don’t understand how, if his mental health is suffering, how he finds the time to post on ig, tagging all the mental health charities.
Its as though now the pregnancy and newborn stage is out the way, they needed a new angle for content. We all know mental health is a big thing right now, I really hope they aren’t just using it to try and stay relevant.
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Well-known member
Ffs enough with the undeclared Tog24 clothing... do they not even realise that nobody buys Tog?! I thought the point of influencers was to be aspirational, absolutely nobody thinks to themselves, yeah I’d love to be able to have a garish Tog24 hoody one day.
They were gifted to them because they’re shit. No self respecting, aspirational clothing brand would gift these two grubs clothes. They both permanently look like they need a bath.
Dean... stop trying to make Tog24 happen.
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Surely if he’s signed off from his paid job he shouldn’t be actively working via Instagram.. the amount of ads and crap they do is unbelievable. No head space for his job yet can do a ad when a company gifts them crap. I honestly think he’s bored of working, clearly doesn’t wanna be there and hasn’t wanted to be there for while. No doubt they think now their ‘insta famous’ with their Tesco ads working a normal job is beneath them.
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It is sad, but as you can probably tell she is selfish they both are!
As far as I'm aware I don't know of anyone accusing Megan of anything like that, she's very controlling well they both are, or try to be, but abuse I don't know it's a tough one! Dean and Megan were both brought up with morals, respect and manners and where is that now it's an embarrassment for their families. Dean is no better than his 9 siblings, Megan was brought up in Oswestry how is she any different to any other Shropshire lass, but they sure as hell struggle behind closed doors n the way they speak off camera, the language it's like verbal diarrhoea, all this fakeness has done them no favours and yes she literally is beggy meggy as they don't leave people alone until they say yes, for anyone that's asking are they declaring from my knowledge they are for Megan but have things in place to, how can I put this "avoid the tax man" 🤨
I'm sure the fancy keeping up with the Jones's car seat pram thingy was #gifted I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes! And you should all hear the way she screams at them kids, it’s no wonder Hallie screams like she does because it’s all she hears from her Mum!! I’m no snob by all means but they’re rough as they come trying to live an “insta perfect” lifestyle 🙄
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