Life Plus Cindy

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- Cindy spent all the money from the sale of the house on debt and has just enough money to pay her $800 rent this month. She said she should be able to pay her bills with the money from Youtube.
BUT she's bought tickets for concerts, getting her septum pierced and her ears pierced multiple times. She wants to go back to getting laser hair removal. She is getting a tattoo on her 40th birthday as well.
Wow, sounds like this girl really has her finances together, huh......
Reactions: 6
she is almost certainly playing this up, adding more and more "shocking" details for donations. she said she has enough money from youtube to pay her 800$ rent each month, so it is beneficial for her to keep doing it. she went live the other day and got numerous donations
Reactions: 6
Anyone who gives her money after this is a mug.
Agree! If Cindy’s lying about these things just to get money, at the end of the day, if you’d rather spend money on a creator than a verified legitimate person in need of monetary help, that’s on you…
Reactions: 7
The 15:00 mark is painful to watch. She's supposedly crying, but there's no tears?
As someone who’s tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, this jumped out at me immediately as super fake. We all know - Cindy included - that they’re going to get back together, it’s just a matter of when.
Reactions: 8
The 15:00 mark is painful to watch. She's supposedly crying, but there's no tears?
That's so fake I'm dying

I'm so over her sad lazy voice too.

"I don't waaant to dooo thisss, I don't want to relieveee those memoriesss". Well maybe not spending more time on it by filming it and then having to watch it (to edit the footage) might be a good idea ?
Reactions: 7
Thanks for the recap!
That’s so weird that she actually meant a fan. Let alone first talking to them online first, it almost seems she went straight ahead to meet them in person.
Seen on her fan's reddit thread. Is the tide turning?

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I definitely can see people on that sub slowly changing their opinion on Cindy. Very slowly that being said but if she were to take him back, there would be a drop of support.
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Seen on her fan's reddit thread. Is the tide turning?

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I feel like her saying all of this about not being able to stop talking to him etc is just her setting the story so when they eventually do get back together she can be like “no it wasn’t a lie see I told you all along I was struggling to be without him”. She saw how many donations she got the first time around and she wants more of it. I don’t know why, there’s just something in me that doesn’t trust any of it.
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It wouldn't surprise me. I don't understand the issue people have with snark subs. If they don't like it, then they should stay away from it. It's that simple.
Reactions: 3

some people are so delusional. like it’s always the same with some people in the Sims community, it’s as if we should be so thankful for YTs and the EA/ Sims teams. like we should be dropping to our knees and thank the gods for content.
Reactions: 6
Cindy Livestream Recap #2
I tried to not repeat anything that was posted in the last recap. I also focused on important stuff instead of the mundane crap.

0:00 - 1:00:00
- Cindy is feeling good today. Within reason. You can only feel so good when your marriage ended less than a week ago.

- Cindy will never get a roommate. She can't live with other people.

- Carvana is still working on registration.

- Cindy is going to open a PO Box tomorrow and she is going to meet a new friend for coffee.

- Cindy does not have an Amazon Wishlist but might make one when she gets her PO Box.

- Cindy thinks mushrooms are therapeutic for her. Psychedelics changed her life.

- Cindy and her friend B are completely platonic life partners. B is married. Cindy isn't really friends with the wife. They just don't hang out together. Cindy doesn't care what people think about that. B is non-negotiable. If any guy she dates can't handle her being friends with B, we can't do it.

- Most of Cindy's income comes from her Life Plus Cindy channel and her Sims website. She has a bunch of various other small things she makes income from like other websites and she used to be a freelance writer and gets some residual income from that. Not very much. Still makes a bit off Sims channel.

- Will she stream on Twitch again? Twitch is more video game focused. Cindy is trying to build something non gaming on Youtube. It's a possibility. She isn't saying she'll never do the Sims again but it would be hard to play a game that is based around marriages and families when she is going what she is going through. She has to heal a little bit before she plays The Sims again. She does want to play it again.

- She wants to play both Paralives and Life By You and will play both of them on her Sims channel.

- There may be a vlog tomorrow. After stream she wants to film. If not Monday, then Tuesday.

- Her family does not live in the same county as her, but surrounding it.

- Her sister might be in the vlogs in the future. Cindy hasn't gone to see her yet. Sister is going through some shit right now.

- Cindy has not talked to Andrew today. She does not plan to talk to Andrew today.

- She misses Gibbons. Yesterday they got a very strongly worded text from the landlord because someone in their building has more than 2 pets. If you have any more pets than that, you can be evicted. They are serious! Cindy doesn't dare try to bring him here because she can't afford to lose her place. But she did find out that he is doing well in his home with his little kitty cat friends. She feels good about that but misses him. No apartments in her area allow 3 pets. He's happy, he's safe and he's good. Sometimes she has to do what she has to do in her life.

- Cindy wasn't ready to get help for her BPD the first time. She went to a therapist once and she wasn't ready. She knew something was wrong with her but you have to really want to change. She wasn't ready the first time. She thought she could handle it on her own. She thought she could figure it out on her own, treat herself and whatever the hell her fucked up mind thinks. She learned that that was not true. She could not do it herself. If you have BPD or any personality disorder, you can delude yourself into thinking you have it under control but you don't. You can completely recover from having BPD and she is going to recover. BPD usually gets better with age but Cindy's got worse, which was probably because of the relationship she was in.

- She isn't desperate to talk to Andrew anymore. She feels good about that. She feels like she is doing much better handling things like that. Much better at handling her emotions. She's learned so much new in therapy. She feels like she is so emotionally stunted, like an 18 year old just starting out.

- Cindy hopes she is helping people by sharing her story. Just because you have BPD doesn't mean you are monster or that you can not have a normal life. Also what it is truly like to end a 15 year marriage.

- She would tell her 20 year old self to get therapy now and if she saw Andrew to run the other way.

- Cindy told audience to stop spamming questions. Either she didn't see it or didn't want to answer it.

- Cindy doesn't know if she wants to have a baby on her own. She would use a surrogate but it is incredibly expensive. It's like $50,000 dollars and she could never afford that. Unless she found a really rich musician to be her next partner.

1:00:00 to 2:00:00

- Cindy would never ask her Sister to have a baby for her because she's already had six babies.

- Buying a house right now is out of the question. She is just going to continue renting. She doesn't want to maintain a house by herself so she is going to stay in this apartment until she dies. [laugh]

- She talked to Andrew yesterday, again. She is not interested in taking him back in her life. She can't see a way forward.

- Dating Cindy deal breakers, childfree, doesn't like to date guys with kids, she doesn't want all that drama. Finding one without kids is really difficult. She doesn't care about money. Wants some sort of stability in life and that they share common interests. Open mind toward music. Not be a lying cheating POS. If there were guys her age with grown children, she'd consider it. Cindy does not want to be a step mother, ex drama. But you never know.

- Cindy says "man this chat, Jesus Christ." She has so many supporters and loves them so much.

- Cindy knows that she is a terrible liar.

- Storytime of first marriage? Maybe she'll do it soon. Rollercoaster of pain and misery and disfunction.

- Has thought about doing a podcast but doesn't know what it would be about. Before this happened she was trying to get Andrew to do a podcast with her because he is witty and funny. Maybe B?

- Cindy's purpose is to get as much happiness out of her life before she dies. That's all she knows.

2:00:00 to 3:00:00

- Andrew and Cindy spent the night on their first date. She doesn't regret it but she won't do it again. It's going to take a long time to get to that point again.

- Everything in her life has a memory of him and she hates it. She won't keep his last name when they divorce. She's never changing it again, for anyone. Cindy will probably have to file for divorce because he won't do it.

- She is out of soap, hair rinse, dish soap and kitchen cleaner. She'll be making those things in a vlog in the coming days.

- She wants to buy some flowers for the house. She bought a new house plant.

- She has a Nintendo Switch and a Playstation and doesn't really play them.

- Doesn't want to talk about her diet. Go look it up for yourself.
Reactions: 11
Thanks for the recap! Was out for the holidays.

Lots of these points make it seem she’s aware of the Reddit subs and this website imo and what people think rn.
Reactions: 6
Some thoughts from stream:

BORING! So much singing and repeated information.

- She struggled and tripped over her words to tell the story about the text from her landlord, almost like it was a story she came up with on the fly. Then she wrapped it up with a bizarre “Sometimes I just have to do what I have to do in my life.” WTF does that mean?

- This is a weird thing to lie about but Cindy said she's only ever had one tarot deck [the one she just bought] but in her first vlogs about body positivity [private now] she had a tarot deck box in her bookcase. I remember seeing it and looking it up because the art was interesting to me.

I found an archived version of that vlog on the wayback machine and it is there. Lie or doesn't remember?

It's not the only thing I found on the wayback machine. She filmed the outside of her house, complete with house numbers, in a freaking vlog. How stupid do you have to be to do that? No wonder it was so easy to find their information. Anyway, their house doesn't have a sale listed on any website so...

And I never thought I would see the day where I felt bad for Andrew. God, he had firm boundaries, don't film him and Cindy just films him without his consent multiple times. You can tell he is really upset too. He was her chef, her errand boy, her driver, her provider and she treated him like shit. At least she acknowledges it but wow, if someone treated me like that, demanding coffee at 5am, telling the camera that Andrew is not fast enough so she has to shout for him, just ick. If this is what she willingly put online, imagine what didn't make it.

FYI I'm not sharing links or any information. Unlike Cindy, I don't go around showing strangers on the internet personal information. FFS.
Reactions: 10
What kind of therapist diagnoses you in one visit?? So is this really just her deciding what she has wrong?

Isn't doing mushrooms something she should not be doing becasue it can mask any symptoms?

The landlord text was a joke.

Tarot box...that is hilarious! She's starting to lose track of her own lies.

Of course she would stream Life by You and Paralives, those are brand new and the views would be high just out curiosity alone.

For me, if you have to portray all this drama in order to get views then you aren't that good a you tuber. Slow and steady wins the race, if she had just committed the time to the channel. not kept changing the focus, and stopping it would have grown on it's own Instead she chose to turn it into The Enquirer and that won't last long.
Reactions: 5
Yeah, the landlord story just sounded awfully convenient and she did struggle to recount it
Reactions: 3
What about the dramatic clickbait titles??? My life is over and we ARE NOT getting back together. She did a part one and a part two. Manipulation tactics . She knows all the cliché things to say.

I guess we'll see where her views go after the kids go back to school and April vacation is over. People may have just been bored.
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New video:

- She's had coffee with someone she met through youtube
- She's been talking to Andrew about their future
- She needs clothes, but has to sit down and look at her finances and she's afraid of doing it
- She got her p.o. box and got a bigger one so "some packages can fit in there" (wink wink, begging for stuff); the address is in the description; she says "if you want to send me anything, feel free, it's open and it's ready to go now"
- She went on a trail in the mountain
- She needs to buy hiking boots, because her target boots "are not cutting it"
- She wants to document the native flowers, but doesn't seem to know any of them; it's going to be her life's work, as she mentioned 1000 times before
- She has been talking to Andrew everyday

(to be continued...)
- She realised she doesn't need Andrew anymore (even though she has been talking to him everyday )
- He wants to move back to AK, but she doesn't want him to move in with her
- She says that for right now, the best thing for both of them is to be apart
- She's not interested in dating or in having any kind of relationship now
- She basically bought all of her bedroom furniture (what happened to the stuff she had?)
- She's taking his clothes out of her closet and dresser
- We now know what kind of underwear he likes
- She says she's no longer desperate to talk to him everyday
- She didn't think she'd be over him so quickly

That's it!
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