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I'm new to her. She was suggested to me on you tube. From the first look I thought it was her and Marcus house. That he was a rich slightly older well to do business man and her mam was over helping her cook. But it is her parents house 😳😳😳. So she is a rich daddy's girl then?
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I'd be fascinated to see her other siblings. We see "Cammie" a lot, but there are more I think. They obviously live out of the family home. Do they work? Do they get as many freebie holidays and slap up dinners on Dadddy?
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She spent thousands of her father’s money on a custom hat and dress with borrowed, sponsored jewels, only to not even wear her engagement or wedding rings. You would think they were showing Leo off like a debutante. Do they think Prince William is scouting for a new Queen?
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Trying to get through the hostess with the mostess vlog... not her thinking that salami roses are a novelty....
Had to stop when she dropped the olive on the floor and ate it. no floor is clean, and even less a floor where dogs walk all over... :sick:
Yuk!. She also blew her nose on the kitchen towel some vlogs ago ! Vile . I couldn’t touch anything she makes . Another Lydia millen in terms of hygiene
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Watching her Christmas Eve vlog and I'm wound up already. Her talking about their "spoily" plans for the day, as if the luxury holiday in Barbados and the evening at the ballet (with meal and drinks) wasn't "spoily" enough. Then she's gushing about the restaurant and the bellini's. Knocking back the booze again (because they have a driver!). Every damn thing is the "most amazing, the most exciting" and it's just so tiresome.
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Competitive intern salary? You mean we'll pay peanuts (or nothing) in exchange for experience. What experience? To fawn over a rich girl?
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Chatty Member
Where was the air wrap yesterday? Back to rollers less than 24hrs after saying her hair was due to using the air wrap for curls
Her adherence to these damn pin curls is so weird. Does no one tell her she looks like Miss Piggy?! That’s literally all I see. Especially with the breathy high pitched shrieking she constantly does. Get a real friend, not a yes-man hanger on for gods sake, Leo.
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Her sister isn’t mentioned … then there’s more half siblings . I would guess Roger’s closest family (second wife and Leo etc) would receive more day to day and benefit more . I’d also imagine he looks after and is generous to the others . I reckon most of the others work if they are male and maybe the women are mums/housewives but I’m only guessing. The sister married before Leo married so I’d guess she might have a child by now idk
It’s always a trip to me when her sister is mentioned here because is she ever mentioned on her channel? Leo is very much treated like an only daughter. I get that she’s the baby of the family but my god. (And yes it could be that her sister wants nothing to do with her family so that would be a valid reason why she isn’t mentioned or shown along with just wanting to be private but it’s otherwise a bit odd.)
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AD for Mytheresa ?
What do we all think? She’s had the agua bedito dress for some time, why only show the AD now when we are nearly in July , nearly sale time - a lot has already gone into sale . When I checked ages ago a lot of the stock of that dress was sold out .

do we think it’s fake it till she tries to make it again?
I think 90% of what Leo vlogs (flogs ?) is fake it 'til you make it.
But then again, that seems to be with most influencers.
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OK I take it back about the flowers.

Tbf to her she puts on a good spread for her guests minus the cornflake cakes which was a bit random
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Body shaming isn't cool especially body shamming her mother, a post menopausal woman who has had breast cancer.
I think it’s okay to call out bullshit like Leo photoshopping the hell out of her shape in her photos and being curious about her size. Photoshopping oneself into a much thinner version is highly problematic and should be called out - it sells a disgusting unrealistic beauty standard. She has spoken several times over the past year about wanting to lose weight and then showcases a constantly gluttonous lifestyle and has visibly gained weight. Sorry but shoving alcohol and all that rich food into your face isn’t healthy. End of story. And re her mom - that’s whatever - but when you out yourself out there publicly you put yourself up for criticism. I understand you don’t like that but this is also tattle and trying to police threads ain’t it.
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I'm assuming Daddy pays for all the first class flights, 5 star hotels and fine dining?! I mean, as you say that trip to Barbados would have cost an absolute fortune, especially as they ate at all the best places. I see nothing wrong with being generous and treating your family BUT to me this is too much. I think I'd feel quite uncomfortable with my parents paying for all my holidays, meals out etc.
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As much as I’ve said she should find herself a man with career, I think bearing in mind what a diva princess she is, she would find it really hard to find a man of his own means who would happily put up with her.

Men with money want things more their own way in my vast experience 😂. She’s the same and I think she would die a spinster if she had to actually find a decent , career driven man to marry .

If I see her coffee machine which is same model as mine one more time I’ll scream !.

Lots of the usual wasted time in todays vlog
She’s staying in the “master suite “ of the mallorcan house because the team are all there in their quarters …

😂 that term has been discussed in other threads and I’d imagine will raise some criticism
Last time Leonora “loves the sausages more than anything in the world” this vlog it’s “I love my mummy more than anything in the world” which is it ? She’s SO fake and insincere

When do we ever hear her say she loves mark more than anything ? …… yep , never
Eek! Leo states deodorant is one of the biggest causes of breast cancer

Whilst imo it blocks things up which blocks the lymphatic underarm area a bit , meaning toxins don’t drain the same , it is a HUGE statement she has made.

It’s a joke when imo it’s alcohol which causes most cancer.

She’s linking to a natural deodorant.

To me, this just isn’t ethical selling or medical advice . So much research would need to be done to back up what smee says . I don’t personally feel it is the cause of most breast cancers. Some maybe. Not most . She is becoming dangerous .
Keep knocking back the champers, the g&ts , the rose and all the other numerous alcoholic drinks Leo - and see how you go on with cancer as you age.

She is genetically of higher risk and her drinking habits which she PRoMOTES (who was that company last year lillibet or similar she promoted which was alcohol) . She swigs down the alcohol like no one else I’ve seen. See how it serves you as you age Leo is all I can say .
From the sounds of it the mother has blamed her cancer on traditional deodorant . Fact is she will never know what’s caused it and lots are genetic .
If the look on marks face is anything to go by at the end of the vlog, he doesn’t look happy to be sharing his mallorcan wifey holiday with her plus the team all sat around the dinner table .

Always a price to pay mark !. You are but an accessory to ms smee.
So I’ve just googled deodorant and breast cancer and I have failed to find any report which states it causes cancer . Nothing . Yes traces of deodorant are found in some tumours but it’s not what is causing the cancer . They probably find traces of body lotion and lots of other things in those tumours too .
Scaremongering to earn more dollar whilst guzzling alcohol. Hypocrite at her finest .
Scaremongering to earn more dollar whilst guzzling alcohol. Hypocrite at her finest .
Meanwhile pls see attached they say alcohol is proven to cause 10% of breast cancer and even drinking a small amount can increase the risk


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Ok, I'm watching the shopping vlog with her mum. I love her mum, she seems like lots of fun. She has a lovely aura / vibe about her.
I quite enjoyed this vlog, mostly due to her mum being on the vlog. Mummy appears to have a younger fashion taste than Leo.
And I think Leo is not the one for doing make up tutorials.
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Well-known member
in a word no 😂

she’s about 6 mins from marlow and Henley is a bit further . I don’t know what connections are like from marlow but I would imagine they go to Henley which would be very well connected to London
So Henley to London 45 mins train journey marlow is anything from 47 mins to 1 hr 15 it depends which train is caught
I guess if she got the train from Henley (which would be a perfectly easy and sensible thing to do) she would: 1) Have to wear a coat 2) Not be able to have her hair up in rollers and 3) Not be wearing her louboutins!
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So am I right in anytime she says we bought. She means her parents bought? 🤣.
Yes !.

It gives them the power to live life how they want and just have him nodding and agreeing in return.

Prime example - they don’t seem to ever do Xmas day with his family. Not only that but Boxing Day is out of the question as well . His family have to put up with them going up after Christmas has happened 😂

It’s what I’ve said all along. He’s the acceptable (not ideal) person who they can control in return for the lifestyle who gives their daughter company and perhaps one day children .

Hes exactly what the smee parents needed .

He ticked some boxes , some things have been worked on , he’s been moulded to fit their lifestyle and anything not ideal like his lack of income , his advanced years , his Glaswegian background is all pushed under the rug and compromised on.
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I am so embarrassed for her stood outside Cartier in that red dress, the faces she's pulling and the fact the dress doesn't fit at the back... it's cringe fest x1000000
If you go back to the vlog with the purple monstruosity, when she's posing in front of the tree, you can see that she does the same poses on loop... And tonight again, slight profile, 3/4 profile, profile with a big smile, weird hand crossing, idk... She's really weird, how awkward do you have to be to not be able to pose for pictures ??
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She’s going to fit the mob wives asthetic at least 😂 Leo see if mummy has any old leopard print quick
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