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I just watched the photo shoot at mummy and daddies in Mallorca, Who's it for and why. Who's financing this ( I think we know the answer to that one) No explanation whatsoever from Leo. There's no way she is a professional model. There was one part where so was clambering over some rocks wearing wedges. The photographer, who should be directing the shots, seemed a bit clueless ( I worked as a wedding photographer for a few years so I know a bit about composing and direction of the subject) The whole thing looks pretty much like a rich girls vanity project.
Yes, indeed. Agree. The photographer is a man who specialises in shooting competition horses 😂

Daddy pays for it . She gets a bit of pay/gifted and the rest is a fake it until you make it job. She’s neither tall, thin or good looking enough to model professionally/properly .

Meanwhile the two piece outfit in her latest Instagram . Eek . I’ll zip it for once …
Cheers Leo! Glad to see you cutting back on the alcohol - not !
If she squeals “good morning, good morning” one more time in those blooming pin curls /pasty face / bloated AF due to alcohol and bad diet …
Here’s the deets on Mallorca folks 8.2 million gbp
I wonder if they got the Santanyi house price down a bit from the 8.2 million. Here’s some shots of the top supermodel 😂

People don’t need drone shots. Imo people don’t need to see a whole hour of her behind the scenes posing , twirling and curling

It’s just ridiculous
If tattle didn’t exist I think Leo would have tried to pass the mallorcan house off as hers .
She’s so modest . “We have just shot the most epic le creuset campaign ever”….. discrediting anyone else’s work then

Certain dresses just aren’t Leo’s friend …


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I think it’s okay to call out bullshit like Leo photoshopping the hell out of her shape in her photos and being curious about her size. Photoshopping oneself into a much thinner version is highly problematic and should be called out - it sells a disgusting unrealistic beauty standard. She has spoken several times over the past year about wanting to lose weight and then showcases a constantly gluttonous lifestyle and has visibly gained weight. Sorry but shoving alcohol and all that rich food into your face isn’t healthy. End of story. And re her mom - that’s whatever - but when you out yourself out there publicly you put yourself up for criticism. I understand you don’t like that but this is also tattle and trying to police threads ain’t it.
I never said it was a problem calling out Leo for her bullshit. I'm no fan of hers tbh. All I said was it was thought it was unfair to body shame a woman who had breast cancer and to speculate if she still wants sex. It is a medical fact that many women put on weight from breast cancer drug treatments and many are on Tamoxifen for years after treatment. Just stating my opinion that I don't like body shaming cancer survivors. I'm not policing anyone, just go for it, snark away.
As for photoshopping, in an ideal world no one would do it, unfortunately it is endemic on social media and detrimental for young people but no one does anything about it or leads the way in deterring the practice.
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I don’t know why I watch her. Her voice and squealing makes me want to vomit! I find my mouth hanging wide open in disbelief and I can’t look away!! 🫣
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Chatty Member
Is that a pack of cigarettes next to the coke? Surely little Miss healthy isn't a smoker?
This is probably more indicative of me being from LA but I did not realize you meant Coke, as in the soda, until I clicked into the picture…

Smoking is such a disgusting little habit that I genuinely hope she doesn’t. Will age her like milk too…
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So she's on holiday in Barbados (with Mummy and Daddy) for 10 more days after the wedding. The villa they are staying in is really stunning, but she just said it has 6 bedrooms and they are only using two of them. Why book such a large villa then?! Also, as much as it's nice to have the odd weekend away with your parents (or in laws) I really don't think it's normal for a relatively young and newly married couple to spend SO much time with parents. Surely she and Mark must want some time alone? I just find it all very bizarre.

So she is dressed for dinner in what she calls a "sexy and slinky number" and says they are going to a very romantic restaurant. I assumed this meant Mummy and Daddy were being ditched and it was date night but OH NO. She said "the toddlers are coming too " (meaning her parents). SO STRANGE!
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I must say Leonora looks quite pretty in that photo of them all at the dinner table. However, as a family I really do think they have a drink problem. I know at Christmas most people over-do it and boozing is very much part of a British Christmas but it's just non-stop with them and also all year round. They go to so many nice restaurants, events, parties, weddings and even just meals at home and the cocktails, champagne and wine is always out. Even when Leo and "mummy" go shopping, they always have to stop for champagne. It's not healthy. They really should try and have a few booze free days a week, which would help with general health adn probably shift a few pounds too.
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It’s always a trip to me when her sister is mentioned here because is she ever mentioned on her channel? Leo is very much treated like an only daughter. I get that she’s the baby of the family but my god. (And yes it could be that her sister wants nothing to do with her family so that would be a valid reason why she isn’t mentioned or shown along with just wanting to be private but it’s otherwise a bit odd.)
Very odd. Maybe she’s the private type like you say I’d guess so.

The only time I recall her being mentioned was when Leo said her sister married on the island which is a tiny tiny bit of land on the river Thames just passed Henley centre . From there I found the photo which I think I posted in the last thread.

Anyone would think Leo is the only daughter .
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Having had a break from watching her videos for a month or two my strange fascination with her means I've watched a few of her vlogmas ones. I'm currently watching the one where she goes to Barbardos for a wedding. I thought she'd just gone with Mark/Marcus but oh no, at dinner we see Mummy and Daddy. Whose wedding is it? Why are Mummy and Daddy there as well? Also, she's dancing on tables again (cringe) and the bridesmaid swimming costumes are as tacky as hell.
It’s her friends wedding and yes not only are her parents there but her brother is there too . I posted some photos of her dancing on tables and the brother. She was in a hideous Disney princess pastel maxi ball gown
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She will likely hang up any thoughts of work once she has a child or two. In regards to her interviewing Zara Phillips, which was 9 years ago, isn’t she just early 30s now, being in her early 20s for that interview she did sound young and was Less confidant, I hardly sound like I did at 20ish, not that I know British accents enough to know if she’s changed that much. Just how I see that particular issue.
Leo is not in her early 30s lol I think she's 26 years old ? And I'd rather her sound slightly nervous than the very very fake exaggerated gasping / gushing she does now. It wears extremely thin after 2 or 3 vlogs.
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Mark is trying so hard to be posher than he is. She constantly calls him Marcus which is not his name. It's just Mark. He even changed his real name by deed poll in 2020. He used his middle name and hyphenated it to his boring and very common last name. See here
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Maisie doats

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I’m not fat shaming because she has a slim waist and neck . What I am doing is highlighting what I’ve been mentioning previously in more detail. For someone who is otherwise slim she has Column shaped lower legs, her calves do not taper to her ankles , her upper arms are also column shaped . I hope she considers getting checked for lipodema because if she does have it , and I’d guess she does !. It can turn into something much more dangerous which is lymphoedema. If you catch it early you can treat it . There’s a London guy who can do calves and up in someone of stage 1 -2 level of progression or Madrid hospital which is more advanced and can treat ankles as well as high up at stage 1-2.
Any static photos of her she has photoshopped or her assistants have . The long tapered legs she puts out there on the gram are all facade
Both legs are the same on video this isn’t an unrelated problem with the right leg
The truth is she is dumpy from behind when not photoshopped . Hardly the supermodel she thinks she is parading around in front of Cartier London in front of a group of paid staff -
Says she has her famous polenta cake?! Get a grip Leo nothing you have done in the kitchen is famous . You are not nigella Lawson or Mary berry
Marks not there yet again he’s just landed from Majorca . There’s something very wrong there that he’s always with her parents in the sun . Is she that hard to live with? Maybe !
The Smoky effect mirror behind the Aga is just awful . It looks like dirt for burnt cooking
Let’s hope mark changes his ways before any possible children come along because it would be Leo and a nanny bringing up baby mark wouldn’t be seen for dust .
I prefer josies array of tulips , I think she’s made a better colour choice
Leo sang a small snippet - didn’t even face the camera just showed us her voluptuous bottom instead 😂 in all fairness Leo’s voice was better than the choir someone’s paid to bring in from Leicester. They gave me a headache ! 🤕
Oh yes you are fat shaming! Size 8 shoe? About normal for a woman in the UK. On men? Well you know what they say? “The bigger the shoe size the bigger their… What size did you say your husband was again, 8🤭. You seem to have taken over this thread with your constant comments on Leo’s weight and I for one am so glad I have a mute button. 🛑Byeeeeeee
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Looks like she's had her lip filler topped up. Is she another one like Josie who tells us it's all down to how they apply their lip liner?!? I'd really respect them so much more if they were honest.
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I think mark is embarrassed to be on camera. He knows we can all see through the fact he does very little and is living on the smee money
How convenient for mark who worked on the showjumping circuit to get hooked up with a competitor who he would have known was minted - maybe he was just a groom who knows he wasn’t competing anyway.

imo he’s targeted Leo. I bet he wasn’t in white linen and Ralph Lauren when they met . Leo’s trying to polish up a rough Glaswegian diamond .

apologies to anyone from Glasgow but truth is most of it is rough. The Glaswegian footballers came to my town once (rangers) their wives filled the local salons and were as rough and common as they come. The Glaswegians came to support and trashed my local town leaving windows of a lot of shops smashed in . Litter was mounted up in vast piles the next day and they even tried to smash into the back of a concert hall when a live concert was ongoing meaning people had to leave early . It was scary and as far as I’m concerned they are a rough lot
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I found the whole vlog so uncomfortable to watch that i had to keep skipping. I was waiting for her to topple into the sea from the cliffs-not to be hurt but a huge wake up call for being so ridiculous.
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Catching up today so two comments: On taking the car into London - i am puzzled that she always finds a parking space near to her destination and doesn't seem concerned about how long she has parked?? Mark's name change: Purpose is so any children will have a posher name.

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How is she not embarrassed? this is ridiculous. She really fancies herself famous. This is why everyone hates influencers. I would not wait for them to take the shots. Not in my time, it’s too precious.

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I also think one person who will put her under massive pressure to give up vlogging when she makes a loss is mark . I don’t believe he likes her vlogging, she doesn’t give him the time he wants - she’s said so repeatedly, staff are invited constantly on trips and holidays which just isn’t on imo , there’s now a lack of privacy with staff working in Majorca and marlow homes…
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So which family crest is mark wearing? He’s taken her name hasn’t he? Don’t think he has any breeding or crests.

the dad ? What crest is he wearing ? He was a footballer and most footballers are from working class type families

I don’t think Karen came from money , just because Leo’s granny used to doll herself up doesn’t mean they were gentry . I could be wrong on Karen but I suspect I’m not . She married a footballer - what well bred girl does that usually? So if my suspicions are correct what family crest is she wearing?

if I had to bet I’d put money on Karen wanted to give her children a signet ring, they had one designed.

I once unfortunately met someone whose wife had a crest designed . I could never understand why the crest featured the first initial of the wife and children but not the husband (these weren’t used on pinky rings but on website/instagram/vehicles/the front gates of their home 😂) anyway months later someone told me the husband lies low because he was a heroine Dealor who’s done a lot of time inside and is keeping a low profile !! He had tucked money away to pay for a glitzy lifestyle and the wife had done a Karen and ordered a deigned crest 😂
And back to mark , I 100% think he’s a bit of rough.

Scotland has some excellent private schools and the people I’ve known who have attended them, have not spoken one bit like mark!.

His accent says a lot . The region tells me a fair bit without wanting to offend anyone !

he’s won the lotto marrying her .
family crests were used primarily by nobility and aristocracy. I would like to see a close up of whatever presumably fake design is on Leo’s ring
I've never been interested enough to ask.
Doesn't every family have a crest? You don't have to be old money to wear one.
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