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I enjoyed tonights vlog, she seemed a lot more normal and less gushy.

I hope her mums results are all good, I appreciate her sharing that with her audience and reminding ladies to get checked!

On a side note, how do we know Mark isn't wealthy? I'm sure Roge wouldn't have let Mark muscle in if he wasn't holding his own financially?
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I’m not sure how many more times she can keep using the parties as content before people switch off?. It’s the same old.

Lots of flowers, Rebecca Udal tablewear , fillet of beef sliced with lambs lettuce, tabouleh , crudities in a basket , wines/champagnes etc . It’s same old story but a different excuse for it .
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Boring vlog . Showing off the mallorcan home. Mummy still hasn’t located the hair masks in Mallorca and Leo hasn’t located a beauty blender either looking at the state of her ridiculous nose contouring
Leo has such square teeth which is a masculine trait . I haven’t noticed this before .


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Are you serious? Size 8 is a perfectly usual womens shoe size.
I've been size 8 since my teens and have yet to find a shoe brand that doesn't offer an 8.
you are talking size 8 in USA right? Leo is in the uk and talking uk sizes which are very different. I think it translates to a size 11! That’s a man’s size shoe . A uk 7 is very big never mind a uk 8!. Big foot 😂

In the uk the average I’d say is a size 5, that size sells out fast . Maybe a 4 .

USA and uk have very different sizing for clothes and shoes . I thought this was common knowledge …

I think from the way she’s ageing she will soon be the image of her mum. They are facially the same . They have the same bone structure /eyes everything.
In the UK we do not use American sizing. . We have our own and we also are familiar and use European sizing where a 5 is a European 38 for example .
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She’s off again abroad Hermes loafers on best part of 1k, Dior tote bag and expensive case .. she has no routine other than pleasure. Wonder how many friends and family are on this trip. I’m going to guess this is Karen , rog and immediate second family and partners
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She’s in full on QVC over enthusiastic selling mode in tonight’s vlog. Why say 1 word when you can say 10.
lol im howling!!! The lady giving the speech says “we also have two wonderful influencers here today “ she goes to say their names and naughty nasty Leo cuts the filming!!! It then comes back on and the same lady says “we also have Leonora smee here too “ as if she’s an after thought . I wonder who it was Leo cut out??

Most of the clivedon afternoon tea looks squished, old and dry. In particular the sandwiches.

She tells Anna to eat a creamy scone and says she force feeds her team. That might explain why Anna’s looking very different lately.

Gross klaudia licks her fingers whilst at the afternoon tea table
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Niblingtons? . Ridiculous. She’s inventing a new language . I suppose she has little else to do with her time and life. Video after video of her doing the same pose in ballgowns - What a waste of a human life .
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Right but she’s not taller or longer. You can’t change your height.
Sorry but calling someone dumpy isn’t anything but fat shaming in my eyes.
I do agree that photoshopping isn’t great and it sounds like she has deep insecurities to be going that far with the editing.
People calling her dumpy probably doesn’t help 🙃
more like she over edits her photos in order to look like the model she wants to portray in order to appeal to companies to make £££££££££££

she’s not insecure !. She’s got more confidence than anyone else I’ve seen . Strutting her stuff constantly, saying in vlogs how attractive/pretty /blonde bombshell she is
Klaudia herself has commented how confident smee is.

she is over confident if anything. The typical product of a private education and parents who have fed her lies such as “your the most beautiful girl in the world”.
Ms smee backs herself big time ! Remember when the guy from the estate in Gloucestershire was driving her across the estate and she had to say on film how lucky he was to be driving such a stunning woman ? That he had “lucked out that day” by having her in the car?
She knows full well if she puts herself out there people will have thoughts and opinions . What if the information I’ve posted saves her from developing the life altering condition of lymphoedema ? I’m doing her a favor .
The suspected condition of lipodema makes her look dumpy - not fat!! It’s diseased tissue which doesn’t stop growing this isn’t overeating which has caused lipodema so how is it fat shaming ? It’s you fat shaming because you seem convinced her dumpiness is because she’s just fat ! 😂
Oh my goodness me! It’s frumpy, dumpy Ms Smee 😂
I agree with the continued mentions and suspicions people here have re alcohol. I’ve mentioned it before myself. She must of been on the champagne at clarifies breakfast then more alcohol at lunch . Hope it improves her driving because her driving on the way to event was appalling with people losing their patience and having to resort to undertaking her after she wouldn’t overtake and hogged the lane
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Couldn’t agree more. I don’t know why she goes to alwasio. Mind you Karen took her there for her first haircut so that’s why she’s stuck with it. Same old and just like mummy Karen wanted .

it looks cheap (the colour) and dry.

with daddies money at her disposal I’m surprised she’s not getting her hair done in Duke of York sq Chelsea .

I wondered if she might be pregnant in the first pic but with drinking in the past few wks it must be bloating .
How the beach pants look on the model Holland cooper have paid to model for their campaign 😂.

I wonder how they would look on Leo if Leo asked hc for the next size up from what she squeezed into


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So she’s read here about us suggesting she should make cordial . So she’s making it !

She describes editing at 4am and Marcus walking up shouting for her . With two assistants that has got to be a joke .

She’s planning vlogmas . Fgs !
Hi screechy ! I mean Leo
Notice how she mentioned them converting the old barn into a “4 bed detached”.

Well I can’t find any current planning applications in for that property. There was an old one which was accepted for them to convert a barn into “farm machinery storage” which seemed very suspicious to me!. Maybe they didn’t convert it but are going to renew the planning and on the sly make a 4 bed home not farm storage and hope planning don’t notice for 12 yrs . They have a chance no one would ordinarily notice from aerial photos. But Leo’s sticking her life on the web for all to see so not a lot is secret ..
The fake plastic flowers look terrible
Eek the white hc dress (the clingy long one) looks horrendous from the back. Very unforgiving and unflattering
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So was I!.

If there’s a choice between enjoying life and relaxing in the 8.2million house in Santana or clambering over cliffs I know I’d be at the house soaking up the sun and relaxing.
I think Karen is equally as spoilt and far removed from “normality” .
I mean, an entire vlog of “come and admire me, watch me model”. Self indulgent, excessive, vacuous and I’d also say narcissistic behaviour of a woman who seems to of left school without gaining education when she could have been anything .

Brought up with the instruction that she is to marry and enjoy life because “we have enough money “. Forget eduction darling, you don’t need it , you are beautiful and we have money .. I’m sure this is how she was raised .
Leo enough of the curling hair and twirling, just cut to the quick, do everyone a favor and buy the stock of Chinese made cr&p you are planning to flog as your own range, spend at least 50-100k of daddy’s money on the stock - which will never sell , for everyone’s sake , hurry up just do it 😂 .
Flogging stretchy, crappy, clingy dresses which look like they came from Birkenhead market, which don’t suit you, the Chinese made rubbish with huge discounts , is this really LUXURY Leonora? .
I’d call it pile them high, sell them cheap when it’s lilysilk, goelia, Holland cooper casual wear which is normally poor quality .
Flogging stretchy, crappy, clingy dresses which look like they came from Birkenhead market, which don’t suit you, the Chinese made rubbish with huge discounts , is this really LUXURY Leonora? .
I’d call it pile them high, sell them cheap when it’s lilysilk, goelia, Holland cooper casual wear which is normally poor quality .

I get it , more people can afford lilysilk than Zimmerman and the affiliate links will bring in cash (which you will waste on staff and expenses ) but flogging such cr&p is damaging the so called “luxury” brand you say you have created .
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I saw the below comment in the Lydia thread from a fellow Tatler it made me 😂 so thought I’d share it here :-

If she is copying that Leonora Smee chick, she should cut that shite out right now. That woman is weird as all hell. Way OTT In every way. Comically Exaggerating Everything, to the point you think she’s acting for the viewer. Playing the posh, rich lady of the manor born. No one can be that strange and think it’s relatable.
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Some more gems from rattlers on the Lydia thread 😂:-

Because she’s married to a man twice her age yet kept like a child by her parents. She needs to grow up and stop playing the Disney princess who has her life paid for by her father. Even the house is theirs. People really believe that barn conversion belongs to her and unemployed Marc Smith
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Yuk!. She also blew her nose on the kitchen towel some vlogs ago ! Vile . I couldn’t touch anything she makes . Another Lydia millen in terms of hygiene
Literally reminded me of the queen of nose picking. They both can join Charlie I lick my fingers before touching the food team.
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The BMW is a 73 reg, registered in December 2023, according to the DVLA website. So its not even a new car. Very odd. The personalised numberplate LE0 5MEE does not appear on the DVLA website, It looks like the numberplate has been produced, purely, for the photoshoot. I checked for the plates availability on DLVA and it is not available. When she takes the car out for a drive, following the photoshoot the original plates are back on the car. I cant see why, BMW a company that uses James Bond films and TV would use a YouTuber to promote its products. It all looks rather suspicious.
100%! They wouldn’t give a 73 reg. That’s the exact thought and action process I went through via dvla too 😂

It smells fishy 🐠
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She made a comment In A vlog a couple of months ago where she said people have criticised her for the car usage but she doesn’t feel safe on the train.

typical daddy’s spoilt princess behaviour if you ask me . She thinks she’s sure to be attacked because she thinks she is the reigning miss world 😂
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