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Mark is trying so hard to be posher than he is. She constantly calls him Marcus which is not his name. It's just Mark. He even changed his real name by deed poll in 2020. He used his middle name and hyphenated it to his boring and very common last name. See here

I wondered why she always refers to him as Marcus? Odd if that's not your name?!

Good investigating 🔎🕵️‍♀️
I think both of the parents couldn’t give a toss re the wealth of Leo’s spouse as long as he nods and agrees and goes along agreeing with anything they and Leo want in life . He had a cushy life in return for nodding and agreeing .
What they wouldn’t want is an alpha male with money, used to getting his own way controlling the daughter and god forbid , moving her out of her family home 😂
Any man of money and substance would want them to be captain of their own separate ship .
I dont know, wouldn't they want someone from 'good stock' to date their daughter?

I mean I have no idea why I'm thinking he might be but would be interesting to know his family side and what he actually brings financially to the table 🤔
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How white the eyes are are the first thing I look at when looking for filters
I think she’s clearly self obsessed and vain .
After looking at the boobs in the pink dress take a look if you haven’t at her right leg in particular is slimmed down massively.
I think she’s clearly self obsessed and vain .
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I really hope they bought their gardener a ticket to the Chelsea Flower Show.
they employ a firm of gardeners (I did know the name can’t think offhand) who do all the care of the garden and trees etc there’s a number of them working on it , plus the handyman/driver/maintenance man
Everything to do with them takes a village!
If you google you can find the company who does their garden, you can see it’s their garden on the website a mile off. I think they are Henley based .
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Yes, but she harps on "buying luxury for generations to come"; so the clever thing would be to take care of her bags...

Thought it was funny that she said that her father wasn't a big "materialistic giver". He doesn't do gifts. Then again, he doesn't need to if his wife is a compulsive shopper.
I suspect mr smee is surrounded by compulsive shoppers in his family 😂
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Well hello ladies and gents, goodness gracious me, it’s bag-O-Rama
Claims she’s a 8 uk size yet tries on a uk size 12 dress in tonight’s vlog and can’t get the buttons to close 😂
She calls Alex her best friend . How insincere!. She went to Barbados for “her best friends” wedding
Oh and in under a few minutes she then says she’s off to her best friends wedding in Portugal this weekend!

How many best friends does Leo have ?
She’s “really upset” and throwing a tantrum because there are dust marks on the hem of her new dress she bought on discount at Bicester 😂… everyone knows to always check the products thoroughly Leo! Buyer beware
Her roots are awful
Blimey she’s still ranting on about the dirty marks on the dress . She now says she feels like ringing the store to complain 😂 no one cares Leo! And that she is “devastated “


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There will be a family skiing trip coming up. At a charity auction a few months ago, one of the family - her brother I believe, made a bid on behalf of the family for a skiing trip and Leo was far from delighted that they won it.
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In tonight’s borefest Leo tells us exactly how “beautiful “ she is looking in sassy holford

Leo, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder !. Where is the modesty ?
ALL the posing is SO cringe!

the seats for the premiere are poor
Oh she’s off to the doctors in London because “everyone’s telling her to go”

so is that thyroid ? Although didn’t she say she had that checked out or have I got that complaint mixed up with another?.

or is she seeing the expert in lipoedema I mentioned here dr wolf

oh hang on she’s updating , she’s had bloods done so that isn’t dr wolf . Bloods would be thyroid not lipodema

her neck is quite bulky . It was absolutely ages ago when someone here mentioned she looks like she has a goiter (sp*)
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I find it unprofessional and a bit weird how Leo is using her Pa in her sm . She’s given Anna the Erdem dress from last summer to wear #buttonsarepopping if you zoom in yikes - where do the staff/friend boundaries lie here ?


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AD for Mytheresa ?
What do we all think? She’s had the agua bedito dress for some time, why only show the AD now when we are nearly in July , nearly sale time - a lot has already gone into sale . When I checked ages ago a lot of the stock of that dress was sold out .

do we think it’s fake it till she tries to make it again?
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I’m copying and pasting an excerpt of what a lovely tattler has noticed and mentioned in the Lydia millen thread . I think Leo is posting to promote her account as well from the sounds of it .

Has anyone spotted Leo’s handle on here ?!

Yes, in the threads of Kate Hutchins, Em Sheldon…even the Chateau Diaries etc. I noticed over a year ago. The thing that stuck out to me is some of the mentions spelled out her full name, “Leonara Smee” rather than nicknames or just “Leo”, as if they wanted people to see the full name then know how to find her profiles. I could be barking up the wrong tree, but Leo definitely seems the type of fame hungry woman with too much time on her hands that would go to all extents to try and gain engagement and views so she can be up there with the big time influencers.
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Just watching- kazza needs to have her yellow jacket arms tailored instead of folding the sleeves up.

the medical appointment for kazza is possibly cancer checks because that’s Harley st and that building has a cancer place.

they have blasted through the best part of 10k I’d guess so far shopping dresses /hats/shoes
kazza can’t apply makeup in the daytime without a glass of wine for her and a champagne for Leo ..:. It’s just ridiculous. Reminds me of patsy from Ab Fab. I’m starting to think they are all alcoholic or close to getting to that point

bearing in mind the cancer problems Kazza had , I would of thought she would of cared for herself more
Yikes Leo points out mummy has a lot of chin hair and mummy calls Leo a “little cow”
She’s trying the water cream on her mum - that’s meant for women in their 20s with oily skin Leo!
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Hurling insults at me such as ignorant, thick, ill informed, rude isn’t what we are here for is it , yet you seem to think it’s acceptable .

Anyway, why are you still here ? I thought you said you were going off to read my previous posts . 😂
I wasn't going to read your previous posts. I'm not that desperate.

On that note, I'll not be engaging further with you. Never argue with an idiot as they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience. I'll take my own advice on that. 😗
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in her YT comments people say they are praying for her recovery 😂 like she’s terminally ill ! Crazy

also who takes a sneaky pretend sob selfie whilst the vet is out of the room to use as a YT thumbnail?! Just pathetic
I’ve never heard that before re moving it upon marriage. I’d personally switch it to the right if I didn’t wear a ring on the fourth finger of the right however to save the rings damaging each other .

I was on holiday recently and a lady in the hotel was wearing one - alongside her wedding set left hand. She was another one like Leonora . Not as loud or squeaky but definitely more squeaky than other women. The hand gestures were comical, watching this lady “throw” toys to her children in the pool 😂 all limp wrists etc .
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If Leo had the body she is claiming is natural in the photos (it’s far from), she would look way better in the knitted dresses and trousers
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Playing at being a model on daddy’s dollar!. What’s happened to klaudia ?! Life through a lens who normally photograghs horses has been taken there 😂
There can’t be any profit by the time she’s paid all the hangars on.


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I definitely think the cookware was gifted, it does not fit in with Karen's yellow theme and the cafetiere is not to their taste at all. Matching coffee pots are not de rigueur !!
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I'm getting really bored of the dog and coffee machine intros...
Oh here we go, shilling Idyl lab grown crap now. Breathless? Really Leo? All the access she has to fine jewellery and she expects us to belive she would buy this?!
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