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She really has lost her down to earth vibe she always had. It’s so sad really. She is trying too hard to be something she just isn’t....
This Josh annoys the shit out of me though, he is the most narcissistic person ever.... I can imagine him to have pressured Lekenah into looking a certain away too.... just my opinion like
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Apparently the most amazing place she could live is beaconsfield.. I mean okay it’s a nice enough place, waaayyyy overpriced IMO. If you had the money to live there then you definitely have enough money to live somewhere where you get sooooo much more for your money!

I can’t imagine they have that much money right now, I don’t quite understand where it would be coming from 🤷🏻‍♀️ job wise I mean. As previously mentioned in this thread, the amount of failed ventures and currently not exactly ‘zoella level influencer’!

Obviously this isn’t aimed at just her but I hate ‘influencer’ as a job. I know the world is changing, it is so different now but the amount of jobs out there that genuinely deserve the kind of money ‘influencers’ earn is bloody ridiculous! It’s like an ‘easy way’ out of doing real work. I don’t understand or like that people out here are saving lives, changing lives and getting paid peanuts for it but someone else is posting on social media that you should love yourself and gets paid thousands more!

During this past year of covid and lockdowns, personally I’ve been out there doing a proper job, making a difference, keeping the community going, doing something that has to be done, no complaints and yes I get paid not a lot for it.

But ‘influencers’ complain about the most stupid shit in comparison to the proper jobs!

Sorry for my rant I didn’t intend on it, I just don’t like this new way of ‘influencers’ being a ‘proper job’ 😒
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this feels a bit too personal. They will regret this tomorrow
It's a therapy session open to the masses!
She's said they're not keeping the lives up and at the start of the latest iteration of this live, he was really conscious of not saying anything that could "tarnish her reputation".

Again, fascinating stuff. You really don't know what goes on behind closed doors.
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She leaves the kids to their own devices. Letting them hurt themsleves. Letting them pick random things from ther floor. Letting the youngest poo on the floor because she didn't put a nappy on. All because she's too busy filming herself on IG. She just doesn't care.
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Surely this whole watermelon thing isn’t the best way of trying to lose weight?
I’m currently trying to lose some weight, like Lekenah I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, I find it hard to shift the pounds but the whole ‘eat less, move more’ does work if you take control of what you’re eating, you have to have awareness of it all.
If I was to eat just green food, no sugar, no sweet treats, no carbs and all that for a couple of days or so, yes I may drop a few pounds quickly but then you’ll start to get hungry so the day you introduce the other foods back those pounds to straight back on! It’s why it doesn’t work!
I’ve lost 4 pounds in 6 days just by purely being aware of what I’m eating, how much, moving more, getting my steps in and still eating things I enjoy but much smaller portions of those foods and I still feel satisfied! It really comes down to determination and self control.

I know she’s had a gastric bypass but doesn’t that same rule apply? Fad diets and fasting isn’t the answer!
Didn't realise she's had the surgery already. Which makes it even worse that she's promoting a watermelon cleanse to the regular, average person who hasn't have a gastric bypass or a shrunken stomach.

Also, her and Josh are not an actual doctors or nutritionists to be holding this watermelon fast. This is truly all crazy to me. Sounds like another money making scheme.
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I live fairly close to where she is in Buckinghamshire, literally about 10-15 minute drive and it’s not quite as expensive as you’d think! Definitely not London.

Edit - I feel like I shouldn’t have quoted your post specifically but you all know what I mean! 😂
😂😂 no it’s not, she lives in High Wycombe - not the posh areas of Buckinghamshire
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What is with her story tonight … go to an event by yourself and beg everyone to be in your story? Cringing so bad
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When I was watching, she had less than 100 people who joined. (Because she done it so late and unexpectedly).

Also in their conversation:
- Josh said he didn't have a reason for cheating
- Lekenah said "no, it must be because of trauma" (making excuses for him)
- Then Josh decided to run with that excuse instead. Which contradicts himself. So which one is it? Do men cheat for no reason, or is it because of trauma??
- Then Josh said, something along the lines of, "it's like overweight women having weight issues because of past trauma"... did he really have to go there?
- Lekenah said that's not the same, because her eating habits doesn't harm anyone (unlike cheating)

You can tell just by that, he must always gaslight her. And I'm sure him cheating can make her eating habits worse. He seems so selfish.
Then an actual psychotherapist commented in the live saying, childhood trauma doesn't cause people to cheat. So, I think I'll believe the professional, rather than Josh!

People were also telling her these him and get self worth. And asking why they aren't married yet after she proposed to him. The whole thing was a mess.
I came on to say the same!!!
I seen the comment from the psychotherapist and I’ve done a bit of research and its actually been proven that past trauma has no mental or physical affect on behaviour in later life… so this proves he is just using this as an excuse.
It’s so sad to see Lekenah being manipulated by this man… I always thought of her as a strong independent woman with her own mind but I feel like she has lost confidence since being with him (probably from all the gas lighting he does to her) and probably feels like now she has two kids with him and is going through physically body changes (weight loss, saggy skin etc) that she is “lucky” to have him and probably thinks it would be difficult to find someone else (my sister has been in this situation herself and stayed in a relationship because she felt she could never do better and had a 4 year old son so she thought no one new would want her with baggage and body hang ups)
I am in no way saying saggy skin due to weight loss is something to be ashamed of by the way, but you can tell she is self conscious of it and is trying her hardest to show that she isn’t (by posting stretch marks and cellulite and loose skin photos on Instagram) but the reality is that she knows she is having the skin surgically removed once she has reached her target weight and is then having breast implants, so because she knows these changes are coming she is pretending to embrace and love the flaws her body has now. I think if she knew she couldn’t go ahead with the surgery for some reason (financially or something) she wouldn’t be showing as much of her loose skin on Instagram…. Last night hon the live she admitted that she can’t wait to have the skin removed and have a “snatched body”
Lekenah is a clever woman, and I was shocked to see her being manipulated by Josh last night on camera and falling for the excuses about his cheating…..
I also have a theory that all of this could be an act and once Lekenah has her “snatched body” she will gain confidence and leave Josh (maybe she is using him to pay for the surgery??) and what if the live last night was to show us all Josh’s real narcissistic personality so that when she leaves him after her skin removal and breast augmentation we will all be understanding rather than saying “the snatched new body has changed her and she has walked out on Josh the selfish woman….” What if the live last night was to make us all see what she has to put up with because it definitely made Josh gain a LOT of enemies….
watch your back Josh! This would be the best revenge from a woman who’s been cheated on during the time she NEEDED you most!!

(that’s just a theory by the way guys haha, imagine though….)

This clip from the live made me consider this theory about Lekenah planning revenge on Josh… this was after Josh was getting a lot of hate and was whispering to Lekenah to shut the live down so not to “tarnish herself”
She shut it down then came straight back on the live again and had a smirk whilst watching people joining again. Look at the look in her eyes… she is loving the hate Josh is getting 😂 Never cheat on a woman when she needed you most… that’s all I’m gonna say haha.
I sincerely hope my theory is right 🤞🏻 I’d have so much more admiration for Lekenah, she needs this narcissistic manipulator out of her life

(To watch the video you many need to hold your finger down on it and click download it will then play)


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Supporting the relationship? Because cheating when someone is extremely vulnerable is a good thing to do?

In my opinion Lek has always felt grateful that Josh gave her a chance, she lost all that weight and she knew that if she hadn’t he would never have looked twice at her. Then when she put the weight back on he then cheated - I feel like she feels grateful that he’s with her and she knows if she became bigger again he would yet again look elsewhere.

spot on... sadly
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I’m just wondering how Lekenah plans on making money from instagram though, having a bunch of followers is fine but I wonder if any big brands will reach out to work with her? I know she looks up to nancy’s odessy on insta a lot but the difference is nancy lost all her weight through slimming world, they then reached out to her and basically made her a face of the brand. After that she had doctor’s reaching out to do her boobs and skin removal.
Interested to see how this works out for Lek. The “body pos” movement is so mainstream now I would hardly consider it a niche, especially when you clearly aren’t fully committed to it.
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Yeah she’s just as scummy & self centred as her bestie grace. Nice damage control,got ahead of the story huh. Bravo
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She is still on her modelling agency's website, so I wonder, have they dropped her?

They reshared Lekenah’s post about support and love from those who know who you really are or some bullshit , so I’m guessing not
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Yeah she did to be fair. She would do my head in as another guest though, strange behaviour.
Yeah I was thinking that. I think she can't help but be centre of attention.

like when the wedding singer was singing, she was singing along so loudly instead of letting him do his performance, I know she loves to sing but it was a bit cringe.
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What did she say that was racist? I can just see her rambling on about not having digital phones in the old days
She tracked her phone to an address and as soon as they opened the door and she saw where they were from, she knew they’d stolen it because they were people “from that part of the world”
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I've had that feeling a while. I was even surprised to see she had a second daughter, so I've been thinking it that long. I think they live together and co parent while dating off and on or being f buddies.
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Supporting the relationship? Because cheating when someone is extremely vulnerable is a good thing to do?

In my opinion Lek has always felt grateful that Josh gave her a chance, she lost all that weight and she knew that if she hadn’t he would never have looked twice at her. Then when she put the weight back on he then cheated - I feel like she feels grateful that he’s with her and she knows if she became bigger again he would yet again look elsewhere.
Absolutely agree!!! Josh will do it again in a heartbeat, you can tell he is unfaithful just by seeing him

She was mentioned once in the Grace Victory thread and came to defend herself in 0.02 seconds so she's definitely among us.
Hi Lekenah 👋
Please take on board everything we have posted haha
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A podcast? If so, I'm sure they'll share more, because podcasts are more of an open space. Although, you can't take back what you say on a podcast, so they'll just be more tactical about how they share things, and can always edit things out.
Exactly why I don't think they'll share stuff about their relationship.
The live wasn't even that bad in reality, I really think they kept things pretty tame but it was still shocking.

If they did do a podcast, it would probably be about their lifestyle - dr sebi, watermelon fasts and all that. josh might get a friend on to chat about polygamy but I can't see them covering cheating again.

I heard the part when she said the comments were too one sided because it was a majority of women viewing their live, whereas more men would have made it balanced. I don't know about that, I still think what Josh was saying was a mad and extreme.
Yeah there were women in the chat who weren't backing Lek tho. Some who'd stayed with cheating partners and others who said they understood what Josh was saying.
Lek's very male-identified so ofc she'd say the comments were one-sided because of mainly women watching - we are a fundamentally different species after all (according to her!)🤪
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