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How can she possibly say “it’s been a day here today” regarding the floods?! Bitch, you ain’t affected. You put together a fucking chair from big w and hung up some shitty reduced for quick sale print from adairs?!
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Just reported the fundraiser. No, I’m not being a cunt, I just think SURELY it is violating terms and conditions to be running a lottery for a ‘prize’ (and I use that term loosely) through a GFM. I mean, Tarah is getting something out of it which is disgusting!
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So she’s booked up for the year but now has space for a giveaway session?

What’s also really sad is someone who has cancer is seeking guidance from a scammer like Liela. What did she tell her, that she’s going to make it and see her own daughter walk down the aisle? She’s happy to scam people when they’re at their most vulnerable and only has given a refund to brag about it online.

This is the same woman who announced she was ‘letting her mother go’ to the public while she battled cancer and then profited off her own Mothers GoFundMe which we know funded her move and the Queenslander house she had always dreamt of with a huge verandah.

Karma will catch her, I have faith 🥰✨💞
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Lol let’s see how many last minute cancellations and re scheduled appointments she has this month 🤣
She has backed herself into a corner here.

She knows we can see her booking schedule (which, btw still has the same availability it did from last I checked it). Because she knows we can see it, she’ll have to block them out herself to uphold the fabricated lie she’s fully booked.

By doing that, anyone who doesn’t know her backstory and genuinely wants a booking won’t be able to make one because she’s taken all of her own appointments away.

Which is why she’s now saying “I’ve blocked out other times which you won’t see in the Cal, so just DM me and I can fit you in”. It just makes her come across as even MORE disingenuous 🥴

The end game here has got to be to get just enough “testimonials” that she can release a course/workshop which, to someone else’s point on here, is the real cash cow. If it were just 1:1 readings, you wouldn’t run a business this way. Not a successful, genuine one anyway.
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So she’s uprooting and pulling Ever out of ANOTHER school? She’s what - 6 yrs old and has moved schools 5/6 times?
She’s so unbelievably selfish.
Has it been a year? So the deal she got in covid is up and rent being increased is my guess. Australia’s newest rich psychic can’t afford it. Who would have thought?
Us Tattlers didn’t need an intuitive coach to see this one coming a mile away
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And ‘thewifesway’ wedding inspiration
Instagram account she made after dating DingDong for exactly 45 minutes.
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Let’s not forget that Crystal must be boring as batshit to hang out with with her monologues and stories about herself. I wouldn’t be surprised if Leis has run a mile out of boredom.
Listening to Crystal bang on endlessly must be equivalent to having a hot poker shoved through your eyeball. But I imagine conversation with Leila must be positively mind-numbing. What would Leila even have to talk about? She is 36 with no apparent life outside of feverishly having to concoct a new money-making scam every 6 months. No friend groups, no intellectual curiosity, no personal activities. No community involvement other than occasionally fostering an animal and pretending to donate gift cards. No job to go to therefor no interacting with anyone who is not also a scammy influencer.
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The debt she is talking about that she paid off is her new dining table and chairs as she is selling her old one on marketplace right now
So she posts a pic of the new table and chairs with a notice about the price increase. How subtle. What a narcissist. She’s just so awful I’m actually surprised how low she’s gone with all this.


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Part of me feels a little sorry for these girls re: their obvious limitations in education. They’re apparently from a family that didn’t place a priority on learning. The fact that Helinore is just now, at her age, coming to the realization that you have to be your own staunch advocate in seeking medical treatment is a little sad but … good for her. I agree with her in the respect that you should be curious, definitely ask questions, be diligent, engage your physicians, be an active participant in your own treatment.

The problem is that to these two, “doing your own research” means starting from behind in the smarts dept and then falling down a rabbit hole on the internet, cherry picking the crazy conspiracies that appeal to their aggrieved biases and limited intellect and assuming that they now know better than the medical professionals that are smarter than they would ever hope to be and who have dedicated their entire lives - blood sweat and tears - to healthcare. It is not a profession of slackers, for fucks sake, who abandon their patients to take random days off to recharge and sit in the bathtub writing poetry about their dream man. I guess you’ve got to be smart enough to know when you’re not smarter than an actual doctor and Leila and Helinore most definitely are not.
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God Bless you for having to go through cancer twice. Can't imagine how difficult that must've been for you & your loved ones. I'm glad you're here with this community now. I always enjoy your insightful & often times funny posts. 💕

You have just made me cry. Thank you. And with my whole heart - people like you are what make our jobs worth it. I hope you are doing okay and are feeling strong, because you are the real super heroes. You are amazing. ❤❤❤❤❤
You’re both very sweet! And yes, all good on the health front now, very thankfully.

It is reassuring to know that there are others out there observing Leila’s BS that are as outraged by it as I am. While we can certainly get a little snarky here in this community from time to time (I’ll speak for myself 😉) I know it’s because as a group we’re just so damned frustrated by watching her preying on people year after year. The irony of her (and Crystal) being the first to cry troll is rich when her gaslighting and victimizing people is the ultimate form of bullying.

At any rate, cheers! Here’s to fighting the good fight and screaming into the void with each other! 😂
Maybe one day we’ll all have the satisfaction of getting to watch karma catch up with her.
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‘I do prey’ is dead set the best typo I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂
There had better be footage of Leila flipping around like silly salmon on Friday! This kind of shit is almost cultish and the spinal energetics is some of the most ridiculous 'healing' I've ever seen
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So it appears that Britt is a real person, if I have located the right person. She looks like the girl in the photo Leila posted and the hairline is the same. What do you think?

Funny thing though, based on the photos on Britt’s own business page it certainly doesn’t look like she’s afraid to leave the house. Certainly not to the extent that it would have been such a fear that Leila should be “proud” of her for her huge accomplishment of going outside. There are pictures of her various work spaces (not in her home), pictures of her at school, pictures of her at graduation ceremonies.

The absolute audacity to be able to lie like she does and to lie about someone that follows her and will see the lie no less. She’s a piece of work.
However did liela know her partner had a beard? 🤔 She truly must be gifted to have picked that up.

This Britt woman must be so desperate to believe if she thinks that Liela’s “knowledge” of her life is incredible.

Eta - great sleuthing by @EveryDaysASoulDay. You could do psychic readings of your own and charge $200 per half hour with those research skills!
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Because she is messing around with stuff she has no idea about, (contacting the dead 🥴) I hope she gets haunted AF and has some real paranormal shit happen lol
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I just do not understand how someone who's actively involved with fostering rescue dogs, so clearly understands the dogs in pounds crisis we have in this country atm would go out and purchase a puppy. I'm actually gobsmacked.
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😂 The only nerve that was hit here was Tarahs.
She’s been stewing on Craigs words aaaaallllllll night. She really has no resilience does she? If anyone challenges her she absolutely crumbles and goes on the attack.
Not really the actions of someone who’s done the work now is it Tarah 🥴
When you open the dictionary and look up

ego [fragile] “her ego was so fragile it broke into a thousand pieces when challenged” there is a picture of Liela.
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Another testimonial using the exact same language as Lies 🙄 I have never heard anyone in real life say aligned other than the mechanic.
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I love how when one of her followers posts real mum life, showing how completely out of touch Tarah is with the real world, she replies with her sanctimonious ‘I get it all done before 6am’. Fuck off Tarah you dead beat.
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She can wake up and do all this because she’s a lazy sack of shit who has no reason whatsoever to be tired. Spends everyday at the beach or laying in the bath and does the very bare minimum for her daughter. She’s got literally zero reason to feel tired. So out of touch with most women’s reality this bitch with her cunt reply.
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Trust this idiot to not understand why organic food costs more. “I don’t get it” - what happened to doing your own research you uneducated dipshit.
She tries so hard to come off as worldly and upper class and fails so fucking miserably 🤣. That cashier at Woolies would’ve been laughing her ass off when she walked away.
Hey Tarah here’s a tip I’ll give you for free - organic food is not pesticide free you fucking clown.
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This is exactly what went through my mind 🤣 Does she research anything before blindly believing in it? If she’d bothered to do even 10mins of desktop research she’d learn that organic labelling is a marketing ploy. The only way to truly try and avoid pesticides and support ethical food harvesting is to grow your own. Like she ever would, that would require effort.

Yeh right, Tarah, organic food. She can afford it now cause she earns $5,000 a week grifting.

What about the poisons in her face? 😂
Omg so true..I won’t poison my body, I’m worth it”

next minute…Botox, fillers, commercial hair dyes from the hairdresser, gel/acrylics from the nail salon, clothing purchases from cotton on and shein where the fabrics are not ethically produced…and the list goes on.

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