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Seriously though, you never know who is going to show up on Leila’s page. She looks different every day.
Her filter situation is out of control.
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Does a scam for three days and instantly she's an authority of 'what I know for sure'.Fuck off Tarah, you have absolutely no clarity or insight into anything other than being a lying con artist. You are neither gifted, blessed or educated. My only console is knowing she's opening up a portal to more chaos for herself, she's a fraud, fake and not authentic, trying to pass as an enlightened being. Bad joujou is on its way to her for all the bad she inflicts. The universe is not going to be very kind to her.
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If there really was a wait list, wouldn't you contact number 1 and 2 on the wait list to offer them the appointments? And if they couldn't attend, work your way down the list of 50 people? Isn't that how a waitlist works?

Her anonymous reviews are funny too, considering they are all through direct message. I have a friend of a friend who does readings and she is always tagged in posts from clients on her socials, singing her praises and saying how accurate the reading was. It's weird that Lies clients all keep their feedback so private.
Right?! I mean, why do you have a waitlist Tarah if you’re not going to utilise it? Maybe because there’s no one on it? 😂😂😂 She lies so much that she can’t even keep up with herself. This has been the most entertaining season yet - she’s making a dead set dickhead of herself.
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What a load of bullshit Tara. You really think some random is out there who said 'hey Richard please go haunt Tara in the bath'. You delusional fuckwitt. Oh and the baby daddy 'told me to hang myself', we know that's you writing you dingbat.
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Wake up. Plot how to scam more money from followers as rent on Queenslander dream house has gone up. Drag Ever to the beach for Instagram content for my foot fetish account.

Decide a 7am Q&A would make people believe in ‘my gift’. Post plenty of questions from me to me so I can make up the answers.

Think about how to appear most spiritual on Instagram. It doesn’t matter about being authentic, people need to KNOW I’m spiritual by mammoth word salads and posts of myself looking dreamy aka mentally unstable posting about my spiritual day. Must have tits out for feminine energetic vibes ✨🥰

Scroll on Instagram for followers who have asked questions. Reply only to those with public accounts and compose a vague response that can easily seem believable. Focus on trauma so people believe me, who cares about triggers!

Bath while scheming. Post photo of book in bath, forget book is upside down but who would notice that?

Instagram live - talk frequently about how busy I am and how huge my waitlist is.

Post about a last minute cancellation as feel I’m ready for some scamming. Choose appointment from a public account if any come in.

Cook fatty lamb dinner.

Give Ever the minimum amount of attention possible.

Time for soul sleep.
You forgot that an essential part of the routine is gazing out of a frosted window 🤣
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Shut the fuck up Leila.
What the actual fuck. Now she can give medical advice based off a Q&A box.
She is so fucked in the head. I agree with the previous poster who said she is hearing voices, but it is mental illness. She honestly must just be so so unwell. Poor poor Ever 😢
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She’s not booked out. She’s not even busy. She’s already thinking about the next thing to try and scam money out of a few poor suckers.
I don’t believe a single one of those ‘testimonials’. If they were real, she would be tagging them. They’re fake. Her bank account is scraping the bottom of the barrel as always.
Anyone feeling shit about having to going to work - know this. You’re earning your children’s respect and setting the example to live by. Tarah is failing as a mother yet again by being a lazy uneducated twat.
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You know what I’d rather do with that $1200? Literally throw it in the bin. Burn it. Flush it down the toilet. Honestly. If the only two options were to buy this ridiculous scam OR throw the money straight into a bonfire… well… I’d like to see my plastic money burn and melt away into a little tiny pile of ash.
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I laughed at this this morning…

But she’s a scammer too? Lol
So the scammer managed to put their bank details in her pay form? So obviously she does fuck all in regard to building a secure website? Fucking lazy bitch. She obviously doesn’t care her “legitimate” customers could be easily scammed then too.

The other part I laughed at was the posts would have no comments or engagement… so what’s the difference between an actual scammer and you Leila? 😂
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Stay Classy

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What, like ever again? She’s got all the charm and breeding of a cur dog.

What’s wrong with saying I’m not feeling well so I’ll be delayed in my responses, please bear with me?

View attachment 1734396

What do we think, she’s trying to avoid someone who has been trying to reschedule with her but she doesn’t want to work or give them their money back?
Damn! I was about to contact her for an emergency reading, my pet goldfish is about to pass over 🫠
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“If I have to reschedule it might be because I’ve just talked to someone who took their own life…”

Wait. What?
I’m a clair-stupid and can interpret stupid drivel for you. 😇

This means if Leila has made a couple of hundred bucks that’s her done for the day and she’s ready for her bath.
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Imagine if her and Crystal were actual hard working business “powerhouses”… it’s like their reputations would already speak for themselves and they wouldn’t be so hung up on a forum.
I guess when anyone googles your name and finds evidence - not of fat ugly unemployed trolls - but actual reviews of your businesses by paying customers which speaks to your scamming ways - you should be concerned. You should be focusing on accountability and reputation rehab. I find it hard to believe someone can be so multi passionate to the extent they just rebrand and talk about haters when they don’t deliver the products or services they claim so.
Thanks to Leila and Crystal advertising this forum trying to get their next big engagement surge, each of their threads have had 1000 more views in the last 12 hours. That is another approx 1000 people that are now aware of their unethical business practices and problematic bahaviour. Just like Leila’s whole anti-vaxx bullshit (which got her shadowbanned), I’m not sure their attempt to try to exploit this thread and spin this situation as if they are the victims is going to pan out the way they hope.
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Her guides will regularly steer her away from people not meant for her … except for
* the guy that talked her into getting those tragic, ginormous boobs
* Ever’s dad who left her pregnant
* every guy she’s dated in the last 6 years and blamed for not being able to sustain a relationship
* the person that catfished her, who conned her into sending them pics of her young daughter and nude photos of herself
* the hack she gets her lip filler from
* Dion, who cheated on her with her friend
* her friend, Nicole, who slept with Dion
* the person that sold her that god-awful cheap fake ponytail

Jesus, with guides like that who needs enemies?


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Chatty Member
Yeah, I thought the whole excuse for raising her prices was that the readings were so physically depleting for her and she could only do so many in a day? Yet here she is, supposedly shoving appointments into every nook and cranny in her schedule. 😵
She wants them booking via Dm so she can find out more about them through their Insta.

I know this is completely hypothetical situation because she has no real paying clients, but if i had a reading rescheduled because energy is depleted after her doing readings on her days off I would be pretty peeved.
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