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VIP Member
“Sometimes I will need to cancel the remainder of my sessions for the day if I have had a heavy reading so I am able to cleanse and recenter myself.”
Because nobody besides you has a life or a schedule they need to maintain?
No apologies for inconveniencing people who have paid you in full in advance?
No other psychics have this issue, you lying bitch.
Look, at this point, anybody who gives her money is a fool and deserves to be ripped off.

Also, she’ll be charging more for in-person readings. Why? It’s the same work. And she doesn’t bother to say how much extra. I guess she’ll just decided how short she is on cash when you ask.


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I wonder if Ding Dong knows how famous he is over here! 😂
It makes me giggle every time I read it. Ding Dong Dion dancing in the kitchen. RIP Ding Dong. It was def a highlight of 2022
I too, miss all the unimpressed faces of Ding Dong. And dancing with his dumpy mum, I mean girlfriend, in the kitchen. 🪦
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I haven’t been bothering with Tarah lately as her latest physic scam has repulsed me beyond belief!!! BUT, I have a broken foot so here I am.. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK . Unemployed scumbag Tarah clearly has been watching too much John Edwards and the likes…this is absolute dribble. Also, anyone with half a brain knows Covid isn’t over . Just because she can air her bunions out in a cinemas unvaccinated does NOT mean anyone thinks its over. Do you guys remember when you were a kid and would be sleeping in the lounge with the TV on and the midnight physics would be on taking calls, that’s clearly where she’s getting her inspo.
Liela did a prediction of what would happen if we got the vax, she also predicted we wOulD nEvEr geT oUr FreEdOm back, that we would live with ArMy TaNks in The StReEts for The ReSt oF OuR LiVeS.
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This pic is giving me such a good giggle. Imagining Tarah doing her hair and makeup just for this photo. Putting on what she thinks is a nice outfit. Propping her phone up and taking 100 shots of herself trying to look thoughtful, or like there’s another person in the room when it’s just her and her sour face. Only then to photoshop and filter it into oblivion. 😂
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Stay Classy

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Yawwwwnnnn 😴😴😴😴😴 Another fake testimonial....🙄
It’s amazing how we have never seen one positive testimonial about her photography or Golde or her ‘mentoring/coaching’ yet it seems every single person who has supposedly had a reading has written a testimonial by DM 🤷‍♀️ Wow! 🫠

I reckon 6 months is too long for this grifter; this latest scam will be over by Xmas. She may have done a handful of actual readings, she will run out of people willing to part with their money…..
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"Wondering if I done the right thing"

What's the part that gives her away.....IYKYK :unsure:😂
Done 🤣 oh Lies, we can spot your bogan talk anywhere. At least TRY to sound like someone who has more than a few years of high school education.

Such a wordsmith hey?

ETA - oh that’s right, doesn’t she claim to have a Uni degree but then also dropped out? 🤣
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It has still not occurred to this dim bulb that if any of these testimonials were real these folks would be thrilled to hop on her posts and leave a review. A traceable, verifiable review.

It would never occur to me to text the person I’m reviewing directly with my testimonial of their work. Because that would just be STUPID.
Yes! Especially telling them “you knew my Nan’s nickname, her favorite color, and that the ring I was wearing was hers!” Ummmm….she was there, she supposedly said it so why are you telling her? 🤣 no one writes testimonials like this 🙄 There is also a reason why certain disciplines (health) are not allowed to use testimonials….because they are considered unreliable, made up or possibly paid for or coerced.
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Seriously who in their adult life takes a day off, cancels clients (in a very new bizness mind you) to have a bath and soul day? She works very part time, had loads of energy to go to Sydney, but today she needs to rest…like after a weekend where she had no child to look after? Lazy Lazy Liela.
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I can’t stop laughing at this post. She’s so ridiculous 🤣

Even if she actually had clients (which we know she doesn’t) then why wouldn’t she allow space between them to rest instead of cramming them in back to back and pretending to be oh so busy. Quality, not quantity right Lies?

All of this is irreverent though as we know she’s making all of this up 🤣 such a fantasy land she lives in!


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Hmmm much popularity and clout LieLie.
Over 30,000 followers but only $1400 raised for the gofundme set up for the cancer patient/client.

you would think her amazing followers would have raised much more in 4 hours.
Is there a way to verify a legitimate gofundme? The creator and the recipient of the money?

Like this Lorren Miller is a real person, right?

Just finding it a bit of a coinkydink that right after Leila announces she’s looking to move, a gofundme is set up.
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Chatty Member
She doesn’t possibly have time to message people who are (cough) waitlisted. Everyone should set notifications for her insta stories to avoid disappointment.
I’m sorry- but with her refund policy, who the heck would cancel a $400 an hour appointment???
No one.
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Errrr Tarah that is not how a competition works. She chose her own winner 🥴. And funnily enough, the Tiffany that she chose has a public IG account with lots of details already offered up for her. This poor woman has a baby who died - and this leech is going to potentially mess her up with lies. Fuck I hate her
I knew it would be a public profile! The fact she is even going through with competition just screams baby girl has no real clients and is trying to drum up business. She ain’t booked out. Although, she hasn’t actually done the reading yet, I wonder how many cancel and reschedules until it happens (if at all).
Tiff make sure the friend you bring is not in any of your pics and has no social media of their own for liela to stalk!
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Someone has left a review saying she spoke to Tarah moments after her mother passed???? That is weird in itself
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Seriously who in their adult life takes a day off, cancels clients (in a very new bizness mind you) to have a bath and soul day? She works very part time, had loads of energy to go to Sydney, but today she needs to rest…like after a weekend where she had no child to look after? Lazy Lazy Liela.
Remind me to go to work and tell my patients - sorry love. Not today. I’m too tired and need a bath
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Do we know if "Britt" is even a real person this time?

Call me a skeptic but I find it hard to believe that a grown woman suffers from agoraphobia stemming from her aunt’s death which happened 3 decades earlier before she was even born. And Leila cured it over zoom. In less than an hour. But the woman never even bothered to mentioned the agoraphobia or the miraculous cure in her testimonial.

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Just touching base

Active member
Hey Lie-La, if you want these testimonials you are writing to look legitimate you need to change your style of writing. The punctuation and emojis are a dead giveaway.
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Chatty Member
Oh Liela and the skin and hair post
Cue the “so many of you have asked how my skin and hair is so good right now”
What’s the bet she’s the latest to sign up to sell Monat? Remember the roden and fields disaster? (I think that’s what it’s called?)
I see Craig Cassidy at a local burleigh cafe with his laptop having zoom meetings and loud phone calls.
flog is putting it kindly.
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The ‘new vibe’ looks suspiciously like the OLD vibe with a bunch of embarrassing shit deleted. Except the Kmart bikini boob shot 🫣

Oh Tarah, screenshots are forever darlz

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