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VIP Member
Crystal and Leila only live 15 min apart? They’ve definitely had a falling out then.
Not a peep from either of them about the other since Crystal moved into her plywood house and you’d figure they would be spending all sorts of time together living so close now.

I always figured Leila would be jealous of Crystal though.
Crystal found her rich, sugar daddy boyfriend w/the huge house before Leila ever met DingDong. (Come to think of it, I wonder if that was part of the reason Leila went so hard into the soulmate fantasy w/Dion?)
Crystal had a big surge in followers while Leila is shadowbanned and stuck at 34.2 thousand.
Crystal got the curtain licensing deal and Leila hasn’t had a sponsorship in years.
Crystal is thin and Leila has ballooned up.

I’d be curious what actually went down between them though. 🤔

EDIT: hold on - the last time they were publicly together was the day Crystal, Dani and Leila all got together at a cafe and we all speculated that was the day Leila broke up w/Dion because her eyes were red and puffy and it was obvious she had been crying. I wonder if Crystal was somehow caught in the crossfire of Dion hooking up w/Nicole? I just looked and Nicole is still following Crystal.
We all know Tarah doesn't play well with others. As scammy and useless as Crystal is she has alot more 'stuff' Tarah covets. Crystal also has family backup, support and parents that will bail her out. Plus the fact Crystal has 4 times the amount of followers, is thinner and has travelled more than once to Bali, Tarah couldn't deal.
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Stay Classy

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‘Yeh those trolls, sucked in, she’s still getting the money’

But still going ahead with the giveaway, WTF?!?!?

Guys, all these readings, it’s really impacting her, it’s intense, she can feel it in your hips. And she feels all the symptoms, like if somone died of breast cancer, her boob hurts. Tarah is so full of shit, sometimes she does 7 or 8 readings a day. Hope she’s letting Centrelink know.

But she’s concerned, there’s no long term studies on her profession. This could be affecting her cellular data and these illnesses she feels could be affecting her. Don’t worry though, she just had a salt bath. How the fuck, can she sit in front of her camera, spew this drivel and keep a straight face?!?!? This is lunacy!

I happened to open Insta, right when she started the live, now have this in my brain, sorry to wreck your day as well….


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This is complete speculation but it may be what ever tells liela for attention? I doubt liela pays much attention to ever so ever has picked up on what her mother does take an interest in and that’s the stories she tells. The “my mum is the best mum for giving up her life for me“ rhetoric, the constant bullying at school (liela loves to play the hero), bad mouthing her time with her dad and his side of the family. Liela would be lapping it up. Ever wouldn’t see anything wrong with the lying- how could she know it’s wrong, her mother is doing it constantly.
I suspect Ever experiences normal parenting, like logical rules and consequences, at her father’s home and Leila has decided that’s child abuse.

It’s much better to dose children up on medication, shriek at them and lock them in their room. 🙄
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Was it when the anti vaxers attacked that poor horse at the lockdown protest on the qld/NSW border?
Yep that poor horse. Tarah tried to make out it was just the camera angle and it was the policeman on horse that actually was being aggressive and the anti vax fucker was 'defending' themselves.
Plus the rabbit that was never to be seen or heard of again. Or it could be the horse hair extensions? That is an act of cruelty to everyone.

It is unbelievable just to read these again and all the lies I had forgotten about. Lied about having a university degree, that she was a qualified doula, that she specialized in teaching autistic children. How's that going LIE-LA, you PATHOLOGICAL LIAR?! How come we never hear about that?! Oh yeah, it's all made up BULLSHIT!

And that her mum's doctors were so incompetent she had to do their job for them. 😂😂 Here LIE-LA, pull the other leg...

But what really got me was her telling her followers to make large reservations at restaurants & then canceling at the last minute, during the pandemic. How cruel and mean can one person be?! She's in a class by herself.
Yep. Then she'd wank on about being kind to everyone because you don't know what they are going through. Remember the time she was taking birth photos and she saved the babies life because the midwives weren't doing their job properly?
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Sometimes I think how ignorantly blissful it would be to be this stupid. Imagine thinking you were the star of the show every second of every day
Yes. I agree. To be so selfish and narcissistic and have zero self awareness or concern for actions, even just for an hour.
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LOL my mum was a high school English teacher and that stuff was drilled into me so hard. EVERY SINGLE TIME I see one of these stupid fucking influencers with poor spelling and grammar it sends me into a rage!!!!!

I realise that people come from differing education backgrounds, but when its been years and years, and they refuse to try and be better (cough Ashy Bines cough), while also preaching the importance of lifetime learning, its kills me :mad:
Especially when they claim their words are so poetic they’re being made into movies and being printed on t-shirts 🤣
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Chatty Member
At least she has learned to do the fake testimonial as a received message not a sent one. Ffs

Have you ever known anyone to have so many cancellations? Especially at her prices?
I wonder if anyone has demanded a refund due to her being shit.
I guess the people dumb enough to pay her will be willing to be suckerpunched.
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I'm predicting a dick appointment. Two months till Christmas and she will be expecting an engagement on NY eve.
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Chatty Member
She has backed herself into a corner here.

She knows we can see her booking schedule (which, btw still has the same availability it did from last I checked it). Because she knows we can see it, she’ll have to block them out herself to uphold the fabricated lie she’s fully booked.

By doing that, anyone who doesn’t know her backstory and genuinely wants a booking won’t be able to make one because she’s taken all of her own appointments away.

Which is why she’s now saying “I’ve blocked out other times which you won’t see in the Cal, so just DM me and I can fit you in”. It just makes her come across as even MORE disingenuous 🥴

The end game here has got to be to get just enough “testimonials” that she can release a course/workshop which, to someone else’s point on here, is the real cash cow. If it were just 1:1 readings, you wouldn’t run a business this way. Not a successful, genuine one anyway.
To be successful in this game you have to impart some real guidance and some real evidence you have “the gift”.
I have been to amazing people who could describe the loved one to an absolute tee,,
And then I was told actual messages and advice specific to current events. Not just- have some water for your headache. Or- your boyfriend needs a massage for his sore back.
I just can’t see repeat business coming in at that price or any price really.
Cash grabbing whilst she can.
This is really embarrassing for her. Next level embarrassing.
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I wonder what she looks like when she's writing these fake testimonials and sending them to herself?
I can only imagine that it looks and sounds like when you were 8 years old, playing barbies and creating - out loud - this amazing fantasy world which is beyond epic. And you get so proud and think how awesome you are for inventing such a brilliant life for your barbies.
With all of the flowery embellishments you’d almost picture her sat by the candlelight with her feather quill pen and parchment. 🙄

Nobody writes reviews like these. Real people don’t litter their conversation with scamfluencer enlightened boss babe buzzwords.
(After her daily check-in w/Tattle, cue her next reviews in plain, straightforward English.)
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VIP Member
So 4-7 readings per day!? But claims to connect with hundreds weekly!?

Maths is not her strong point.
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Another fake testimonial thus morning. Hi Leila! Hope you get time for a bath soak today. You must ne really tired from your massive workload.
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Why about her photography masterclass?? How's that going?

Remember someone had to borrow money from their mum to sign up?? Hope she's getting her money's worth.....🤔
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Baby girl hustling tonight. Trying to get some suckers into her master-class. After her friends have left their excited to be joining spiels on her stories she's hoping for a bit of extra cash for Christmas.
Here’s the thing with her other scams up until now. The goods and services she’s sold - aside from that photography masterclass she spruiked earlier this year at some ridiculous price - have been affordable for most household incomes, right? So she’s been able to keep those scams going longer than they should’ve because the risk is much lower for people to part with some cash for second hand clothes or cheap jewellery.

But THIS. This is an entirely new level for her. The barrier of cost to entry is so much higher. People (even the earnest, naive souls like me at one point), are going to take serious pause before parting ways with their money so fast. Especially at this time of year…heading into a potential looming recession.

Her greed and need to escalate her scams by taking bigger risks is going to be her entire undoing.
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What do we think, she’s trying to avoid someone who has been trying to reschedule with her but she doesn’t want to work or give them their money back?
It’s her Centrelink mutual obligation meeting day. 😀

Wonder if she has shared with them that she is completing 4-7 cash in hand readings per day?
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Chatty Member
My first thought too! $1200 for six weeks is cheap compared to her ridiculous hourly rate. She’s desperately trying to get cash to move or pay the increased rent 😆

Imagine faking a virus for two days then launching a new business, it looks basic AF.

ETA - you would think energetic protection was the first thing she covered, not after she has ‘students’ getting in touch with the dead? Such a fraud 😂
$1200 for a 6 hour GROUP course. With ten in the group.
$12000 for 6 hours of “tuition”.
Assuming she has just copied the shit out of someone’s book or course and she has penned together this “masterclass” in (I’ll be generous here) an hour, that equals $12k for 7 hours work.
Let’s see if she can rustle up ten suckers. I highly doubt it.
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