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Holding hands with her child on the beach was so scripted. That child’s life will be exploited for leilas performative parenting for her entire life. Sad.
LOVE your name & avatar!! 😂😂 Welcome here.

And I totally agree with you! Very, very sad for Ever. 😢
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I'm with you, I told my daughter she wouldn't be going again lucky she's older now and had plenty of fun there thank god nothing ever happened but I don't think they were held accountable properly and most likely haven't changed their practices too much sadness to have a good time there.
Trust Leila to have zero moral compass regarding that too. She would know the story, being local and all, and not give a fuck
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I came here to comment on the boobs. Breast Implant Illness is definitely real with more research proving so. Issue is, to remove the implants CORRECTLY it is nearly a $20k surgery as it is essentially a mastectomy. Normal removal leaves behind some of the tissue considered "toxic" and issues will persist unless a full explant is done. There are limited surgeons in Australia who do this full explant, most of which specialise in breast cancer.

A quick look at Cosmeditour suggests they dont do a full explant, just implant removal.
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Holding hands with her child on the beach was so scripted. That child’s life will be exploited for leilas performative parenting for her entire life. Sad.
She has photoshopped her feet. Those gross bunions aren’t as big now. I see the pedicure is as good as her manicures 😂

Came here to comment on the Thailand boob thing - surely she’s getting a freebie? Why else would you go down that path?
Flood money?? Mums gofundme? Maybe if she’d bothered getting vaccinated she could sue them for vaccine damage! Such a fraud. Can someone recap the pain stop incident?
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This cracked me up too.
“What people who share their lives online go through”....
Um, no Leis. Not everyone who has a public Insta account has a tattle thread on them. Do your research, as you so impolitely scream and eye roll at people in your dumb live stories.
If you can’t read the room and see that most people who follow you or watch your rants are doing so purely for the free entertainment of watching a lier lie, then you are a bigger numbskull than we think you are. Because we certainly aren’t watching to see what shade of beige your next pic is, I’ll give you that tip for free.
Anyway, bring in season finale with flatmate Crystal. We are all waiting with popcorn 🍿
'Raise awareness' HAHAHA you warrior you.
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Not defending Liela at all, but there are a lot of people that fake it in the hopes that one day they will make it. And some of them are fortunate enough to do so and people are none the wiser.

But it seems like ol mate Lielz is in a perpetual cycle of faking it and never making it. And it’s just pathetic really.

I think Liela got the vaccine. Perhaps that’s why her and sis fell out because she told her to come clean about it and she didn’t want to lose that boss-babe-fighting-the-good-fight-and-holding-the-line persona that she’s built her tiny platform off.
Yep I reckon she got it too.
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Chatty Member
Oh yes the ‘lover’ part is there. So predictable. I’m also blocked - for asking her to prove her claims about anti-vax testimonies and stories. I view from my alt account.
View attachment 1244232
Babahahaha. She is such a loser. I’m blocked from both my accounts now - my initial account because I liked a comment calling her out on a lie but I’m not sure why my alt got blocked as I didn’t interact with her page at all other than view her stories.
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BUCKLE IN FAM!!!! We are in for a crazy ride with the recent post. Get the popcorn, a glass of vino and settle in for an absolute shitshow of her “finding herself”… she must find herself for each personality because this woman is forever finding herself.
** not that there is anything wrong at all with constantly changing and improving on yourself, but I doubt there’s anyone that makes such a big deal about it time and time again.
Why is that photo wiggling?! 😂
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Crystal wrote it on her story about the beach. This will be fascinating. Crystal “looks” like she has been a lot more successful than Liela and is everything that Liela aspires to be. It looks like Crystal is going off travelling 🧳 so is staying at Liela’s very temporarily.
Poor Crystal, I hope for her own sake she’s travelling a lot. I can’t see Liela coping well living with someone who definitely appears to be much more successful.

Liela’s house looks so cold, like a beige staged house for a real estate listing instead of an actual home.
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Oh too good. It’s definitely Dion- nice try at a coverup. If they weren’t all a bunch of liars, we might have fallen for it. Hey Dion, enjoy your crazy ride you are about to have for a couple of weeks 👋🏽
So his name is Dion and not Dean? So it's definitely not the Dean Sheppard guy?
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Why does one need a psychic when claiming to be psychic themselves I wonder 🧐

Ok so it’s not that Dean dude, it’s this guy
That comment sounds like a wind up to me? The other dude lives in her town so I'd say more likely him.
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Chatty Member
Have decided to finish off 2017 as I'm home with Covid. Anti vax rhetoric has begun! Again, apologies for grammar etc as used phone app which didn't copy over well.

TW - DV and child abuse.

August 2017

Liela is a single mum and hasn’t had time to cook dinner despite Ever being at daycare for the full day. Uber eats is late so Ever is off to bed without eating. She did have time to post fifteen stories ranting about late ubereats however.

Lawyers have advised her to stay off social media during custody battle however she will not listen to stupid lawyers, what do they know?

Many posts regarding the mark up on her vintage aka op shop finds.

Sad to see many mentions of Ever crying in the background of Liela’s lives and being ignored.

Liela is continuing to give Ever Pain Stop frequently because ‘it’s dangerous if I don't get proper sleep’. When followers mention phenergan she says ‘I would NEVER give her that’ clearly unaware that phenergan is in pain stop. Ignoring questions from followers asking about the SIDs concern.

Admits she told the second chemist Ever was two (she is one) so she could buy Pain Stop as first chemist refused.

Liela is losing friends fast. Currently complaining about someone called These Sonny Days.

August 4th 2017 - taking soul weekend off social media. Held two heavy breathing lives. No social media break to note.

Follower asks what Liela did for work before becoming a Mum and she replies with interior designer.

Liela was on Farmer Wants a Wife but apparently didn’t make it past first meet with the farmer.

Someone is DM-img her customers to let them know they are being ripped off by her $2 Op Shop baskets being on sold for $25 and she’s going to the police! Implying it is her exes new GF who is currently in Vegas at a conference so that seems unlikely.

Leila and another mother friend leaves little Ever and another child on the path while they go for an ocean swim. WTF?! Apparently some ‘old nosey b*tches’ kept an eye on them while giving Liela sour looks however she’s grateful to the surfers who hung about to make sure the babies were okay. She admits that they were too far away that if someone stole their children they wouldn’t have been able to catch up and she didn’t know it was a bad thing to do. She’s a new Mum guys! How would she know that?

Why on earth didn’t one mind the kids while they other swam?

Another close friend TraceyPorter has dropped Liela.

Liela is busy blocking anyone who questions anything she does. Goes on live ranting about comments. One follower unpacks her groceries, picks up children from school and drove back home only to find Liela still going on about how busy she is.

Talks about falling out with Carly in another live as she wasn’t there for a difficult stage of her life.

One of her vintage finds (a $5 rabbit lamp) is currently in stock at Kmart. Follower who mentions this is blocked quickly.

New live, she no longer speaks to her girl gang as they’re all jealous of her! They are not authentic like she is apparently.

Former girl gang have a picnic and post about wonderful friends and lovely times. Lol.

Gomi goes down and within 30 minutes Liela is celebrating the end of the trolls

AM Live - Liela doesn’t read troll comments and is flattered by attention.

PM live - disturbed by troll comments and will never ignore them.

Goes on home tour thanking the ‘troll skanks’ because their engagement means she can live in this luxurious rental (with her Dad). Her trolls are all fat, old and poor apparently.

Yikes. Another live and Liela is laughing about SIDS risk. Still using pain stop. This is the same woman who was so worried about the vaccine adverse reactions?

Ever is eating SO MUCH and she cannot afford food. Has fresh nails and tattooed eyebrows.

Following Day - Bought herself a ring ($750 apparently) which she is wearing as though an engagement ring as a commitment to Ever. ‘A ring to remind myself that diamonds aren’t just lumps of coal that did particularly well under pressure, a diamond to signify that great things take time and sometimes the hardest processes have the most stunning results’.

New poster who knows Liela from the wild comments that she used to work at Jupiters Casino. Apparently she shagged a high roller who then bought her boobs? (This is from the thread so taking that with grain of salt).

Hosts ‘wine time’ gathering. No crowd shots but appears to be about five attending despite the event being free.

September 2017
Leila posts Ever naked including her private parts View attachment 1183120

Ever has been up all night with viral bug so Liela takes her to kindy at 6.40am as Liela needs a soul day.

Liela told a detailed story about how she explained life and death to her ex boyfriends Mum who had MND. The woman told her she was so wise. Shortly after a follower commented that this story was a lie as this persons Mum had passed away from MND and was incapable of speaking :( comment was swiftly deleted.

Oooh much excitement! A man is on the scene. She will ‘introduce him later’.

Leila has announced an Australian wide tour! For what I’m not exactly sure.

Leilas father has gone into hospital but it’s date night so he better still babysit Ever!

Posts have been deleted and account set to private, no info on date night or mediation.

Posts about new man are deleted!

New live saying she’s too traumatised from mediation to talk about it.

September 16th 2017 - changed account name from Single Mum Diaries to Leila Stead. This is the day before mediation.

Evers Dad has specifically requested in mediation that nothing in regards to their co parenting is shared online.

Mentions in live that man cuddling Ever in Byron Bay is just a friend.

September 29th 2017 - Poor Ever is in hospital after not wanting to eat the night prior, was forced to eat and then taken around the shops while she was unwell. Liela mentions it’s a possible adverse reaction to a vaccine and that the doctor told her this.

Ever wakes up during the live and Liela ignores her for another five minutes while talks about how hard it is on her.

Much talk about anti vax. Curious if Liela mentioned Ever’s ‘adverse reaction’ throughout the last two years?

Liela has another live with Ever asleep in her arms however due to swearing and speaking loudly she wakes her up again. Poor Ever!

Liela is over being at home after two days so is out shopping. Ever apparently looks very unwell while she films them shopping. Confirms Ever was in hospital the night prior also!!

Day following Ever is back in daycare as Liela needs a soul day.

Liela gets called out in live, she was told she is a bad mother for sending Ever to daycare when she is clearly unwell, that she rips off charities (what did I miss there?) and someone called Joolz no longer wanted to work with her.

Liela is starting a safe space forum for mother’s to share their fears about vaccination.

Liela takes Ever to the beach and films an accidental poo.

Mid October and her account has been deactivated.

Two days later - she’s baaaaaaack!

Posted a RIP Gwendy/Hello Fresh mashup story. Loved Gwendy (Grandma?) but won’t go to cremation.

October 22nd 2017 - says she has been summons to domestic violence court.

Even in 2017 it’s questioned how 35k followers equals 200 likes on posts.

November 2017 - seems to get boring with many sponsored posts. Liela wants a man and suddenly ‘many of you are asking for relationship advice’.
Ever interrupts her live about fitness and she threatens her with big smacks View attachment 1183121

November 13th 2017 - Ever the After customers have been waiting months for packages which have not arrived. It’s the posties fault apparently. Sending the beginning of the end?

November 17th 2017 - someone has taken her to DV court over one of her blog posts. Unsure as to if it’s Scott, her Mum or one of her ex friends. It seems her mother and her previously had a physical fight over how Liela mothers Ever.

November 26th 2017 - has long rant about people copying her.

Appears the book is no longer happening along with the tour.

Has new vegan flatmate. Wants to buy a house and pay off her debt.

December 3rd 2017 - New venture! Photography!

Very dull month. Freebie $1200 Christmas tree with three decorations, won’t wrap Evers presents. Much photo shop on photos.

Announces a break between Christmas and NY which lasted two days. Has bought followers.

And that rounds out 2017!
LOL wow I remember it all just like it was yesterday. thanks for the memmssssss ❤

Why is she cupping her big old bunion boobs with her big bunion hands in the latest post? 🤣 farkkkk love we have heard it all a million times before. Give it a bone.
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I found him but he may have changed his privacy settings. I see the photo with the small child but I don’t see any photos with women.
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