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Active member
I really enjoy listening to Ali Miraj. Not only does he talk sense but he attracts callers who also talk sense. He listens, he engages and doesn't force his opinion on them or us.
I'm enjoying him too, Maggie. He engages thoughtfully with callers and debates in a calm and reasoned way, a good listen. I'm pleased LBC is giving him some daytime slots, well deserved.
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Fledgling Psycho

VIP Member
Vorderman is so cringe and desperate for male attention especially. Who would have thought the original maths frump would calculate herself into such an attention seeker? 😐
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A caller to Nick Abbot on Friday brought up the JRM v Marina Purkiss interview. The caller was saying that Marina Purkiss was all over JRM but to my surprise Nick disagreed with them and thought that JRM came out of it better.
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Maybe hes's angling for a stint on this year's I'm A Celeb? He could bang on about his time in therapy and how he worked his way up to the dizzy heights of LBC with record breaking listening figures and accruing a host of celeb friends along the way..He won't forget his published works either..
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It's the 'footballification' of society (it's in my book). :rolleyes:

I missed Steve this morning, I woke up and wanted to be eased into the day only to have grim calls about gambling addiction. The doom and gloom is fucking relentless.
Honestly, I'd give my right arm to hear about a Greggs bacon roll with extra bacon or what Sandy's was selling over Easter .... :cry:

James today was discussing needing ID for voting. I'm a bit nonplussed about it and as a couple of callers mentioned, I have been surprised how easy it is to vote. However James and Nick A go on about how it is voter suppression for young people. They don't have ID.

Young people notoriously don't vote. Can't be bothered. It's not hard if you want to vote. Do a postal vote if it means that much to you. Get voter ID.
Round people never have a problem producing ID when they want to get into a nightclub ;)

The ease of which to vote is baffling. My sister in law and her family moved lock stock and barrel to the USA just over 20 years. They had no property here, no business, paid no tax and yet they were still allowed to vote in our elections and referendums up until a couple of years ago. I used to do it on their behalf. I went to the polling station local to their old address. Gave their details and old address and was given a voting card. No ID, no proof, nothing. I used to think it was very wrong.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Ian Payne has been broadcasting since 1am, Steve Allen would be impressed by this dedication.
Richard Spurr must be awol, or has gone rogue like Darren Adam.
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The Big One

Chatty Member
I see Nick Abbot and Ben Kentish are fighting over who should present the 10pm slot next week

Nick: "You can do it Ben"
Ben: "I would never forgive myself depriving your audience of more of you. I will let you do it" ;)
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Chatty Member
Allowed myself the 'luxury' of 20 minutes of O'Brien this morning. Consisted of him reading the papers and complaining they weren't complaining enough about strikes. He then criticises the UK for wanting to train more of its own doctors as it might offend some Nigerian person. He then starts parrotting the baristas earning more than doctors story, gets someone calling in to correct him (junior doctor hourly rate increases hugely in years 2 and 3) and O'Brien tells her not to get bogged down in figures.

Good luck, that's me out for the foreseeable
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VIP Member
Marina Purkiss is an excellent addition. I've listened to some of her podcasts with Jemma Forte (The Trawl) and she's definitely not afraid to voice an opinion!
The same Jemma Forte who claimed to have been on 500 dates and they were all terrible? Yeah ... okay, nothing to do with you then? :rolleyes: Man-hating female presenters do my head in. Is Marina like that?
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VIP Member
I see the SNP treasurer has resigned the day after he had his collar felt. It's becoming clearer every day that Scotland was governed by a criminal cabal. Hoping it may elicit anything more than an 'and finally' afterthought from O'Brien is pissing in the wind though. Just shows that any outrage he's shown for the Tories over the years is confected and for clicks.
I will never understand how someone so vehemently opposed to Brexit can even think about supporting Scottish independence. Surely the same principles apply?
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VIP Member
The guy was from Norway too, which isn't even a full member of the EU. :rolleyes:
Hadn't he moved here and relinquished his Norwegian passport? Ideal "fodder" for James but it all got very intense so James had to shut him down in the name of "empathy" and "compassion" for a suffering human being deeply affected by....Brexit of course.
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VIP Member
As people have been blocking blue tick accounts that is not the win he thinks it is.

Hard for him to complain when he is a serial blocker himself....
All animals in the farm were equal, but the animals with blue ticks were more equal than the others.
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Well-known member
I didn't listen to Nick Abbot last night but he's had a very odd take on the Schofield story the last couple of days. I can only assume he really doesn't know the full story or he's being obtuse.

Also, those saying this is all to distract us from the real stories can get in the bin. This is a massive story. Not everything is a cover up by the Tory government. This is a cover up by ITV 😉
I didn't listen to Nick last night but caught bits of his Friday & Saturday show where he was constantly moaning this (Schofield) was a non-story and bemused about why it was being spoken about so much. I thought he was a tad ironic as a couple of weeks ago he spent virtually his whole weekend wanting to discuss castigate Suella Braverman re her speeding fine story which could also be described as a non-story.
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The Big One

Chatty Member
I heard it too but to be honest she was being ridiculous.
Fair enough. But there are ways of getting rid of ridculous calls without shouting "shut up" to her. She will almost certainly never listen to his programme again. She may even be put off ringing (any presenter) again. She may even be put off listening to LBC.
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VIP Member
Typical O'Brien who wants the figures until they do not suit. She was lucky that he did not cut her off.
I gave up early on when he slagged Melanie Phillips off for writing 'the usual bile'. 71yo Melanie won the Orwell Prize for Journalism once when she wrote for The Observer (checked Wiki) ... but of course, being a successful woman of a certain age she was always going to feel James' hatred. Honestly, there's no fucking need for it ... he seemed extra hateful from the few minutes I heard. Geeezus. I quite like Melanie too ... 😒
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