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VIP Member
I suppose it's a Bank Holiday so many people are out and about getting soaked in the rain and embracing British values a la Farage?


VIP Member
His attempt to try and smear Starmer over a comment made about trying to make family time on a Friday evening was pathetic. David Cameron made the same point about having a date night with his wife every week and Johnson thought nothing of vanishing for long periods to write yet another book. Thankfully Ferrari is followed by someone who is quick to counter this rubbish, which he did perfectly again today. For all of the hatred aim at O’Brien on here, he exists because we have “journalists” like Ferrari who are happy to do the Tory’s dirty work for them.
'Date Night with Dave' .... Poor Samantha. :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
She's hardly a good advert for following NICE guidelines in terms of healthy weight maintenance. Type 2 diabetes candidate?


VIP Member
He must really regret wanting to be PM but I suppose it looks good on your CV. I don't know how he manages to fast what with the relentless pace of his lifestyle..Maybe hypoglycaemia affects his judgement?

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
Talk about an anticlimax! What's the difference between calling and speaking to Starmer and Sunak together and calling and speaking to them individually? (I'm assuming they'll be together) Can we expect fisticuffs?


VIP Member
I really like listening to Ian Payne. I first knew him as a sports journalist when LBC did football commentaries but in my opinion he strikes the right tone for the early morning slot. He's respectful and friendly and doesn't get aggressive with the nutters. He's very honest about his breakdown and just seems like a decent man.
I am not an early morning listener so cannot vouch for that but I too used to listen to "scores" on LBC back in the day and Ian Payne came across as a decent bloke back then.


VIP Member
Is it possible The Tories could be completely wiped out and Reform be the largest Party after Labour? With Nigel at the Dispatch Box opposite Sir Kier during PMQ's? You know what ... that would be FUCKING HILARIOUS. :ROFLMAO:
It would be indeed. But the problem with Reform is the question of who the shadow cabinet would be. Like who are they? Apart from Farage and Tice I don’t have a scooby. That’s a concern and makes them non viable considering the skeletons falling out of cupboards.

Speaking of shadow cabinet, where the fuck is future foreign secretary David Lammy? I’ve not seen sight nor sound of the twat in the campaign so far. Why is Starmer/Labour Campaign HQ hiding him?


VIP Member
Geezus. Touching-cloth in Liberal Media Land. All joking apart though, who the FUCK listens to this? Not anyone who is likely to push the electoral needle for certain.

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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
I think I'm going to be very selective from now on from what I listen to, I'm already sick to the back teeth of all the commentary so far an we're only 12hrs in. Iain Dale was quite good last night from the bit I heard. Quite why he had Mad Nad on though was a mystery, she reminds me a bit of Marjorie Taylor Green from the Republican Party in the US, she shouldn't be allowed near a broadcast studio, let alone politics.
Can Marjorie Taylor Green pump out novels about downtrodden waifs, jezebels & unrequited love though?


VIP Member
Lbc seem to have removed him from their presenters list. I do feel a bit sorry for him. He tends to be quite sensitive so think this will have been a huge knock for him and hope he's ok.
I agree that he'll end up on another station. Although I will say on his podcasts he's always been quite critical of other stations compared to lbc so he might have to eat some humble pie there!. Maybe something else to come back and bite him in the ass. :LOL:
I wonder if he will continue to do his million and one podcasts or have to take them elsewhere. Interesting times ahead for him I think. He doesn't need the money, but I can't see him being happy retiring.
Or Global will make him grovel. They may bring him in for some holiday cover and allow him to do the podcasts but he's not getting his plumb slot back and the election coverage.


VIP Member
I really like listening to Ian Payne. I first knew him as a sports journalist when LBC did football commentaries but in my opinion he strikes the right tone for the early morning slot. He's respectful and friendly and doesn't get aggressive with the nutters. He's very honest about his breakdown and just seems like a decent man.
Yeah he's alright. I find him a little bit fake, but hey ... it's showbiz, what ya gonna do.


VIP Member
I wonder what Ferrari's big election news will be. It'll probably be an anticlimax after all the bigging up. On the other hand, perhaps it's Boris related. 🥳
If it involves the further march forwards of one Nigel Farge then LBC may need to consider its 10am show. Perhaps they could keep Vanessa Feltz in reserve in case Jimbo spontaneously combusts.


VIP Member
Just wait until Sir Keir's lurid past life as a student is revealed in the Sun on Sunday..

He's sensible for presenting as "boring" in my view. Makes it hard to dig the dirt on him with any real gusto.

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
There is quite a bit of a difference in betting on a horse race which you do not know the outcome of & betting on something that you know is going to happen through inside info - like the exact date of a General Election - lol
Bookmaker will have noticed a pattern/influx of bets.
Yes, that's been on the news. But how do they know exactly who is cleaning up? I can understand it if you have an account with the bookie, but what about the casual punters?

Sorry, we're getting off topic here but it is the top discussion today.