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VIP Member
I think when you consider The Three Horse-people of the London-based millionaire commentariat apocalypse Lewis is the least worst compared with John Sopel and Emily Maitliss. I've read stories about Sopel all leathered-up pulling into the BBC carpark on a Harley, Maitliss (with Matt Frei) turning up at the Elysee Palace for receptions with Macron. Maitliss especially likes to arrive at 'events' all dressed-up like a film-star. One look at her face and you know she ain't that. The rampant narcissicm is hard to take, it's not even as if they need to do it these days. It's an ego thing.


VIP Member
His attempt to try and smear Starmer over a comment made about trying to make family time on a Friday evening was pathetic.
I think it's a sign of things to come for commercial media for a while, Sir Kier is boring ... he's like a German technocrat. There's really nothing for the likes of Nick to get his tabloid teeth into, at least for a while. He'd be wise to retire imo.


VIP Member
Oh gawd, just turned on and it's that Geordie bloke again, must have an IQ in the teens. All he does is go on about how the Tories are all scum. He must get on at least once every couple of weeks. Honestly, what's the point. :rolleyes: Surely Iain Dale can't be making the decision to have such low quality callers on.


Chatty Member
Here's little miss outraged talking about Jeremy Corbyn “I won’t knife you in the back, I’ll knife you in the front.’”

Easy to take a quote and make a story isn't it ? Marr's interview was nauseatingly insincere


Chatty Member
This is a good news but then bad news swing for those attending the Haye festival

Good news: Nish Kumar and Grace Blakeley have also pulled out.
Bad news: Soon the only thing to do will be listen to Jimbo and his FT mate droning on about how Brexit has made their lives a misery....
Face of an angel, but the soul is pure evil.

Her nose seems to be changing shape like Daniella Westbrook's did.

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I know..Can't stand their assumption that money means power.
But you can't do much in the way of influencing things without it. And prosperity doesn't always mean corruption.
How are these amateur gamblers being exposed as breaking the law? I'm not familiar with the process of placing a bet. If I fancy chancing a few bob on a big race, I get one of my more worldly acquaintances to do it for me. How can it be traced if I wander into a bookmaker and place a bet? Or even if I have an online account?
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VIP Member
Nigel Farage beat Susanna Reid (who James thinks is very good) for 'Best News Presenter' and GB News also won something else (with Eamon Holmes?). Waaagh .... CBeeebies cleaning-up! I'm no fan of GB News, but it is fucking hilarious to me that they beat out the more mainstream channels. No doubt James will poo-poo these awards now or more likely not even mention it. Hilarious.
Meanwhile James will have spent much of the night with an emptying bottle of Grey Goose in one hand and his phone showing this in the other.



VIP Member
Nigel Farage has bested James yet again.

If this was a boxing match the referee would have stopped it ages ago.
I can't face listening. Keep us informed. Rather than mock GB News, which is easy I admit, the more established presenters on established networks should try to up their own game and/or just ignore them. Again, Nigel, GBeebies, Boris ... all these things James professes to despise allow him to pay his bills. It's an absurd position. Believe it or not, a poll quoted in Private Eye revealed that viewers of GB News are more likely to vote Labour than any other party ... No, I couldn't quite believe it either! (Nor I suspect can the owners of GB News). :ROFLMAO:


Chatty Member
I stumbled across this story from 9 years ago but that wasn't what disturbed me the most, it was the photo. For a bloke who doesn't really do much and has no money worries per se, the aging process is quite remarkable. The Brexit Effect or an old audition photo for German electronic band Kraftwerk?

View attachment 3004969
View attachment 3004970
That’s exactly what I was thinking 🤣


VIP Member
Well his job must involve tilting at windmills all the time, whether on or off the (miniature) golf course.

I'll admit I quite like him and the way he presents but I know nowt about these things.


VIP Member
Actually let me correct myself as it was longer than that at around 5 years. However most of it was in the international division so not as Rachel Reeves is trying to imply.
Look, whatever the case, it's all really tedious. The Tweets that go back and fourth I mean ... It's like something out of Grange Hill, but instead of it going on in real life in the school yard it's done on Twitter.


VIP Member
If Dale wins he’ll be even more pompous and up himself than he is already if that could be possible. The media hungry narc is proving the old saying that politics is showbiz for ugly people.
I know what you mean. He is a bit of a luvvie, although tbf I don't think he's inherently evil or corrupt, I mean it could be a hell of a lot worse if he was your local MP. He reminds me a lot of the SNP MP John Nicholson, a TV presenter whose career was on the wane ... so obviously politics was next move. :rolleyes:

Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
That's not really a surprise though is it. He's not a politician, he's a massive banker. 😬 I think I was a bit unkind ot Tom (Swarbrick) earlier because our Prime Minister has almost nothing in common with 99 percent of the electorate. Bless him.
This hour with Sunak is an absolute car crash


Chatty Member
Tric awards today, Matt Chorley left his Times radio show early as he was nominated for 'News Presenter of The Year'. The grey goose will be being chugged and all kinds of profanities uttered somewhere behind a gated enclave in Brentford

TRIC Awards (@TRICawards) / X

Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
But you can't do much in the way of influencing things without it. And prosperity doesn't always mean corruption.
How are these amateur gamblers being exposed as breaking the law? I'm not familiar with the process of placing a bet. If I fancy chancing a few bob on a big race, I get one of my more worldly acquaintances to do it for me. How can it be traced if I wander into a bookmaker and place a bet? Or even if I have an online account?
There is quite a bit of a difference in betting on a horse race which you do not know the outcome of & betting on something that you know is going to happen through inside info - like the exact date of a General Election - lol
Bookmaker will have noticed a pattern/influx of bets.