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VIP Member
For the person in the previous thread who said 'Their Hubby reads a lot about Trump' (or words to that effect) ... Trump was convicted by a grand-jury of sexual-assualt against a woman (by fingering her in a department store without consent), he then defamed her by saying essentially 'she loved it and it made her famous' and was subsequently found guilty by a jury of 12 members of the public and ordered to pay millions of dollars. Ask yourself, how would YOU feel if you daughter or loved-one was sexually assualted? Ask yourself about the kind of person who normalizes this sort of stuff by defending Trump by not mentioning it.

Trump has been declared bankrupt numerous times. He has numerous cases of corruption pending. He incited an insurrection and still contends the last election was a fix. Anyone who defends him in the media is doing so for one of two reasons: (a) They want to be paid and are liars or (b) they have a psychiatric disorder. Anyone who normalizes him is complicit in his crimes. Admittedly, that last bit could be viewed as extreme, but that's how I feel personally. The man is utterly vile. He also wears a diaper and shits his pants, but I haven't got the evidence for that right now. :cautious:

I do agree though, LBC, like all commercial media outlets sows seeds of division. If it bleeds, it leads. Whatever Nick Ferrari may say, the legacy media (Global in this case) exist for one reason and one reason alone: to make a profit for their shareholders. The best way to create profit is not to broadcast reasonable, fair-minded, non-divisive, educational material. That's BORING, no one wants to listen to THAT. THAT doesn't make MONEY.
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You can take some sort of solace from that. His arrogance must have had a wobble even though he won. Susan Hall was hardly a realistic option, I felt?
I'm not personally a Sadiq fan and had huge concerns about ULEZ forcing people who may not have been able to afford the charge or a newer vehicle off the road, but he got the most votes so democracy has spoken. I was suprised at the number of callers to Vanessa yesterday saying there had been a noticeabe improvement in air quality since ULEZ came into being. I thought Vanessa was a breath of fresh air by the way, really enjoyed her first show.
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Just so much fandom over her. Its rather pathetic and she will end up on BBC anyway
She came from the BBC.

This 'outcry' is very contrived. Up until a couple of weeks ago she was just another weekend presenter on a commercial radio station that most people would not have heard of. Very bland and nondescript in my opinion. I am indifferent to her. What seems to be behind this is that her departure coincided with criticising Israel during an interview with an Israeli government person. For some reason the Twitterverse are behaving like she's Alexei Navalny.
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Prepare for a tirade against the cruel Tories cracking down on Mental Health fraud and deliberate work avoidance. Cue weeping callers happy to divulge their perceived horrific life circumstances whilst genuine sufferers battle on regardless and try to do their best with what little they have and can't bear to listen to all the outrage and whining.
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Iain Dale did a AMA on Twitter yesterday. Someone asked how Steve Allen was, Iain said ‘he’s heard he’s very well’.
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I genuinely think there is a turn in that people are sick of wall to wall misery and need something healthier for their mental health
That's the ironic thing, stations like LBC are well onboard the 'mental health' bandwagon but I would argue that their output actually makes a conscious and determined effort to make certain sections of their audience angry, upset, distressed, and sad! It's bloody ridiculous and it really shows up the duplicity of commerical media and some of the hosts. Quite sick and twisted really.
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Fuck off James OB mansplaining to that women why she shouldn't feel uncomfortable in a changing room with a man. Seriously - fuck off and then fuck off some more. He doesn't have a clue - we shouldn't have to justify feeling unsafe, we've all been leered at, touched up, spoken to inappropriatley - he hasn't. He doesn't understand why we need safe spaces. He'll be telling us we're trans-phobic for not wanting a man to carry out a smear test next.
Are talking about this exchange? I've only just seen/heard it. What an absolute horror that man is. He has no idea and totally dismisses a woman's fears making her feel like she's being irrational. Awful man. That's made me very angry. I'm glad I didn't hear the rest of his show. Next time his wife or daughters tell him they felt uncomfortable walking down a street with a man walking behind them, I hope he suitably dismisses their fears too. God, I'm livid. 🤬🤬

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Chatty Member
I have always preferred the forum style, I know forums are certainly a part of Social Media but I think the poster can get to know other poster's better, it's more interactive.
Social Media has been the biggest blight on humanity (and yet here I am posting on a form of Social Media) 😬
I do think there's a world of difference between forums and these big social media aps. On facebook/instagram/reddit/twitter anyone can create a new account make up total nonsense and it gets amplified into millions of people's feeds. Forums you have to make an active choice on what topic to read and everyones comment is equal rather than promoting some to the top of the pile - and most people on read the stuff at the top.
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Nick Abbot wouldn't discuss Humza or SNP last night which I found strange as he is always ready to talk about all the Tory misdemeanours and he has been known to criticise Labour too. Ranjit got his call in early and the first question he asked him was what did he think of what is happening with the SNP. Nick was extremely evasive and didn't answer.
I doubt Nick knows to much about the SNP. I really don't remember him ever really talking about Scottish politics. The only thing he ever says abo9ut Scotland is the weather in Glasgow and that he was brought up in Edinburgh.

All this with Humza shows the SNP are a one person party. Salmond brought them to prominence and then Sturgeon became their face and voice.

OMG ... I've just been looking at NA's Wikipedia page. Someone has been meddling with it ... Apparently he has a tail. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

"Abbot was born on 22 August 1960 with a tail which he refers to as his "fourth leg". He was educated at George Heriot's School, a private school for boys in Edinburgh and at Brunel Universityin Uxbridge in West London, where he gained a lower-second class degree in psychology. His professional career began as a Virgin Megastore DJ. He had previously presented student radio at Brunel University's radio station, Radio Brunel.

Abbot has often been the victim of bullying due to his tail and has been a persistent anti-bullying activist because of this. In 2022 he released Just Hanging About, where he details how he overcame low self-esteem and used his tail to his advantage. For example, he would hang from a chandelier at a ball to entice girls to do the disco-dancing with a literal party animal. '
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VIP Member
James really does hate himself doesn't he?

Honestly, who gives a stuff about the Garrick Club? Stupid boys club full of posh twats. Let them have it. I can't understand some women who feel the need to get into places like that? It's really not a win for gender equality.
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Chatty Member
Good old Moley, drops in with the usual AI generated trolling, chucks in a bit of casual racism and will pop up in another few weeks to rinse and repeat.
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I'm glad I don't bother with Twitter or whatever it's called now. What a load of rubbish. Just another form of addiction.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
"Why haven't the Police investigated you Ferrari?....thanks Melanie......"you are a disgrace Ferrari inciting hatred every morning".....
*mumbles*......."It's taken until 7.18am today...come on folks you must do better"
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VIP Member
Where was it that JOB launched his sweary tirade at Richard Tice and Maajid Nawaz? Oh yeah, Kettners Champagne Bar, Soho.
Man of the people.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
Is it a coincidence that there is no Catol Vorderman today as the Angela Rayner story blows up?
I can't wait for the :poop: to hit the fan on this one. I wonder how Starmer will react.

What Carol is overlooking, reprehensible though it is, is that stashing your cash offshore is legal. Dodging tax by lying about your circumstances isn't. Imagine the field day the left would be having if it were a Tory MP.
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VIP Member
Prepare for a tirade against the cruel Tories cracking down on Mental Health fraud and deliberate work avoidance. Cue weeping callers happy to divulge their perceived horrific life circumstances whilst genuine sufferers battle on regardless and try to do their best with what little they have and can't bear to listen to all the outrage and whining.
In the old days there were lunatic asylum's, these days the same people can call LBC. It's good coin for Global and their vastly overpaid gobshites, sorry, 'presenters'.
It seems that James O'Brien cannot stop himself.
Matron used to smack his bottom at school and now he has 'mental health issues'. That gives him a free pass to being a hateful bastard and misogynistic pig.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I think that most of them never listened to LBC anyway so they need to look up the word boycott in the dictionary. Those that did were likely to listen to Jimbo so it is bad news for him. Even if they did not they were in the group that had similar views. Also with his habit of name calling and blocking on Twitter (x) there can't be many left in his echo chamber.

On the upside all the recent news has probably done wonders for his constipation problem.
They obviously don't know how listener figures are collected either. They think that the minute they switch off LBC the audience counter thingy in Global Towers clicks down by one! :rolleyes:
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