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Active member
I would just like to reiterate (regarding issue with Zack) that the reason the family tried stopping Lawrence from leaving was because he was going to DRINK DRIVE. THAT is why they used violence towards him. THAT is why he ended up shoving the mum, beating Zack with the straps and biting the dad. Because they tried to stop him from getting in his car while drunk which could have killed him, and other road users. I feel like that’s been forgotten by his minions. They excuse his behaviour by saying the family were violent to him and he was using self defence.
Yeah he worded it as if they were keeping him hostage and wouldn't let him escape! Idiot he is
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This isn’t a Lawrence rave thread he has handled the situation appallingly in all honesty and it’s not just dhb dragging everything up at all Lawrence’s comment section is full of hate abs questions his views are right down he isn’t as well loved as he was anymore he tried so hard to brush over the things he had done and even when he has spoken about it he has not held his hands up and said I’ve done wrong etc he has just said I’m easily led they talked me into it I defended myself they are benefit cheats and even came out to his mum in a video if that want for pity and trying to manipulate the situation I dong know what was. he hasn’t taken one ounce of blame he put himself in the public eye his account blew up without him sxpecting it to that’s for sure but he is no way conducting himself the way a celeb ( what he thinks he is ) should whoever he is paying to manage him needs sacking it will never just go away and his mum with her account like 50 years old trying to be popular and earn money like him by jumping on the bandwagon is just laughable dhb isn’t an angel no but what he is doing is voicing what a hell of a lot of people are thinking
Who said it was a rave thread?

I'm intitled to my opinion on the matter just as much as anyone else is!

Don't speak to me like I'm defending Lawrence. I've not once said that. I pointed out that he put his side out there as the fact is he did. Whether or not you wish to accept what he says is completely up to you.

As I said in my post, both Lawrence and Zak have bent the truth to fit their respective agenda's. There will always be Lawrence's side and Zak’s side and there there will be the truth. We will never get that full truth.

I dont care what went on. It doesn't effect my life in anyway whatever so it not my problem.

What I do however have a problem with is that narcissistic dhb getting information and then taking it open himself to post to everyone. It has absolutely nothing to do with saying " he just said what everyone else's thinks" and it was not an opinion. He did that to try and take Lawrence down. He is extremely jealous.

He took absolutely no time to even bother to find out if the information he was given was truth. He just jumped on the chance to take Lawrence down.

Lawrence never did anything to dhb before that point so why go after him and do him like that.

As for the part about he is only saying what everything thinks. When did you speak to everyone exactly? And are you that much of a yellow belly you can't speak up for yourself you have to wait for dhb to do it for you.

We're losing good tikers because of all the drama that dhb start. Today anyone we lost a good one because she has had enough of her tiktok being flooded with it. Tiktok will just die off.

The drama is firmly at dhb feet.

This is the problem when you start trouble for people you have no place getting involved with.

His actions have consequences and thats the trolls gunning for him. That's his fault and not anyone else's.

First lesson in being an adult is taking responsibility for what you've done and he and others like yourself want to blame Lawrence for it.

He chose to do what he did he was not forced to abuse trust and share that information.

And before I get accused of defending Lawrence, I 100 do not condone what he or zaks families have done to each other with disgusting violent behaviour.

I'm defending Lawrence from the stand point of you blaming him for the hate dhb is getting.
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Chatty Member
He is a lazy prick he wouldn't even sign a few mugs. 😂 Try doing what he does on tic tok. 😂😂dance around like a twat and pester 21-year olds for a nosh 🙄and then throw a mug at him when he says no. It's not exactly a management job is it 😂 what a tool
He's getting dangerously close to Ian Moore territory.
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VIP Member
Just seen some of Lawrence’s step dads videos. He doesn’t seem like a nice person either. Swearing and calling names. The whole family is messed up. Honestly this is worse than Jeremy Kyle
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Nan of 2

Well-known member
Ralph is rolling a fag and has the bakki in his hand, and so what? Lawrence is smoking? That's not a big deal. All these silly stupid videos are just pathetic now.. I can't stand lawl or his mother, but posting about him smoking just to get some drama?. Its pathetic.
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I don’t get the sending gifts thing, wouldn’t most people with a bit of extra money want to donate it to charity?
These people that “gift” haven’t a brain cell to rub together, and would know a charity, or a hospice, for example, if it slapped them in the face. Morons.
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Chatty Member
He still thinks biting some one is nothing 🙄. The beetroot gang are worse than him saying he is the victim.
I know the Mike Tyson thing was really weird. He's being praised by his bum-lickers for putting his point across well and standing up for himself.

Think they watched a difference Lawrence.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
When he is doing a live I wish a Tax Man was watching I mean he must have an accountant by now this is not just pin money anymore.
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I said to my daughter right at the start of Beetroots TT journey “there is something not right with this fella” and I was bloomin right. Him, his mum, his so called TT pals the lot of them, are all simpletons! 🤪 and the Beetroot fans all seem to be simpletons too!! 🤪
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How has DHB just apologised to lawrence and agreed to stop talking about him, left lawrence’s live, went back on his own and immediately continued slagging lawrence off 🤣🤣🤣
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Chatty Member

Man, his mask has well and truly fallen off. He's not even trying to keep the nice guy act up anymore.
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VIP Member
I caught the both lives and the difference when Lawrence is talking to someone and speaks completely normally and when he is talking to a camera, with the weird baby voice. It was all so cringe though 😅 Love when Daryls wife compared what they are going through to the pandemic though. Yeah it’s just the same love.
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Chatty Member
Just scrolled through TT and got the fright of my life as Mel.Moon is sat on live screaming singing in Lawrence’s hairdressers
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Chatty Member
Christ on a bike. I've just seen his two latest eating videos. There is absolutely no need to eat that loud. It genuinely makes me feel sick. I've had pets with nicer eating manners.
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If you did a Claire’s law in his name 10000% some prior criminal charges would come up.

Something about him sends me on edge.
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Bea Saint

Active member
One thing for sure the management of the Tiktokers aka Lawrence's and Smithy are absolutely shit, they have no PR remit and that's why they are all handling badly.
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VIP Member
I saw Lawrence asking for a Carosel to buy a
round of drinks his greed makes me sick.
Worst thing was he didnt even stick to the deal!. He said i will buy everyone a shot of vodka and we will all down it if i get a carousel....then once some numpty bought it all he did was pour prosecco into 2 shot glasses!!!!!
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