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VIP Member
It'll all end in tears for Lawrence sooner or later (hopefully sooner), and he'll crash and burn like most talentless w**kers.
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Chatty Member
True colours shining through he is so cocky now his whole demeanour has changed like a completely different person he is blatantly blagging all his millions of fans it’s like he thinks he is the mutts nuts and can do and act as he pleases and get away with it while poor zac has gone to ground for speaking out about drunken violence against him and his family sexual harassment and god knows what else Lawrence tried to out them as benefit frauds but his own Mumma is playing the council like a fiddle getting housed and telling him just say you been threatened by my ex and you’ll be housed too he is the Stacey Solomon of tik tok she picks and chooses which personality she’s going to have in which setting and he obvs does the same
Yeah, the mask has well and truly fallen off. He isn't even bothering with the high voice or vacant expressions anymore.
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barabra cundy

Well-known member
Have a nice night, Lawrence. 😂

You guys really need to think of a new catchphrase. There is literally nothing to envy about a man who eats his dinner with his fingers and a man who acts like a man child.

People just don't like abusers, or people who fleece the gullible of their money.
Some people are calling him
Hannibal Lawrence now -
Since he bites and enjoys the taste of human flesh …… he also wanted to ‘taste’ Zak
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Chatty Member
How thick are people for buying them, though?

I had a scroll through random lives when I couldn't sleep the other night, and there was a rough woman pointing her phone at the end of the street saying 'you all need to buy me gifts so I can afford some data and then I can show you the end of my street.' And people were buying them! The world has gone mad.
The woman with the Smithy tattoo regularly asks for money for cigarettes…she bloody gets it as well! I think the followers are the problematic ones.
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
Bad language warning This bloke sounds vile

Just because he swears don't mean isn't telling the truth I'm from the London area and I'm the same I think I have tourette's or something. But Iam bit rough around the edges. But I know right from wrong . He own cousin said he was a total wrong un . That 16 year old kid was his biggest fan has turned against him now they all can't be wrong
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Chatty Member
Jesus wept. I just caught the end of Lawrence's live. He is one of those really, really thick people who are annoyingly smug and arrogant with it.

He makes the most childish arguments and gets a smug look on his face like he's won the battle.

Keeps repeating 'now hopefully that's that.' No, Lawrence. You making shitty arguments on a live - making sure to get his mug in shot I noticed - won't make people stop disliking you. Does he really think he holds that much power that if he says 'that's it now' people will just bow down and apply?

He said 'and I had 12 and a half thousand people watching me on a Sunday night - wow.' Get over yourself, man.
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VIP Member
Basically virtual beggars
It's the followers that create these monsters honestly. I get people like watching someone and love the videos but come on. Its vulnerable lonely people that are filling their pockets. No one stable is gonna keep giving money. And that one lady who gave the last of her benefit money just angers me. Benefits are paid for people to live on. Not give away to people with 10x their income. Bloody kids homeless and starving why not donate to that? These creators don't even know you exist and only interested in your money. 😔😔😔😔
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Chatty Member
I’m not a fan of Lawrence but that don’t hold back is actually insane.. it’s got fuck all to do with him. I watched most of the live when he came on with Lawrence and it’s all him crying “Well you called me a bully..!” Absolutely pathetic.
I think he could maybe handle himself better and be a bit more to the point, but I enjoy seeing someone challenge this whole TT celebrity nonsense.
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Active member
You’re definitely Zak’s sister 🤫
Hahhahahahahah I’m absolutely not! I was accused of been Vickaboox before but continue 🤣🤣🤣

If you did a Claire’s law in his name 10000% some prior criminal charges would come up.

Something about him sends me on edge.
This!!! His soft voice and extra large finger spaces between words isn’t fooling anybody what so ever. I honestly see his face now and could absolutely punch it.

whoops, shouldn’t have wrote this, I’ll get accused of being a relation again instead of just seeing young lad who has been led astray by a predator.
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Chatty Member
Just saw a video where he states his merch is his uniform as he’s a ‘social influencer’. Feckin’ moron.
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Chatty Member
Why does Michelle the motivator get involved in everything, she is starting to do my nut in. Thinks she knows these people so well
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Active member
WTF! What does he get to keep out of that?
I googled, a tiktoker who got it before said they got 300 pounds from the castle

If I was going to send a gift on tiktok (I'd never as I'm not a fucking idiot) i would think ok I have to spend 600 on this but my favourite tiktoker only gets 300, I'll send it on there paypal or something so they get the full amount

600 pound is a months rent or 6 months food, sort your kids out with clothes for the next 2 or 3 years, a fucking holiday if you go somewhere cheaper, or help your own family out, not some fucking tiktoker

Really don't understand these people it baffles me so much
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Chatty Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think his cult have to be some of the dumbest people around.

I had a look at that channel someone shared on here where they do parodies of Lawrence and Zakk, and people were genuinely commenting on the fake Zakk video thinking it was actually him and saying he was seeking attention by posting the video on there.

On one of the fake Lawrence videos, someone said 'this is edited ffs.' So I said 'are you a professional detective or... evidently it's fake. It's a parody account.' To which he replied 'you don't need to be a detective to know that's not the real Lawrence.'

Well done.

I also saw someone say to Lawrence that he had said 'good morning' when it was afternoon and one of his cult members said 'if Lawrence says it's morning, its morning.' Jesus wept.
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I'm sorry but his remark about Aldi struck me the wrong way. "they got their money's worth out of me" no Lawrence they made you do the job that you were employed to do.
Also, people with qualifications can still work in retail jobs, he's blatantly trying to make excuses and guilt his audience. it is disgusting
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barabra cundy

Well-known member
I think The Beetroot Master has been pretty smart this week, he has seen all the public negativity with Nick and seems like he is holding tight, stopping the drama and gone back to basics with just dinnah posts. Looks like it might be working, Nick on the other hand is drowning in his own tears and misery
I dunno - watching a 30 year old man pick up food with his fingers and talk in that dopey fake VOICE is just boring now .
The novelty wore off and his halo has
well and truely fallen …
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VIP Member
Can mechelle the motivator just fuck off? Her comments absolutely reek of desperation and clout chasing
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Regards Lawrence, I know what was said, couple points I want to make, normal people do not take a pair of braces off to whip someone, smash the windows on a car, and try to smash an entrance door nearly in. I want to mention his greed for gifts is horrible to watch he does not need anyone to send him a carousel to buy a round of drinks. Almost everything that was said last night could be proved easy enough if anyone cares enough.
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