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Chatty Member
It's the followers that create these monsters honestly. I get people like watching someone and love the videos but come on. Its vulnerable lonely people that are filling their pockets. No one stable is gonna keep giving money. And that one lady who gave the last of her benefit money just angers me. Benefits are paid for people to live on. Not give away to people with 10x their income. Bloody kids homeless and starving why not donate to that? These creators don't even know you exist and only interested in your money. 😔😔😔😔
I always say they should take away the ability to make money on the app. When it's just people having a laugh or being educational or helpful with advice etc, it's a cracking little app.

When it starts creating wannabe celebrities and people who think they can sell merchandise because they do something as meaningless as eating food, that's when it stops being fun.

And people also become too addicted to it. The Iffy Family and Fat Boy Dim's fans are way way too protective and defensive over them. I've been a big Iron Maiden fan since I was a kid, I don't see red and go mental when someone says they're not their cup of tea. It's sad.
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Chatty Member
How original 🙄
Well, I mean, you've popped up and posted a load of overly angry rants with very little logical consistency and you seem to have an inability to see the irony in your own arguments or to see other people's points of view.

The people on this forum are really good at just discussing things with a bit of tongue in cheek humour thrown in, even if they don't all agree on the same thing so it's a bit draining when some overly angry person starts kicking off.
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Chatty Member
Seems like these people are ruining your lives. So stop watching them. I’ve never come across such a poisonous trail of nasty and negative opinions laced with an unhealthy amount of jealousy. Block them, please. Block them all. Log out of here and TT and enjoy your life. Some madman murdered 5 people on a shooting spree yesterday and you lot are on here complaining about mugs. No need to reply because I’m taking my own advice and I’m off. Bye.
Have a nice night, Lawrence. 😂

Seems like these people are ruining your lives. So stop watching them. I’ve never come across such a poisonous trail of nasty and negative opinions laced with an unhealthy amount of jealousy. Block them, please. Block them all. Log out of here and TT and enjoy your life. Some madman murdered 5 people on a shooting spree yesterday and you lot are on here complaining about mugs. No need to reply because I’m taking my own advice and I’m off. Bye.
You guys really need to think of a new catchphrase. There is literally nothing to envy about a man who eats his dinner with his fingers and a man who acts like a man child.

People just don't like abusers, or people who fleece the gullible of their money.
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Chatty Member
In future please can someone screen record some of these juicy lives that are late at night because some of us are sleeping and are gutted to wake up and realised we missed it all 🤣🤣🤣🤣 THANKS🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
How thick are people for buying them, though?

I had a scroll through random lives when I couldn't sleep the other night, and there was a rough woman pointing her phone at the end of the street saying 'you all need to buy me gifts so I can afford some data and then I can show you the end of my street.' And people were buying them! The world has gone mad.
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Active member
I saw ten seconds of Lawrence in his real voice stumbling over ‘I’ve asked you to get your name out my mouth. Nine ten times I’ve told you get my name out your mouth’

Chill out hard man. He can talk about whoever he wants.
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Well-known member
Lawrence a actually has put his side across. He did 3x3 mins videos going into to details.

As with all things there is 3 sides to the story. Lawrence side, zaks side and the truth. Both sides have been found out to be lying on certain events.

We will never know the real truth and thats not a problem as it doesn't effect any of us except Lawrence and Zak.

Dhb is the one dragging it all back up yet again. Jeez even that dbn Dan was talking sense in the live. Telling him to move on as its getting boring.

All 3 tikers that dhb called out have all moved on. It start to go quiet so dhb is trying desperately to stoke the fire. He needs the drama.

See his problem is he thinks he is some kind of super hero and because them 3 didn't get cancelled he doesn't like it so he is trying to keep it going.

He is another one that says he is all about mental health when he shows the opposite to be true.

Even his own wife was telling him last night on the live that enough was enough and he just ignored her.

He is creating his own downfall. He had his 15 minutes of fame and is desperately trying to get it back, and it seems at any cost.
This isn’t a Lawrence rave thread he has handled the situation appallingly in all honesty and it’s not just dhb dragging everything up at all Lawrence’s comment section is full of hate abs questions his views are right down he isn’t as well loved as he was anymore he tried so hard to brush over the things he had done and even when he has spoken about it he has not held his hands up and said I’ve done wrong etc he has just said I’m easily led they talked me into it I defended myself they are benefit cheats and even came out to his mum in a video if that want for pity and trying to manipulate the situation I dong know what was. he hasn’t taken one ounce of blame he put himself in the public eye his account blew up without him sxpecting it to that’s for sure but he is no way conducting himself the way a celeb ( what he thinks he is ) should whoever he is paying to manage him needs sacking it will never just go away and his mum with her account like 50 years old trying to be popular and earn money like him by jumping on the bandwagon is just laughable dhb isn’t an angel no but what he is doing is voicing what a hell of a lot of people are thinking
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Chatty Member
Lawrence didn’t say that. I have all the videos.

"A load of waffle " or just the case your argument is weak. Your just as bad as the Smithys trolls. Cant make a valid argument so just blow it off.

And yet again please quote where ive said I have more of an issue with him over Lawrence?

Any chance of yoi actually having a grown discussion? Or do you just like to assert things that haven't been said?

Not sure how many time someone can say that think that violence is disgusting and should not be condoned.

Is seems to me you love to focus on what's not actually been said and just make it up as you go along.

Your typical social media type that thinks if your not for one thing then you're for another. That's a black and white fallacy. I'm not for dhb or Lawrence. I'm for facts and truth. And so far not anyone is providing anything demonstrable. Its just he said she said with edits.

Instead of telling me what I think ( moronic in itself) and actually ask me what I think!
Okay, Lawrence 😉
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VIP Member
They all make the mistake of turning Tik Tok into their whole life, he should have just kept his account about his food and weight loss but they get sucked into the drama and attention and that’s when it goes tits up.
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Chatty Member
They haven't called out the violence from the family because all they did was try to stop him from driving UTI, which Lawrence basically says himself.

All of what you said is just a load of waffle. DHB is no saint but as I said, he is more than entitled to make his videos and have his opinions.

And I'll repeat it again; having more of an issue with him than you do Lawrence is...odd.
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Chatty Member
I love tiktok but sometimes I wish theyd ban it or something so these people will fall on their arses lol
I think they should do away with the ability to earn money from it. If its left to normal people just having a laugh, it's great but when people start thinking they're celebrities, that's when it goes downhill.
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Chatty Member
With all due respect, Lawrence didn't put his side across really. He more or less confirmed the actions that he'd been accused of but tried to suggest the family had all gone Deliverance on him. But that was only after openly mocking the situation for days until he realised people weren't having it.

DHB is no Saint, sure but I can't get my head around people being angrier with a man (granted, obnoxiously) voicing his opinions than they are with a man who abused a family and pestered a lad a decade younger than himself for oral sex.

I really, really wish people would stop throwing the mental health thing about too. DHB challenging people doesn't make him unaware of mental health. If any of the TT people he targets are struggling, take a break from the app. But none ever do.
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Well-known member
True colours shining through he is so cocky now his whole demeanour has changed like a completely different person he is blatantly blagging all his millions of fans it’s like he thinks he is the mutts nuts and can do and act as he pleases and get away with it while poor zac has gone to ground for speaking out about drunken violence against him and his family sexual harassment and god knows what else Lawrence tried to out them as benefit frauds but his own Mumma is playing the council like a fiddle getting housed and telling him just say you been threatened by my ex and you’ll be housed too he is the Stacey Solomon of tik tok she picks and chooses which personality she’s going to have in which setting and he obvs does the same
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barabra cundy

Well-known member
I’m not a fan of Lawrence but that don’t hold back is actually insane.. it’s got fuck all to do with him. I watched most of the live when he came on with Lawrence and it’s all him crying “Well you called me a bully..!” Absolutely pathetic.
Dontholdback EXPOSED Lawrence using evidence - Aslo Lawrence didn’t deny sending texts to Zak - instead Lawrence played the situation as being ‘forced to come out as bisexual’ …. And people were lapping it up and giving sympathy and support - despite the FACT Lawrence was sexually harassing Zak …..
Lawrence didn’t deny biting Zak’s dad - he just responded saying Tyson bites people 😳

as for the beating with braces , smashed car and images of Zak’s injuries and the throwing mug - all Lawrence has said is that ‘people fall out’… he hasn’t tried to deny it ( he can’t because of evidence)
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Active member
He can shove them up his rectum. The only people I support doing Kerch is those who are doing it for a good cause. For example, Love_Logan07 was requested numerous times for merch, she gave in but every single payment she receives goes to Cure San Fillippo Syndrome. People with disabled children or those needing to fund life saving treatment go ahead, do it. Those like Lawrence not wanting to work and make a mint as he described I wouldn’t give him the steam from my shit
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VIP Member
Dhb basically points out what we all do on here. He's highlighting the inconsistencies of these tik tok accounts.The difference is we type it on here and he says it on there.
Yes! Totally agree. He’s just saying it in videos or live and the people have the opportunity to speak to him about it. He’s not doing anything we’re not.
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