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How much shall we all bet Lawrence starts a go fund me soon for lose skin removal? He knows he's not as popular and will only get worse soon, bet he sets one up soon!
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
Some people have been brilliant on Tt and have used it for great. Lawrence at first I thought amazing, good on ya lad. TT was his food diary and kept him going. The more followers and more money he made the more greedy he became. And I started taking a major dislike to him.
The smithy family also kept me entertained first lockdown but then he was getting stupid and dangerous and couldn’t watch them any longer as if Corona had a voice it would be jess’.
Mel was quite funny first lockdown then started breaking rules with Sophie Aspin and NoHun_ and started getting cocky when people called her out out for it and then she met up with roadman in lockdown whilst preaching how much she needed a new heart. So you will shit in the NHS staff when you wanna see your mates but love them when you need a transplant? Behave!

I have heart failure also I had to be helped to bed most days I have a job to go for a shower no dancing around on tic tok for me or new heart I also don't have a go fund me . Like the one she has now and has had 5 years ago
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Seems like these people are ruining your lives. So stop watching them. I’ve never come across such a poisonous trail of nasty and negative opinions laced with an unhealthy amount of jealousy. Block them, please. Block them all. Log out of here and TT and enjoy your life. Some madman murdered 5 people on a shooting spree yesterday and you lot are on here complaining about mugs. No need to reply because I’m taking my own advice and I’m off. Bye.
In other words block Lawrence ( you) and cry baby Nick because you want to carry on Ripping off the vunerable without anyone saying a word, jog on as many have already said the days are numbered people are waking up and you both don't like it.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
I think it's the fact that many of us do care a lot about people getting ripped off is the reality, don't twist it, it's shocking the warriors are too dense to see that
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Now you see this is where the word grooming gets thrown around willy nilly and it takes away it's meaning, it's true meaning which is to manipulate young children into doing horrible things let's face it. When you're an adult it's not grooming it's manipulation, gaslighting. They call it grooming for young children because they are young and the person doing it to the child is moulding them into what they want, yes manipulation but it's manipulation of a young person. You don't hear grown adults who are in DV relationships saying oh he groomed me... No they say he was gas lighting me, using manipulation because the word grooming is a strong word to use because everyone knows what it's associated with, people don't think adults when you use that word they think children and its been made that way for a reason. So when u say "he's a groomer" you know exactly what that person is being accused of.
Adults can be groomed, especially vulnerable adults. Zak may not be vulnerable, but he is only 21 which is very young, lawrence is nearly 10 years his senior and was pressuring him into sexual stuff which he clearly didn’t want to do. You can see it all in the messages he sent about bjs.
See this link where it explains about adult grooming and particularly talks about the grooming of gay men.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Who said it was a rave thread?

I'm intitled to my opinion on the matter just as much as anyone else is!

Don't speak to me like I'm defending Lawrence. I've not once said that. I pointed out that he put his side out there as the fact is he did. Whether or not you wish to accept what he says is completely up to you.

As I said in my post, both Lawrence and Zak have bent the truth to fit their respective agenda's. There will always be Lawrence's side and Zak’s side and there there will be the truth. We will never get that full truth.

I dont care what went on. It doesn't effect my life in anyway whatever so it not my problem.

What I do however have a problem with is that narcissistic dhb getting information and then taking it open himself to post to everyone. It has absolutely nothing to do with saying " he just said what everyone else's thinks" and it was not an opinion. He did that to try and take Lawrence down. He is extremely jealous.

He took absolutely no time to even bother to find out if the information he was given was truth. He just jumped on the chance to take Lawrence down.

Lawrence never did anything to dhb before that point so why go after him and do him like that.

As for the part about he is only saying what everything thinks. When did you speak to everyone exactly? And are you that much of a yellow belly you can't speak up for yourself you have to wait for dhb to do it for you.

We're losing good tikers because of all the drama that dhb start. Today anyone we lost a good one because she has had enough of her tiktok being flooded with it. Tiktok will just die off.

The drama is firmly at dhb feet.

This is the problem when you start trouble for people you have no place getting involved with.

His actions have consequences and thats the trolls gunning for him. That's his fault and not anyone else's.

First lesson in being an adult is taking responsibility for what you've done and he and others like yourself want to blame Lawrence for it.

He chose to do what he did he was not forced to abuse trust and share that information.

And before I get accused of defending Lawrence, I 100 do not condone what he or zaks families have done to each other with disgusting violent behaviour.

I'm defending Lawrence from the stand point of you blaming him for the hate dhb is getting.
Are you done, what a load of crap you have made it clear you do not like DHB.
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Saw a little of his live last night with Daryl (dontholdback)

lawrence plays dumb but not As stupid as he seems. He knows what he’s doing.
He acted like he didn’t know how to dual live 🤣
They agreed to both apologise and no longer talk about each other. Lawrence made it an attempt to feel sorry tomorrow him and to promote his mugs.
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He is in live now signing mugs. Keeps sniffing and rubbing his nose ..... Hollywood cold?
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I've just seen a video of the single digit IQ moron from the Smithy Family saying 'if I quit TT, how would I make money?'

So in one day, you've had Fat Boy Dim and the dad from the Iffy Family tell the viewers to their faces that all they want is money and still the cult kisses their feet.

What a time to be alive.

You know, its sad. There are accounts out there that genuinely help people: giving medical advice, teaching people how to shave etc incase anyone missed out on fatherhood... non ask for a penny.

Salt of the earth people.

Then you get the dumbest of the dumb eating their dinner with their hands like some ill mannerd chimp and another moron rams mobility scooters into his relatives for 'comedy' and they make money, hailed as heroes and defended to the death by a bunch of equally moronic Karens.

Also, why does that Mel woman have 'comedian' in her name? I've yet to see her be even slightly amusing.
Some people have been brilliant on Tt and have used it for great. Lawrence at first I thought amazing, good on ya lad. TT was his food diary and kept him going. The more followers and more money he made the more greedy he became. And I started taking a major dislike to him.
The smithy family also kept me entertained first lockdown but then he was getting stupid and dangerous and couldn’t watch them any longer as if Corona had a voice it would be jess’.
Mel was quite funny first lockdown then started breaking rules with Sophie Aspin and NoHun_ and started getting cocky when people called her out out for it and then she met up with roadman in lockdown whilst preaching how much she needed a new heart. So you will shit in the NHS staff when you wanna see your mates but love them when you need a transplant? Behave!
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
He just did a video saying he's just trying to make a bit of money from cups and what would people rather do, see him working in a supermarket?

He really thinks he's a celebrity, doesn't he. Looking down on retail workers now 🤦‍♂️

Got my comment deleted for saying I found shopworkers more respectable than a bloke flogging mugs on an app 😂

He is a lazy prick he wouldn't even sign a few mugs. 😂 Try doing what he does on tic tok. 😂😂dance around like a twat and pester 21-year olds for a nosh 🙄and then throw a mug at him when he says no. It's not exactly a management job is it 😂 what a tool
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I can relate to the biting. I once bit my sister on her arm because she had me in a headlock and it was the only way I could think to get out of it. We laugh and joke about it now. I can't help but think that might of been the case for those two if DHB didn't share that conversation between him and the mother. I think he did that because he was disgruntled that Lawrence called him a bully. When the mother started telling him about their fall out I bet he was rubbing his hand together cuz he had amo now to back at him. I do feel like he has become a but obsessed with Lawl now tho. The step dad didn't need to go into his live last night. People didn't need to know any of what he was saying DHB just wanted more amo to go after lawl and half of what the step dad said didn't make sense. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but this DHB seems like he's using that "it's my opinion" as an excuse to bully people. Not just lawl but anyone who goes against him.
It wasn’t just biting. It was hitting with braces and sexual intimidation among other things.
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VIP Member
He makes me feel physically ill watching him eat, gives me heartburn just seeing him not chew 🤮 bribing followers for his junk of a mug. I think he did mean to degrade working in a supermarket but didn’t think everyone would pick up on it as much as they did so had to apologise 🙄 he’s as fake as Katie prices face
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That was 100% one of them 😂 tbh before all of this smithy and lawrence bullshit, I genuinely thought mel had at least a few more brain cells than the rest of them. Now I realise she’s just as dumb and fame hungry as the others, and the way she tried to gaslight DHB by accusing him of saying things he hadn’t was disgusting.
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Look at him preaching about Nick in his car, Nick is crying and so on I so want to swear, No you all hate it people are waking up to the scams.Ive just seen this Pollock on live telling people highest gifter gets a pink mug so do not come the hard done by you conman, he is good I will give him that.
I don’t get the sending gifts thing, wouldn’t most people with a bit of extra money want to donate it to charity?
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The birthday video from last year where he was a lot bigger makes him look like a nicer kinder man. Look at him now and all you can see is arrogance. Even his voice sounds cockier.
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