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So even though chloe knew at the time her sister is a home wrecking cunt for the SECOND time she was fine with it all until HER big day was going be overshadowed then she decided that she would ban Lauren because HER wedding not another woman's family life Christmas was going to be ruined......

Read this properly ladies this I'd about chloe not wanting her big day spoiled!

The whole family are cunts ALLLLLLLL of them!
That was my thoughts as well.

She knew it was Kyle but didn't give a fuck as long as her big day wasn't overshadowed.

Fuck the feelings of a woman whose husband her whore sister was shagging as long as chloe enjoys her wedding to cheating grant.

Did you reveal who olivia was grant?

I hope someone sells a story off the back of this whom has shagged grant and makes chloe look a bigger wally than she already is.

Family of slags and big grandpaw thinking he's one of the krays, 90k swindle

The great kyle robbery
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Whenever you're tempted to shag your ex, just remember he could end up turning up at your work like this, with his grandad.


Don’t do it lads x
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As I’ve commented before I would guess Annie wasn’t there tonight because it’s a school night and they’ve already qualified.

I doubt she’s changing her plans around Lauryn.

If she’d been bothered about press intrusion, stories etc she wouldn’t have gone at all and would have got the grandparents or someone to take the kids.

The Daily Mail can pretend there’s a danger of her and Pan bumping in to each other and a showdown but it’s ridiculous. Annie’s not queuing outside the ground or going through the turnstiles.

She’s getting WAG treatment because she is the wife.
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This sympathy for lauren is a joke she loved kyle shes broken hearted he wasnt her to love he wasnt hers to have a baby with hes someone elses husband doesnt matter what he said he was married and it was very public they were together she knew it was an affair no decent female goes after someone elses man 😡😡
And for chloe? I duno i hope they have had enough of her shite but she still knew what she was doing shame her conscious didnt kick in before the nose was conceived and not only when it became a problem for her 😐
She doesn’t love him. She’s never loved him. She loves the ‘idea‘ of Kyle Walker. The idea of being photographed taking her seat at the Euros, being on the pitch celebrating his wins. That’s what she’s in love with. She knows nothing about him.

It reminds me of those embarrassing crushes you have a a pre teen. You listen to the entire Metallica album because you heard him tell his mate at the bus stop that ‘one’ is a cracking tune. You only eat ready salted crisps because you saw him eat that one time. You drink Heineken and you put coffee mate in your coffee. She’s like a lovestruck 12 year old except she’s dragged two kids into it.
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She doesn’t want people sharing photos of kairo but she’s happy to air every ounce of her dirty laundry that will affect him for years to come. Make it make sense Lauryn you slapper
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Here’s the Chloe article
Oh wow! Chloe is one selfish cunt! Never mind Annie’s heartache, as long as it doesn’t interfere with her wedding!

They both absolutely disgust me!!

Both working with Katie Hind, both very much in this together!

Just when I thought I couldn’t hate this family anymore!! I hope Chloe gets slaughtered for this! Horrible people! She’s getting married but couldn’t give a shit about another married woman being absolutely destroyed!
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I don’t even think it’s just the money it’s the actual vip lifestyle she wants. If she was handed £1million it still wouldn’t be enough she wants to be on the pitch, at events, have people bowing down to her as an England wag. She’s driven herself mad in pursuit
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I find it absolutely mad that Lauren is trying to convince everyone that famously private never posts on social media Annie is selling stories by herself selling stories, thanking the journalist on insta and SHARING SCREENSHOTS

Honestly Pan. You are criminally thick.
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Someone find some tea on Katie. Or can someone shag her husband so she knows how it feels. Many thanks team x
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Part 1
Part 2
That is quite the article!!

I honestly can’t begin to imagine the stress Annie is under, that was heartbreaking reading she was worried about the health of her unborn baby due to the relentless harassment from Lauryn.

The article states there is an NDA in place, interesting as to what that fully includes. From what I gather she must not have been fully honest with itv and after consultation from Kyle’s lawyers it was scrapped.

I pray for a day when Annie is able to have some peace, she looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders, and I wonder just how much more she can take! Katie Hind and Goodman are trying to break her, they’re dangerous vile people!
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Chatty Member
She literally shagged Annie's husband and cannot understand why annie isn't being nice to her. Really what does she think should happen here.

I'd love if the mail were stringing her along for what they can get out of her. She is not your friend lauryn
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The fact she said a random man who was sitting near her at the football match messaged her to say something nice shows how completely lost from reality she is. People don’t do that. Especially not Danish football fans. To a woman in the crowd sitting under a pink blanket. That message was fake all the messages are fake.
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You just KNOW theyre gonna pair her with either
- low league footballer (no top class one would want her)
- an avid man city fan😂😂😂😂😂😂
Remember when vanessa feltz was on and they put her with a black man who was a singer and she was LIVID😂😂😂😂😂
Eta - or get a Kyle walker from wish - called Kieran Runner 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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I think the Mail will be investigating other affairs Kyle is bound to have had. This is all building up to a massive take-down of him, ideally they want England to crash out the Euros and then they can stick the boot in. Classic 🤷🏻‍♀️
I can see this and it will be devastating for Annie but how would this benefit the slag? So she’s another? There goes her entire ‘loving long term relationship’.

I‘m not a fan of Nadine Dorries but I think she hit the nail on the head in her column, There are women out there who will always be trying to bag a better deal. They will stop at nothing when they see £££. Lauren thought she hit the jackpot by sleeping with and getting pregnant by a footballer. She truly believed she had secured her spot. And it wasn’t the case. She wasn’t pretty enough. She wasn’t smart enough. She was from the south. She was too short. She wasn’t nice. She had piles. Whatever it was - he just doesn’t want to know. Every other woman would move on but she can’t. Her entirely identity for the last five years has been Kyle Walker. I can’t imagine the comedown when she realises all her efforts have been in vain. And she dragged two kids into this shitshow.

I‘ve always believed that if Kyle went there again it’s because he thought he could. I mean, dude pretty much owns her. He can’t go out and shag freely because his card is marked. He hangs around with men who get it handed on a platter. These women will do anything to get with them. So when she threw herself at him, he probably thought ‘why the fuck not? I already pay her £8k a month and she lives in my house, so if I want to dump my load in her…she won’t say fuck‘. But he didn’t know how psycho this girl is. Now he knows.

Hard lesson to learn Kyle. I sincerely hope no other indiscretions come out because you will effectively have lost the one person who has stood by you when you a normal lad. And those four boys may never forgive you.

And Lauren you slut - unrequited love is a real thing. You can’t make someone love you if they won’t. Destroying his life won’t make him come to you. This is ALL about Annie and I hope she gets a court order to stop you.
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Someone sack Cathering Rowland, PR - that was a shitshow. Almost like she doesn't exist.

Chlo-job confirmed Liaryn leaked the Daddy news which disproves some of the blog. Chlo-job doesn't give a shit about the shagging married men, stalking, harassment, bullying and fraud. She just doesn't want the spotlight off her wedding.

The DM aren't doing these women favours, they're showcasing them as the vapid, selfish and morally bankrupt tramps that they are.
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