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Yeah you’re completely right, as I’ve said I’m not commenting or interacting with any of her shitty articles!

She’s making a lot of money from others misery. She’s the worst type of person!

That’s 💯 why she is getting these positive articles, she’s making them money .. (for now)) folk will soon get bored and they will drop her like a tonne of bricks.
I’ve been a lurker on these threads for ages. You all don’t know but you’ve been on holiday with me, we have lunch together every day, we usually end up at the end of the day together and then share a coffee first thing in the morning.

I rarely comment on Tattle, because that’s me. I need to be enraged 😡 to start typing. But I’ve been losing my shit over this whore the last few weeks. I don’t want to see her face when I do my daily DM scroll. She’s not a celeb. I want to see cray cray Brit and Ozempic Katy Perry. Kanye getting a blow job. Ben and Jen heading for a divorce. Some random zlisterwho shagged a footballer? No. And no. And no again.

Mobilise the troops. Get one person to click and screenshot and post on Tattle. No comments from us. Yeah, it’ll be full of people who don’t know the real story but they’ll get bored. The general public are already bored of a missing lad in Tenerife so it won’t be long before she’s forgotten. I think we need to stop feeding the beast. For Annie and the boys ❤
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Celebrating big Sis being up the duff with another woman’s husbands baby! Classy family that! If ever you start to feel sorry for Chloe remember she was happy about all this until it overlapped into her shitty wedding!

She was there partying with Loz at Xmas time, just before she went on to destroy Annie and her children’s Christmas!

Fuck them both and their shitty out of fashion shoes!!
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Long time lurker, but needed to comment. Even if you were to look at the situation objectively, Lauren does not come out well. She's a grown woman with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old. Her behaviour is abhorrent.

Her behaviour effectively forces Annie to stay with Kyle. She has trapped her into her marriage. She can't leave for her own children's sake because she'd leave them in danger of Lauren. She can't let her children see Lauren's children, because of the danger Lauren poses.

Also having one child with a married can sort of see could be a genuine mistake, apart from her gleeful parading like a lottery winner. But two, come on now...and you can say what she likes about Kyle promising her the world...she knew his situation and her desperation for fame and recognition means her standards are so low she accepted them. That's her fault not Kyle's (he's always shown you who he is) and certainly not Annie's.

And now she bleats, like the hurt party, whilst constantly attacking his wife. The gall is unbelievable.

She is deluded like a certified stalker. Nothing will change until she can accept responsibility for her own actions instead of blaming everyone and everything else. The women who support are also deluded. They probably don't have partners and have made bad choices. The types of people who make constant bad choices and blame the world, can be the only people who see Lauren as their posterchild for victimhood.

I can't believe Lauren is this workshy she's created a circus of a life to avoid working. Her poor children. But to destroy Annie and her children in the process, unforgiveable.

History shows us, that for people like her, the future is bleak. Kyle will never be what she wants him to be. Decent partners will not want someone who has behaved as she has, her fraud conviction shows us she has form as a dishonest and untrustworthy person. Her children are going to have to support her, and will resent her. She's not setting them up for healthy futures. She will be a badly ageing, untalented unemployable joke (younger girls will be coming for the limelight/along with other badly behaved footballers) all so she didn't have to work. She could of course change it, right now and stop the circus, but she won't because unfortunately she's not bright enough. I hope she proves me wrong, and fades into the background.
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So even though chloe knew at the time her sister is a home wrecking cunt for the SECOND time she was fine with it all until HER big day was going be overshadowed then she decided that she would ban Lauren because HER wedding not another woman's family life Christmas was going to be ruined......

Read this properly ladies this I'd about chloe not wanting her big day spoiled!

The whole family are cunts ALLLLLLLL of them!

Eta all see from TT is ME MYSELF & I

That's so sad Chloe had that much anxiety around her sisters reactions to things that she had to uninvite and even then still had anxiety over it (if that whole story is true). This article shows Lauren in such a bad light, surely people are seeing it's not just a take down by the big bad PR guru now her sister has spoken..

Oh stop it read the article properly she was only bothered about herself
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“So I said: Look I get married in June and I just don’t want a whole frenzy at my wedding. I wanted it to stay a secret and I wanted my day with Grant. It was about two people getting married and having an stress-free memorable occasion for all the right reasons. It was the one day when I didn’t want to have to worry, especially with our close friends and family.”

No worries that Annie had to endure the frenzy in her last trimester. Chloe wanted her day with Grunt. Maybe Annie wanted her family to stay together? I wonder how many days Annie hasn’t woken up with that feeling of dread and anxiety since your skank of a sister came into her life.
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Long rant - sorry Lizzy!

The necklace really fucks me off, more than is reasonable, and shows what a sick, bitter, twisted individual she is.
She could’ve given the kids the surname Walker, fine, whatever. Personally I would’ve given them my own surname in this sorry situation, but she has decided not to. Again whatever.

But… Why?!! Why? Why? Why to the mother fucking WHY? do the kids have to have names beginning with K?
They could’ve be Cairo and Conkaro. They could’ve been Laurence and Laurena (similar to her namesake Goodger). They could’ve been FUCKING ANYTHING!

But no, they have the same initials as the man who didn’t want them, so she can wear that cheap, tacky, oversized necklace to taunt him, his wife and his kids and pathetically try to stay relevant.

TDLR - Understandably.
ETA I’ve calmed down again for now.
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Funny how the only promise -that we know of - Kyle made to Kairo was to get his tickets to the Euros - two years from now.

He didn’t promise to take him to the park, enrol him in the football academy he was hoping to start, take him on holiday, for an ice cream, come to his sports day - see where I’m going with this?

The only fucking thing he promised Kairo was that he would ‘get him tickets to the Euros’. And his stupid mother is acting like it was his dying wish to see Kairo in the opposition stands at the Euros.

This is the only thing that would benefit HER. She doesn’t want to stand around a windy park watching her kid play football with his dad? She doesn’t want the kid coming back to her rental saying he had a great day with his dad if she’s not there? No paps, no opportunities to promote herself - not interested.

She’s so fucking transparent. We all see it?? When will it end!!
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Chatty Member
So liaryn couldn’t keep her promise to her sister about keeping the paternity quiet but she managed to keep “Kyle’s” promise from 2 years ago to a 3 year old which just so happens to be being watched by everyone in Europe. Funny that 🤔
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Im not clicking on anymore dm articles about this rancid family.
Chloe is disgraceful. Knew about baby being kyles and wanted it kept quiet til after the wedding!!!!!
No thought to annie at all
Dress is foul just like her face
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Chatty Member
I can’t get over her turning up at his workplace. If this was a man carrying out this course of conduct there would be a non-molestation order granted as a minimum.
vile behaviour regardless of her gender
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VIP Member
Can you just imagine minger on a date.

Man: so what's your name

Loz: lauryn walk errr goodman

Man: so what do you do for work

Loz: Kyle Walker

Man: any, hobbies or interested

Loz: stalking kyle walker and his wife, making a fool of my 2 kids, whose dad is kyle walker by the way.

Man: aren't you going to ask me anything

Loz: are you kyle walker?


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I think it’s time for Annie to release a statement, something along the lines of…

There have been repeated articles in the press recently that are simply not true. As discussed with Lauryn previously, Kairo and (she should name the girl) are more than welcome to meet their half siblings, father and have a relationship with us all however Lauryn has insisted she be there every time. I don’t think I need to state why I won’t be inviting Lauryn into my home. When Lauryn is able to put aside her ego and allow her children to have a relationship with us we will be there waiting.
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