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VIP Member
Cringing so bad for her…
What an absolute psycho.
Kyle you absolute fool. Get that restraining order pronto. This is proper bunny boiler material. I feel sorry for those poor innocent kids.

What on earth will it take for her to fuck right off?!
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Oh Liaren, please do something productive with your life. Dying would be top of that list.

Mainly because people can be cremated in a certain way and their ashes can grow into a tree. She'd finally replace all of the oxygen she stole.
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Chatty Member
I may be up on one of our many hills but I really can’t see the TV show being legit/real/even happening? I cannot fathom who would finance it and even if it’s on the agreement she divulges loads of bollocks about Kyle, surely the risk of being done for harassment/defamation etc will also fall on the producers too? Like who would bother? She’s an ex (as far as we know) brass and a total laughing stock, there’s just no contents for an actual tv show in my eyes!? I think it’s just more of her scare tactics. Woman’s a fucking fruit cake so she’d go as far as hiring her fake camera crew I’m sure of it!
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Eh he’s playing in the Euro’s 🤣🤣🤣 What you expecting him to do? Hide in the fucking hotel room you crank!! 🙈🤣

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Chatty Member
It's really strange how none of these people who are sending liaryn messages mention kyle or Annie by name. 🤔🙄
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Yeno what’s mad is she could have come out of this a victim and had genuine sympathy if she wouldn’t have turned into a psychopath. 2 kids by a man who’s known for being a cheat, known for flashing his bits, known for being a scumbag? She could of went down a completely different road with all this and her kids could of had a normal life whilst still raking it in from Kyle and she probably would of had friends, people who understand how hard it is to be a single mum who’s dad isn’t emotionally involved, mums who invite kids over for play dates instead of them having noone. She’s fucked it allll for herself and became one of the most hated people in the UK, what a stupid little girl.
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Keep Smiling

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If she was anyone else you’d kind of think yeah I get you’re hurt and your kids aren’t getting the same treatment etc and you feel like you’re fighting a battle for them. But Loz what did you expect? You weren’t the wronged wife you were a side chick at best. You knew that but dived right in.

Stop trying to insert yourself where you were never intended to be. Just read the fucking room and protect your children. You aren’t fighting a battle for them because they know no difference, this is just your revenge for being used when in fact you knew the situation so can’t now cry victim.
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She is being absolutely ripped to shreds on that comment section. That is not all tattlers, hundreds and hundreds of likes on the comments saying she’s mentally unwell, exploiting her children etc!

She needs to take a good look at that comment section and give herself a fucking shake! What she is doing is abhorrent and almost everyone can now see it!
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Kairo has a football sticker chart in his bedroom. I wonder who the source of that revelation is. So she has dressed them up in daddy 2 England kits for a pap shoot days before the first england game and the article is planned for tomorrow, to look like the pics are from tomorrow for the first game. But she’s dressed them all up on some random day and wheeled them down the park. Next level tragic crazy deranged psycho.
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Well I’m in the minority but it’s just my opinion. Like I said, you don’t have two accidental babies with someone who stalks and blackmails you 🤷‍♀️ Lauren’s a crackpot and what she’s doing to them kids is heartbreaking but Kyle is not a victim
He actually is a victim, blackmail is against the law! Just cos he’s not a perfect victim, he is still a victim!
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Ok so if kyle isnt really with annie hes out doing his own thing living by himself and STILL isnt seeing the Ks can someone explain how this is STILL annies fault?
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VIP Member
Well done to @livingforthetea for the winning thread title, a free boat ride nearby Khloe & Grants wedding venue in Portugal is on its way, comes with Acne & Paparazzi 🏆 Enjoy 😉

In second place with this beauty is @Blondetech please feel free to resubmit your suggestion 👏👏👏

In third place with this beauty is @Rose94 please feel free to resubmit your suggestion 👏👏👏

Take a bow lads 👌

Results are in for the previous poll 😅
A few would have a quick go on Kyle some are a hard Yes, most with caveats! MOTWYW 😜🍆


If you wish to cry, moan or bitch about Kyle not seeing Lauryn’s crotch goblins please see this post by @PartTimeNoseyWitch & let that sink in 🫶🏾✨

May’s Blog of Lies;
Lauryn Goodman & Sisters #82 City have done it once more, the magic number is now 4

Kyle & Annie Thread:
Kyle Walker and Annie Kilner
If you wish to discuss Vyle Kyle Walker or how much Annie is a door mat or mug please enter here via the private car park, past the chavs, avoid the NHS, just after the Pilates Class!

Lauryn still insists on wearing KW initials around her brass neck, she isn’t invited to the Euro’s but is insisting on going anyway for the kids they want to see Kyle Play 🙄 Lauryn was uninvited to Khloe’s wedding but she was still insisted on being in Portugal staying nearby anyway! Repetitive Patterns

Chloe was devastated on her birthday allegedly illegal photos were taken of her wedding from behind the bushes legal are on it 🤡

Amelia is acting as Chloe’s mouthpiece she hopes whoever bought the illegal photos is happy with themselves! Quoting “some people create their own storms, then get upset when it’s rains”

Katy Morgan currently can’t eat or sleep as she is so stressed. Constantly talking in riddles! MOTWYW

Big Sean was at the wedding & celebrathis birthday with all his children including the twins.

Karroon was seen on the yacht filming Liaryn’s upcoming WAG show on the day of Khloe & Grants wedding! 🤔

There are some absolutely stunning comparison photos on the last thread of Lauryn Goodman & Caitlin Jenner (soz Cait)

Nicky Lazou’s Son Zion is not Kyle’s child, end of!

Thread Lingo/Slang:
We are known as;
Mini Hitlers
NHS Users
Thrush Ridden
Annie Stans
Kyle Worshipers
Too broke for Pilates
Daft shits

We do not: 🚫
Do Pilates (most of us) 😂
Participate in Pap walks
Privately educate our brats
Park in private secluded car parks
Have the documents
Share the documents
Speak fluent Spanish
Wear Valentino Rock studs
Sleep with married men
Embarrass our children
Wheel out or Parade our children for money/fame

Common Phrases;
MOTWYW: Make of this what you will
Let that sink in
Family complete
No longer a puppet on a string
Starting the new year “Afresh”
Same story
Taking back control
Dubai Luxe meets Californian Casual
Repetitive patterns
Always supporting


Amelia Goodman AKA MJ, Micheal Jackson Lauryn’s little sister.

Chloe Goodman AKA TT/Turkey Teeth Lauryn’s “famous” sister

Lisa Andrews AKA Lisa Cheese, Turkey Neck! Harley Benn’s Muvva Same Story

Katy Jayne Morgan AKA Big Pete, midsize, Smeg, kitchen unit, Step dad Pete!

Lauren Goodman now Lauryn Goodman AKA
SLago PR
Kow & Gate

Previous Thread:

More legal paper flying all over the place, since Khloe’s unfiltered wedding pictures were taken without permission, she is devastated understandably!

If you see something screenshot & post it as the majority of the thread is blocked by Lauryn! Some by Kyle @Lizzy 93 🤭

If it’s an article screen shot & link it especially if it’s from Liaryn’s camp as most of the lads will not click to read it & give her the attention & clicks she so desperately craves.
On the rare chance she posts any receipts screenshot, screenshot, screenshot & post!

If there is a video screen shot or screen record, otherwise just say nothing at all! The majority of the thread will not be able to see it!

Buckle up lads allegedly it’s court in July, please do not post the documents.
The thread will get shut down immediately 🚫

As you were Chavs 🫶


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    VIP Member
    I know it’s absolutely flogging a dead horse but my mind is constantly blown by the “blended family” crap. IF Kyle decided to claim his children, Lauren wouldn’t be involved and wouldn’t need to be! And she certainly wouldn’t take on “maternal duties” for RRRR because they’re nothing to do with her - Annie is Kyle’s wife so of course she’s part of the family, Lauren is nothing.

    I’m a single parent and my kids dad has moved on with another woman who has children. I don’t go along with my children on their weekends there and I’m certainly not the communal babysitter! I’ve never even met the other kids!!

    Lauryn thinks she’s some kind of advocate for single mum’s but she’s not got a clue 🤦🏼‍♀️
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    VIP Member
    Lauren really is the poster child for Toxic Motherhood. She cares nothing for their mental health or privacy, it's shocking how transparent she is about them being nothing more than props in her PR games.
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