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She ‘lost‘ whatever battle she thought she was fighting back in December.
December was her ultimate ultimatum.
She truly believed she had a chance and Kyle was going to leave Annie and his boys to be with her.
But it didn’t pan out (excuse the pun) that way.
This weekend, she got the message loud and clear.
She had to take a few days off SM to heal her bruised ego.
But all of us who have followed this shit show know that it’s game over.
She now needs to reinvent herself so there’ll be loads of posts about fuck all.
It will end because she won’t get oxygen from Kyle or Annie or Sian.
And the DM will stop adding her picture and the wanteds to every article about Kyle.
And she’ll have to take off the ridiculous KW necklace and stop the pap walks because no one cares.
Kyle’s boys will grow up and they will HATE her and her bastards for what she tried (operative word) to do to their mother.
There will never be a pitch perfect moment Lauren.
Now fuck off into obscurity.
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There’s deffo something going on behind the scenes - first blog she’s put out that she’s only used Kyle or Annie’s name in quotes from the papers.
she’s so rattled hahaha
She never expected Annie to stick around she is infuriated that Annie is still on the scene it’s driving her insane

didn’t plan the way she thought !! At this point if I was Kyle and Annie I would throw the horror out the mansion and stop paying until it’s sorted in court let her suffer for a bit !!
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Why the fuck should annie welcome them into her life they are nothing to her she pays for them both and their mother kyles money is annies too she gave up everything to support kyle and gave him 4 kids and hes hurt her in the worst possible way twice and shes thw one who gets the shit for it
I wouldnt have anything to do with husbands love children kids he had b4 we met yeah ofc kids made through cheating on me not a fucking chance i hope i would have the strength to leave him but u just dont know until ur in that situation no1 does
Annie provides a hell of a lot more for those kids than their own lazy mother
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Chatty Member

what the fuck have I just read please 😳

She’s even copy and pasted it wrong the silly cunt, the paragraph where she launches into the Queen Annie attack has no context ‘she, she, she’, the intro is the last paragraph🤣🤣🤣

Then it just spirals into delusional incoherent ranting.

It’s SO STRANGE to me that it’s all Annie’s & the PR guru (Rachel Monks official title) fault…. Not Kyle. He’s blameless LOL
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These you still ain’t called are killing me 🤣😂laughing my head off
Done my best with the dido part:

My pee's gone cold I'm wondering why I got that test at all
empty condom up by my window and I can't be normal
And even if I could it'd all be staged, but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad, I’m getting more cash
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Lizzy 93

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NAAAAAAA PLEASEEEEE STOPPPPP i have literal tears😭😭 ‘this is pan’😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 can someone do the whole song please. Even the bit where em writes back hahahahaahahahahahahaha that can be kyle writing back or kyles lawyer😂😂😂😂😂
@scotall babe don’t wind me up - give us a chance

Lauren, In December you refused to listen,
Now it’s you’re fault we’re in this position

i told you calm down and I’ll call K
But you being you, refused to obey

My wife’s my priority, at this time,
Still a few years left in my prime

remember you said i’ll be bald and fat
Nice to see you copy my wife, with the cap🧢

Kyle Snoz Walker
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Remember she was like this before (commenting instead of posting stories, liking comments implying things) when she was legally bound not to reveal kyle was kumbuya ma lords dad
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The bit where she says he knows deep down I only care about the children I’ve even got the messages, why does she insinuate she’s still in contact. She’s like a 15 year old with a point to prove constantly she wants to grow up she’s pathetic.
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Chatty Member
She needs to fuck off now and focus on Pedro poundsign and that little girlie known only as KW.

Dad doesn’t want them, called them mistakes from idiot decisions, but you have your arse out all last week on the gram with desperate song lyrics and are still begging for him with indirects 🤪🤯
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Wow, wish I could screenshot my dream
It literally wouldn’t let you log in😳
This is NUTS
There’s someone else on this thread that’s subscribed can you let us know if it’s the same message for you please ?
wtf 😳 we thinking legal ?
Have you been charged ?
Shes been made stop writing it by their lawyers. The cease and desist did its job finally 🥳🥳🥳
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Gna sound horrible here but he clearly doesnt have that strong fatherly feelings towards them he met kairo at 3 got her pregnant again suffered blackmail how could he possibly bond knowing all this was ready to blow and then dropped them like a hot tattie and fucked off hes probs fucking relieved
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
Kyle moved into a 20k apartment
He was free as a bird
He didn’t go see the Brighton whore
Even when they were having sneaky links, she said herself SHE WENT TO HIM
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God we’ve had a lovely day then out she climbs from the pantry and fucks it all up
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Is anyone else a little bit in love with Annie? She’s absolutely gorgeous and her dignity in all of this is so admirable. What a Queen! Annie if you’re reading this, we love you!
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She said a few days ago we weren’t ready for this blog. Fking shit blog. Kiro cried for dad. Girls birthday Kyle Annie Kyle Annie Kyle Annie Kyle Annie slapcheek. Bye.
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Guys I’ve been at an all work event with no signal and I miss the greatest remix of Stan ever. I am floored at your wit gang. 👏🏻👏🏻

Loz silence didn’t last long did it. I honestly would give her like 0.01% credit if she BLAMED KYLE FOR HIS CHOICES NOT ANNIE.

Theres 3 adults here. Only one is truly innocent. And guess what Lauren. ITS ANNIE! Not you. I would never blame someone who accidentally became a mistress cause a man lied. This ain’t the case loz. You knew. You schemed. You don’t deserve nice things, I hope karma has something to put you in your box soon.
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