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Chatty Member
Men do chest it actually doesn’t mean they are not in love with the wife
my brother constantly cheated but begged his wife back and genuinely does love her he says he does it because he can and they are just thrills he has no feelings for the person just sex

you can tell Kyle has no feelings for lauryn he went back because she is easy and handed it him on a plate
Yes exactly my thinking like self loathing or something he clearly loves Annie but needs to work on himself, a lot of demons there with him I think
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VIP Member
I second this ! Although I don't agree with the Annie is a mug, I think there are factors to consider but it certainly doesn't mean a woman loves her children any less if she chooses to leave, at the end of the day its that big nosed fuck who has caused this and if she does decide she had enough she should feel contentment that she tried but a child will be far better off with a happy parent no matter what, I hope she finds her strength 🙌
Yep, I think most would choose to divorce in the same situation and that doesn't make them bad mothers. In fact being in a bad mood 24/7 is worse for the children than a divorce. It's a personal decision but none of this is Annie's doing it's Vyle who can't keep his trousers on. She's probably still in shock. The one thing I hope is she stops having kids with him. The more kids the harder it is to leave and the harder it is to meet someone new. He will happily keep having more kids and probably suggests it as he knows this!!!
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VIP Member
My honest opinion on it is annie is willing to put up with anything bcz she loves him its all shes ever known since she was 15 she would have the money anyway half of everything its obvz him she wants her kids want their daddy

Ohhhh jst seen that post with the chris brown post noooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking way!!!
Seriously what more does this guy have to say and do to her and her kids b4 she gets some fucking self respect 😐
If he was obsessed with u he would have headed to u when annie dumped his ass!!
Ss pls for the blocked
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