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Trouble is she sees Denise as being anti covid vaccines. What Denise is saying is that people are dying from other things including cancer, mental health etc, and that if you are double jabbed then is there really a need for the measures in place. Whether you believe what Denise say or not , Lozza has got it wrong, it's not about being anti jabs.

She (Lozza) is such a stupid ignorant cow Who will happily put poison on her face and God knows what into her lips but will not invest in a vaccine that has been tested thoroughly and can save lives. I'm personally suffering from this way of living and cannot wait to get back to normal and know I have to play my part. Stupid cow.
Don’t forget she’s happy to snort coke, I’ve watched a documentary on how they make it and it’s grim. Also happy to fly out to cut price surgery clinics in foreign countries to have her body and face rearranged into unnatural proportions. Happy to promote cyanide for a payday. But won’t quietly tow the line when it comes to a global pandemic because she thinks she’s woke.

FUCK OFF LAUREN you have been a sheep ever since you came to public attention, you’ve followed men, fame, vanity and still do. Absolute gobshite 🤬.

I’m not a violent person but she really infuriates me to the point that I want to swing her around 🤯
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Chatty Member
Also, how the fuck can she have postpartum hives? I'm going to hazard a guess that she doesn't know what postpartum means.
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I hate the whole “my queen” thing it makes me so uncomfortable, can’t they just say girlfriend?! It’s like when couples share an account on Facebook cos one of them has been cheating 🤣
If hubby called me his Queen, I'd assume he was either drunk, ripping the piss out of me, or trying to get himself kicked out of the house for some reason.
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Curly fries?

I can't even identify most of the rest.
One of price's gelatinous alien breast implants in one of the burger things maybe?
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Why on earth and how could you get a burger meal with all that food?!?! I thought there was about five of them before I just saw the two of them 😳 actually disgusting and I’m betting they haven’t paid for it either. What’s the brown monstrosity she’s wearing too
To make sure I have this clear 😒 she has been moaning for the last two days about having this allergic itch scenario where she can't sleep, is in pain (it's actually discomfort not pain but let's not quibble) and can't cope.

Then she decides the solution to this is to put on a shit colored smock made from fire hazard material, go to a packed restaurant on a Saturday night and consume more food than a family could eat of every food group known to man. I just can't even with her and her witch craft midwife.

I suffer from allergies just run of the mill allergies, this week as you know I have been not very well. The way you counter this pregnant or not is by resting, eating plain and simple food, keeping your environment clean and letting your body heal. But no our Loz wants to go on a date night to a hot packed restaurant and eat all of that.

She is an absolute Muppet.

Good Morning chaps 😘
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Chatty Member
HAHAHA having sex all the time 🤣
I’ve been single and sexless for the past 12 months and since seeing ch’args mingin, tacky and quite frankly, disgusting only fans photo with his arse hangin out, I’ll be remaining celibate for the next 12 years.
How the fuck she finds that attractive I do not know 🤣
Well 👏🏼 Done 👏🏼 Ch’arg 👏🏼. Put me off men for life 🤣
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Chatty Member
love Diddl ❤ makes me nostalgic for all my school stationery (not in UK)

I'm laid in bed laughing at her confusing promulgating with promoting. Promoting Covid 😂 seriously. 'Special promotion: Covid. Roll up, roll up, come and get your Covid! It's the next big thing! Don't wanna miss out on this one.'

as for the contents of her boobs...why?! FOUL AND VULGAR
She fucking infuriates me.
If you'd sat by your mum crying cos she thinks she's going to die from Covid (and that was a relatively mild dose) you might not spout such fucking nonsense.
She is a selfish, ignorant cunt who can't see anything beyond her own fat moonface.
Funny how nobody with a brain calls anyone a sheep, eh? You are a fucking massive thundercunt though. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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BYG is totally bringing the drama.
Fake water birth at home that she was never going to have as planned c section due to health and size. Then pretend mad dash to hospital, blue lights, Chaz with a pale worried face "you was petrafried wasn't u Chaz". 29 blood transfusions later, 400 pushes and stitches and out pops baybeh. " I thought a was gunna dead" story in Closer/Now.
Then the second drama "Bayern got dark skin off me strong ormones a read it on wiki it appens"
2 month later Chaz back doing gay for pay in sinks and BYG has tummy tuck in Turkey as recommended by Skanky and edited photos at that house in Essex round the pool favoured by Bianca Gascoigne and other z listers.
" Lauren goodger flaunts her pre-baby body whilst catching rays in Majorca"
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Why you would feel the need to "brag" About having no stretch marks is beyond me. So obsessed with herself it's unreal.
No stretch marks, neat bump, amazing bloods and stron' ormones...the sexiest bump in Essex..the woman who made pregnancy a sexy thing...tiny hands, tiny feet, small neat bump very front on, dark nipples also very front on...elfy bewful TINY "front on sort of" stunning yungel she is 😂😂😂
Nearly forgot INSPIRATIONAL!!!! And bewful Inside and out...yeah...we've got this...yeah...lip smack x 5times , hair flip x 10 times...yeah amazing everything...
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How has no one mentioned the blue burger that just looks mouldy?!
Funnily enough Loz the burgers don’t come under the ‘sides’ section, however they do come under the ‘chubby burgers’ section so I guess being a chubby beggar yourself it kinda makes sense…
OMG, I'm from the North and those prices for burgers are really expensive. I'd be having 2 heart attacks... 1 from the food and the other for the bill!!
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Afternoon have we seen her most recent ig story following the sun newspaper "exclusive" she's posed nude and is now saying they've ruined her day due to them taking her out of context. Fuckin melt.
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I'm calling it now that such is her fixation with how potent her hormones are, and bodily fluid, she will be bragging about her waters breaking in TMI detail once she's had the baby. She'll be going on about it gushing out in a diluvial flood 😷
Reading the news this morning and seeing how London was suffering from severe floods of biblical proportions made me immediately think that Lozza's waters had broken and made their way dowhill to Lahndan from Essicks. Her amniotic fluid would surely be of the most immense volume and strengff seeing as bike cake a ball cervix.
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OMG it gets worst:

“I’m always naked, my boobs have dropped, I’m very comfortable, there’s not nothing he hasn’t seen.

“And obviously when we first got together I was all brown and skinny with big boobs and now I’m pregnant but he still loves me and I really feel that and he can’t wait for this baby.”

How now brown cow 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Skinny? She hasn’t been skinny for years.
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