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She only did that Q&A so she had an excuse to tag places and see if she'd get noticed for either an ad for them or some free stuff. She does nothing out of the goodness of her heart. Her pathetic attempts to be conceited about her af links is growing tired now too. Hopefully she is sanctioned because it's a deliberate attempt to lack transparency.
If you had all day every day to do nothing wouldn't you honestly be in the best shape of your life. So much time to exercise, gym, food shop, prepare the healthiest of healthy food. The dream to have all that time to yourself.
Too right! If only she had a dog to take out for a walk. Oh, waitā€¦.
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On her house account she showed a glimpse of the backyardā€¦ what the actual heck did they do?! They dug up the whole thing? Also one of the windows in that room literally looks out onto a brick wall. Itā€™s grim


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imagine being a professional pond installer moving into a new build and not knowing you canā€™t just dig a massive fuck off hole in the garden.
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Just seen the inspo and reality post about her bedroom. She tries to copy the original and it still looks cheap and soulless. She has no interior design ability at all. But well done her on making 7 posts on her home account in 9 months.... And to think people said she was lazy.
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French toast/eggy bread? Looks more like a toasted sandwich more than likely stuffed full of bacon egg and sausage šŸ„“
And she sat on the couch with her weighted blanket and foot stool. Like we didn't know she spends her days parked there in front of the TV, feet up eating and drinking. She's like a woman in her 60s going on. Growing way too old before her time, future is looking bleak.
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What would you like her to do about it? She has said they canā€™t have kids, so?
No, she said she needs to lose weight before the NHS will even look into options for them. She also hinted at having PCOS (?) but that also doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have childrenā€¦
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But it didnā€™t cost Laura Ā£129 as itā€™s a ā€œpr pieceā€ presumably along with the free tickets to see girls aloud šŸ™„
The more these companies do things like this, the less I want to shop with them.
Same! A friend was recommending Estrid razors the other day but I said no way would I use that when every instawanker is pushing them. However it's really hard to avoid a brand that doesnt give shit loads of freebies away to instacunts. Tis the way of the world!
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Monsoon go up to a size 24. Laura is a size 26. Yes, she can fit their clothes over her but they donā€™t really fit. #stockmysize much?
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Lauren was a better fit for Laura for working together. Same Dress, Different Bodies would have worked well with those two and been aimed squarely at the plus sized market, rather than trying to appeal to everyone. If I were a size 12, I wouldnā€™t want to be seen wearing the same stuff as a size 26.
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Laura posts a reel of a summer trousers outfit (which to be fair is quite nice), people ask where the trousers are from, she responds ā€œIā€™ve popped a link in my storiesā€. I fucking hate that Instagram has become such a cash cow now, sheā€™s hidden it away for clicks.
Yeah, she'd be best off not bothering her arse to reply than do that. I'd honestly sooner get out and work an honest job than be sharing links to clothes trying to get people to click them so I can get a pound or two. What a way to live just because you are lazy and work shy.
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Thought the same, very slovenly and messy on Bake Off and none of her bakes were outstanding. Think she got lucky getting as far as she did. Whoever was in the pub with her last night must feel great knowing she would have preferred to be at home šŸ™„ shes in the house all day every day, you would think she would be happy to get out for a bit. Turned into a hermit. I always say this but she is so so old before her years, both in looks, habits and lack of energy and get up and go. You'd be tired just looking at her.
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Chatty Member
most liked thread title: MJx


Laura continues to show us dresses from the front AND THE FRONT ONLY. She continues to look completely miserable about the job that has afforded her a million pound house. We await her making the link between her mental health and her job.

Is definitely a size 26, the fact some of these forward-facing dresses have spilt is because they come up small. Honestly.

Has a live event with Lottie coming up which will be, er, interesting. Will Lottie continue to grope, maul and otherwise inappropriately harass Laura?

She did some live baking and for the first time in a very long time, looked happy and engaged in her content. Laura picked up that maybe she should do some baking. Then showed us some Phase 8 dresses which are good for going up to a size 26. Screw you size 28s!
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So she's not 'modelling'. Like we all knew that, there was no way she was going to try on clothes in front of everyone because they would see the seams giving way, her bursting out and walking on the stage or catwalk would have meant people would have seen her in 360 degrees and not only front on, shock horror šŸ„“
Instead she'll be sat on a chair (with no arms) cheerleading for the brave women who will model. What a crock.
Absolutely!! Iā€™d have bet good money that she wouldnā€™t be modelling, because we all know she never turns around.
Sheā€™s become an absolute chancer! Blatantly treating people like fools and earning from it.
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This!! The choice for plus size now is incredible, ok maybe not in shops but itā€™s online if you want it
I dunno why she wants shops to stock her size when she spends most of every day indoors and pissing around online. Just shop online ya lazy bint!
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The trousers are simply be for anyone wanting to know, yes I stupidly clicked the link šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
I use himself's phone to click on links for sites I know he won't use, and then paste the description or item number into a message to me. He gets so annoyed that I make him stop what he's doing so I can find out an item of clothing šŸ˜‚
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She's not happy again and desperate for attention. Feeling down and worthless. Would you change the record and get down off the cross ffs. That's her content, and cows for today. Get. A. Job.
Sitting eating minieggs, sipping a Doctor Pepper, doom scrolling comparing herself. She is so badly in need of being kept busy.

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