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Chatty Member
Yes thought the same @Jerry ! Porkpie said he was too fat for the apron🙄"Tortellini in Brodo" is the latest flog: BORING BORING BORING. Couldn't get past the first couple of minutes🙈Baby talk and KyLie's fake Audrey Hepburn are out of control.

KyLie also looks a mess with crazy hair and an unattractive brown top, while she pushes red wine on the Purse to keep him happy as he drools over each piece of food...Will FF to the end to watch Porky, no doubt, stuffing it down🤭

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The last bit during the patreon begging scroll - her voice over is honestly without words. Ass-covering, manic, wingy, cry-me-a-River, entitlement, honey - you created your issues....Jerry's reprise if it is spot on. Oh she does read read her 10000000%. To be fair she was banking on the piggery as her content - construction people disappeared or were over charging (hello, Italy ! - I live here); her parents probably were going to help with that then permits and logistics got in the way. A few other take aways if I can be so bold: enough with the painted tiles (even a floor this time) - embrace the blue! , good for them on the health journey but no we don't want your recipes - he needs protein & veg & 1 glass of red wine, glad the parents can get to OZ as they can't be vaccinated in Italy and they are now effectively iced out from going anywhere - even Brico. To be honest, I think KyLie needs to stop listening to the whack job podcasters and get her sh*t together. This comes from a true place of concern. I am older than even her (🤣) and have moved to many countries to create a life there due to work reasons and it can be very isolating and mentally draining. Living out there in the boonies with no ability to drive & perhaps no vaccine......crazy town. Once her parents leave she really needs to see how to find a balance of a few days in Florence and weekends at the farm. Take a class, driving school, etc while in Florence.....go to film school ? Film this life - its staring at you. Problem is it won't alway be pretty. Trust me I know.
So right @pasta_aldente about it all😅Omg the tiles though, we do not need to see more stenciling 🙈 That green paint is also as close to a depressingly awful shade of hospital hue you can get🙄

Porkpie must be praising the Lord for these Aussie Flavells who do all of the hard labour and are happy to pay for it too!! Even though his family own the the whole dang thing👀
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I’m watching in segments and just got to the part where she gets her parents to sand the roof of the Panda for her so she can roller paint it. What a pain she is. No wonder they are scampering away, who needs it.

At the end, she thanks her Patreons for allowing her to pay for all sorts of expenses, including, “ingredients for recipe videos”. We all know that salt, flour and cheese are ultra expensive and anyone but her should pay for it.
Yes the €2.36 KyLie dinners @Jerry require thousands of Patreon donations🙈 What a joke her itemising her non-existent "expenses" including her holiday!!! Who is willing to pay for her vacanze on top of her 7 (not 70) hours if "work" a week?! They crazy🤥
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@nostoneunturned you have so perfectly captured the essence of what I was trying to convey in my now deleted post🥰 😂
So much like one of those overly long luxury brand ads that would screen before the film at the yearly Lavazza Italian Film Festival here in Melbourne.
The bath tub pose was just really odd 😳
My fave bit was when she boasted about sitting at Hemingway's table hidden away from all the other diners, panning the camera around the room to show only empty tables, ZERO diners 🤪
the lack of awareness is actually comical at this point, as she is at pains to say in EVERY slog she films and edits everything herself.... how can she say this and then pan across a TOTALLy empty room?! Absolutely hilarious and also not a good ad for the restaurant either.
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I agree Lucy, I always figured there was one or two retired lonely gentlemen who might opt for the top tier option.

what I find the funniest about how she enumerated every little expense and bends over backwards to appear normal financially, is that no one asked.

the more she tells us that having 700 patrons allows her to buy avocados and remodeling materials and whatever else she listed, the more disconnected she seems.

most creators rely on patreon for things like rent, bills, just getting by. But it seems she has the vast majority of her expenses taken care of just from living at two of guidos family properties. So she cant list those normal expenses. So the logical solution is, don’t list anything. Just be grateful and engage with the people supporting you.

there’s a comedy podcast I support each month for I think $3. They regularly talk about how patreon changed all of their lives and how much they appreciate every person. They post exclusive updates, early access content, etc for their patreons. There’s so much patreon content I can’t even keep up with it all. It’s really nice to feel I changed someone’s life for a few bucks/month and I get to enjoy their work more too. I see literally none of this from K.
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I knew they had been gifted but didn't realise they used her footage in their advertising! how is she able to get away with this?!
Yes, they edited a bunch of clips on their YT page. One example.

The sink/faucet company featured her here below.

So....not sure why she never added #paidpromotion #ad #gifted etc to her original video. And what has always irritated me was many of her subs commented how generous it was of her to pay for her BF's new kitchen. 🙄
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Guido is incredibly prosaic and pedestrian 🙄 Kylie has taken Charlotte Lucas' route to 'marriage' and Porkpie is her Mr Collins🙈Mr Wickham would be KyLie's ideal, all fast carriages and a racy life. Lydia is her Pride & Prejudice alter ego🤭

Kylie's true tastes are for rich playboys and even Mr Darcy wouldn't be her preference. And yet she ended up with the dullard Mr Collins. Stuck out in the country, her parents marvelling at every cupboard in the villa, just like Maria and Sir William Lucas when they came to stay with the recently married Mr and Mrs Collins😅
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Or like in Emma, KF would prefer Frank Churchill rather than being pursued by the socially and geneticaĺy inferior vicar

(This here, hi everyone)

“As soon as I am free “ needs some serious un - picking….it could mean a variety of things
I don’t know wtf “complications with my healthcare status “ means beyond some stinky horse dung : yet again KyLIE needs special attention from the authorities, the family and anyone else who gives a rat’s arse .

It explains just about everything doesn’t it ? I mean if she was pro vaccination …then there would be no reason to be evasive …it’s the evasion that’s the narcissistic needle .
For someone who is so convinced and zealous and extreme , so outspoken and demanding about non life threatening topics … to then be evasive bout the topic of the decade is …well insufferable and just plain shallow
I think perhaps since her status in Italy, as a resident or otherwise, is not finalized, on account of her not really being married, complicates
things immeasurably
. . . . . .
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Hi all - my thoughts align with many of your comments. This is one scary lady. She shows many signs of narc abuse to partner. It looks like the burst of blossoms have faded and now it is no longer fun for him. I do not know either and have no desire to but I imagine he longs for his past life. I tried to imagine working all week, coming home to camera and not knowing what she has destroyed during that time. She is a squatter looking for nest until next wealthy guy drives up and puff - gone. Watching her exhausted dad working to complete her wishes before he leaves and her mom - hours stacking wood - very sad. How she treats people is so wrong - she paints her partner negatively on camera and as I said shows many signs of narc abuse. I wonder if he feels caught in web with no idea how to pull free. I imagine pressure from family due to her projects are also stressful. Note - the floor she destroyed, drawings put in frames, couches ordered ——— all silent. Just my observations. Narcs drain life with no concern or care.
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In an early thread there was some serious discussion about whether she might be on the autistic spectrum. (I, of course, do not wish to imply that would be pitiable).
I think she is way too narcissistic to be on the autism spectrum tbh and too good at ingratiating herself on people in a very superficial way
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She seems to place him at fault when her projects go south - very convenient. The paint for instance - his fault, etc - the ceiling will be interesting. Meanwhile her fan club will slowly shake their heads thinking - our poor girl works so hard working with nothing but radiates with joy with trying to reach her vision. I wonder if g believes in fate. Maybe there was a reason legal paperwork was not available in the rushed covid lockdown event. Will be interesting to watch her behaviour next slog. Smiling and counting her patron pots while editing negative comments. From what I can understand - you emm - the founder of this forum - good for you standing up and protecting the venerable. I could easily see a senior draining their account to support her but a family member reading your forum to them - you have probably helped many to see the truth versus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sorry can’t find word.
Exactly, we will just see more and more footage of her looking tired and complaining she has been working 1972167 hour days while alone as Guido is in Florence (glossing over the fact that he is working there). I also wonder this about the paperwork, once her parents go I think things will become more tense as they don't need to keep up appearances at all.
Yes, this is why I find her so awful, I can easily imagine that happening and her not seeing a problem with it. I remember a while ago an old woman sending her all of these heirlooms etc her children apparently didn't want (iirc?) things like leather gloves etc, god knows even the postage would have been insane. A normal person wouldn't foster people giving these kind of things, most other influencers (that I have seen) accept things like food from other countries to try etc. not expensive, sentimental items.
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Chatty Member
You can see why K is getting nervous and needed the holidays to consider the Flight of the Patreons;

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Yes I noticed that too, she is down at least 150-plus patreons in the last few months @Jerry 🙄But who on earth would pay for KyLie's smug, narcissistic slogs with Porkpie and fund her selfish, circumscribed life on a hilltop ringed by the ubiquitous pines watching her elderly father work like a serf for the feudal GGT overlords🙈
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Can you imagine what her next slog could possibly be ? Given she’s a chameleon, no wonder she stays up all night trying to figure out what form next to take. She must be going nuts as she’s losing patrons, G is reduced to a prop placed on the ground examining pine cones, her euphoria at the prospect that she can exploit vulnerable, distressed viewers has turned to deflation at the realization that her Cinematic Life has appeal only as sleep video in old folks homes, content for distress centres and washroom cubicles. She now has the added pressure of paying for the upkeep for the manor, running of the chicken coop completion and rentals and maintaining ma and pa. Now that she is washing her hands of “the vulnerables” as too much trouble and “nauseated by most of social media”, adopting Jordan Peterson-like regimens to stand up straight on your own and cognizant never to imply criticism of the tRumpites and religious zealots, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for her to thread the needle, given that even she doesn’t know who she is.
I thought Kylie's latest video would be sanctimonious but it was downright bizarre. In light of the global health and economic situation with CVD 19, and Kylie's super spreader festival <whatever> attendance with all the maskless crowd, she has unequivocally shown her lack of care and blatant lack of interest in the physical health of other people including her own family members whom she will inevitably return to, visit, or live with.

Instead of using her platform as a helpful place to model safe behavior and precautions, Kylie is displaying what seems to be Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

With this latest vlog Kylie is layering on of lack of care and interest in the mental health of her own vulnerable subscribers and Patreons (the same set she sold as a useful demographic to a psychology subscription app and who allegedly watch her videos over and over for solace in toilet cubicles). This demonstrates a clear sign of next level callous madness. Kylie is not "Climbing Every Mountain" or whatever that latest vlog was supposed to be. The vlog could have been a travel vlog but Kylie needs to vent about how hard her life is.

Where does Kylie go from here? My bet is that she is going to keep on the crazy train.
#don't be a tourist #click here to donate to my Patreon
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I’m guessing when she says “it’s very difficult for me to file my taxes” what she actually means is “it takes a little extra time to make sure I’m hiding as much income as possible and paying the absolute least I can without getting caught”.

We already know she thinks she is special. Special people don’t pay full price 🤪
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Dear Kylie,

It is obvious you are reading the posts here and even perhaps posting yourself? So while I have your attention, I have a couple of things to say.

You love quotes, so add this to your repertoire: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" from Hamlet, William Shakespeare (sure you know that since you are so cultured and all)

I know you don't understand the confusion surrounding you since you are just a poor girl from a poor family. I'll explain: you are a hypocrite. That is really what it boils down to. Be honest! There are others in your position who are much more popular and admired than you who got there by being honest. Thank your patrons for supporting you and admit you are in a different situation now but you'd love to have them keep supporting your work since it's yours and not Guido's.

And for god's sake: own who YOU are. It doesn't sit well with us when you are attempting to become a spiritual advisor and guide when you don't even seem to know who you are. Maybe you have lucked out falling for a guy who happens to have more than many. He and his family must be humiliated you presenting them as penny pinching, grouchy sad-sacks. Seems to me they would rather not be presented in any way, but would at least have it done with respect and honor. After all, they are your family now. Most of us think they are land rich and cash poor. It happens. Whatever the case, you can no longer pull of the wide-eyed girl from a foreign land look who just wants to live her dream. You finally got it girl. Own it.

As far as people contacting you with their problems, for advise, for whatever. Stop it. You are not qualified to give advise even about moving to Italy. You just aren't. If there was any doubt, after this last bumbling video there is no more. Get off your high horse and be the person you so desperately want us to believe you are. You even have G defending you saying you are truly as you appear. Let's see what he says in a year. After all, no one really sticks around you for long do they Kylie?

More on the hypocrisy. You cannot be a down to earth, tree hugging, grass sniffing, olive picking girl who loves everyone and everything and only has wonderful happy thoughts while being a follower of a cult leader, disrespectful to the elderly and (not to mention) a liar.

The truth is you are just as bad as you think we are. Actually you are worse. We know we are and revel in it. You float and tiptoe through the piles of crap you leave around you and pretend it is lovely and original. You are not an original. You walk in the shoes and stand on the shoulders of thousands of people who have come before you. And you plagiarize. No originality. It's been done. Of course, most like you end up on the crime shows in the USA or England with people being quoted "she seemed so nice" before everyone around her was disposed of.

What have we learned? (I have so much more to say but will save it for when you write me to cry and say how misunderstood you are. No, Kylie We have your number) We have learned you have to be honest with your audience and yourself to be loved and admired by quality people. We have learned you are no longer an ingenue and are getting a little too long in the tooth to pul off the embarrassments you did in the past. We have learned you are not mysterious, you are transparent. Try honestly and a lot less transparency. It might look better on you.

The biggest thing we've learned is you don't believe anything you say! Don't compare yourself blah blah blah. Don't buy what others say about you. Really? Then why are you here reading? Why do you delete posts that are negative on your social media accounts (that you say you don't have: youtube, instagram) You are here and you delete posts because you believe what is written about you. If you see it in writing you feel naked and you know we see the real Kylie. No number of ab shots can hide character or lack thereof. We see you Kylie and it ain't pretty.

One more thing. Stop protesting too much. Gives us your true intentions every single time.

And don't listen to those pathetic hangers on. We do want an explanation. You promised.
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Guido might be in the phase of saying, “You know what, you want to be the star and play Ms Perfection, go right ahead and little ole Speedo Boy will go about his business best he can; if you fall on your ass, not my problem, camera is rolling and so are you.”

What is a little scary is the look of glee in his eyes, as he stands there with an axe in his hands, looking at her like a log.
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Yes @Alessandro , and we are evidently in for many more views of those pines and the road. 🙄 "Tuscan country living!" and all that.

She must have done her end of year analysis and the result was, not surprisingly, reno videos generate views and income. From her IG post it seems she is officially going in this direction, rather than it just being random updates. This is definitely not what I enjoy watching, so I'll be checking in here to see everyone's funny "reviews" more than automatically watching her new content.
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This makes sense as to why she is not going anywhere now, what a non surprise 🙄 presumably this is why her parents cannot go back ho,e either
There's something about her saying "as soon as I am free" that really struck me. Free from what? Covid rules? Sounds very Libertarian imo but maybe I am jumping to conclusions here.
Anyway yes @emm I don't think her parents will be allowed back in if they are not vaxed, not even to Byron Bay which has the lowest percentage of vaccinated in Aust. :rolleyes:
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exactly this just seems like she threw it together a new hours before publishing it
Agree. And let's not forget she had that "newlywed game" slog up the day after Guido's birthday. IIRC, his birthday was on a Thursday, and they referenced his dinner 'the evening before.' I don't think either are that clever to have pre-filmed it and add the line for effect. Much of her output lately really is minimal effort.
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