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He’s so cheap that in today’s video he got himself a Starbucks coffee and went and got Casey some free coffee from the resort and made it seem like a big gesture that he was surprising her when she woke up. 😂
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TWO hours????? He just put up some towel hangers. Why would it take TWO hours?


Dude, can you brush your hair?


Ummmm what does your mother have to do with YOU having a walk in closet. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....once again it sounds like a slip up of mommy and daddy eventually moving in.

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I absolutely agree 100%. Kyle’s family is just as guilty when it comes to his actions because they enable him. It’s one thing if he had his sock puppets and spewed hate and did all this horrible stuff on his own… but to have his family get involved and defend him for all of that? They are honestly no better than he is. Obviously they know about his sock puppets because they have some of their own and go out of their way to defend him, or delete comments, or send emails, or whatever else they do.

Kyle is 30 years old. He is old enough to deal with the mess he’s created on his own and like others have said, he’s never had to take accountability for anything and feel the consequences of his actions. You reap what you sow. If he has done all of this sock puppet stuff and then gets publicly exposed for it, well, that is the consequence that he has to deal and live with. He made the decision to spend the time and energy “owning the hatters”, and now it’s coming back to bite him. And what exactly is his family’s involvement going to accomplish? Why are they defending him? What is their goal? So he can continue to own the hatters and spew his hate, bigotry, misogyny, and keep lying and lying about it? A lot of people don’t like Kyle, and I would say a good portion of people don’t like him BECAUSE of all this sock puppet shit, so enabling him to continue with it is just going to create more and more hate and then the cycle is going to be never ending.

His family just needs to back off and let him learn his own life lessons instead of trying to coddle and “support” him. There is going to be a time when they won’t be able to bail him out of whatever trouble he’s gotten himself into. I mean we all know he could very well be banned from any of the theme parks since he constantly disregards the rules, and what would happen then? No amount of emails from Alexa would make Disney reverse a ban.
So why not let him just sleep in the bed he’s made for himself. Oh wait.. he never makes his bed!
Video #2 from Louis or not, hus demise will come. It had already started before Louis came along. All Louis did was accelerate it. Kylie is doing a splendid job ruining his future. What the Louis video also did was confirm how universally hated Kylie is and he sees that now.
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It should be pointed out, in case you don’t go to McClung’s YouTube channel, that he sort of “specializes” in outing the shittier people on YouTube and in social media writ large. He’s poked the bear with a few other “personalities” without trepidation, and the Dwarf isn’t even in the same league as some of the other targets.
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Adams & Brush

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This is really all too much & so freaking sad. The depths this goof will go to prove to a bunch of complete strangers, who according to Kyle are just trolls, jealous of his incredible wealth & otherworldly influence, is astounding. Pallo’s unwatchable channel may be circling the drain, but my god, the shit show surrounding it makes for some highly entertaining viewing
He is Kyle and is openly dialoguing as himself.
There are apps you can download that will create a face for you anrd overlay it onto your face. They look real too.
If it wasn’t already so conspicuous, what’s most amusing is the way he’s admiring himself in that deepfake, it’s like he’s never seen his own face before. No way a person does that naturally, it’s such a glaring tell
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McClung must be absolutely laughing his ass off at the desperation and panic these laughable CGI images indicate in Pallo
and that the midget is blasting them out is funny as hell.
He's knows he's got the PAB Dwarf completely rattled and unhinged and, of course, this only adds more ammunition for
McClung to use against him.
Oh do pass the popcorn. Extra salt please.
Bad news. Word is (from multiple people on X and in communication with Louis McClung) is that the threats from Alexa and bombardment of emails with those little videos have got to Louis. He allegedly has backed down and there won't be a part 2. Hopefully the original video stays up.
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😂 It's funny and true because he always likes to compare what he does to being "just like your guyses jobs!"

View attachment 3018506

I sense it's coming soon. Same old song and dance about him not feeling well, how stressed and overwhelmed he is, and threatening to not upload the next day. It always occurs when his views start dropping and he gets more negative comments. It's his way to gaslight and guilt his stans for not giving him enough views and make them shower him with validation and praise. The question, will he do another woods walk to announce it? 🤔
View attachment 3018515
Lmaoooo the music in the background always gets me. I am cracking tf up right now 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Yep. He's back and impersonating someone else now.

View attachment 3018547

I thought he said he was going to go back on X to prove that he wasn't Kyle? :rolleyes:

It was around this time last year where he had the Ankylosing griftylitis "flare up" with that carefully orchestrated shot of him putting the camera on the kitchen counter and then sitting across the room on the couch and burying his face in hands in faux agony. Today's dump could be a precursor to that
He needs mental help. I mean, I know we all joke around a lot about it but seriously this is not normal. I don’t care how much of a douche bag you are all these multiple like personalities and sock puppets and all of the stuff is fucking weird. I can’t even see a teenager doing something like this and teenagers are dumb as hell. This is a 30-year-old man.. like I can’t even understand how even Alexa can justify this. I don’t care how much she loves her stupid ass brother. 🤷🏽‍♀️😬
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Kyle always goes out of his way to explain to his stans just how little free time he has due to how hard he works, unless you suggest that he doesn’t have time to enjoy the moment. Then he’ll go out of his way to explain that he’s got tons of downtime to do whatever he likes. God he’s desperate, he’s a man with an excuse for everything
So true about how he constantly switches from saying he has no time ("time b issue") and how he's always working so hard and overwhelmed, and the next day will say how he's so blessed to have tons of downtime. It changes depending if he's questioned, when trying to pull off a grift, or if he's seeking validation. Just like when his drinking is questioned, and he says he only drinks on cruises, on the first day, and gets all snippy and defensive ("iT's CaLLeD rEsPonSibLe dRiNkinG"). There's absolutely nothing authentic about this fraud. He will shamelessly say whatever he thinks will make his false-self look best and perfect at any given time.
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