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Well-known member
I will take this as Kyle and address it directly, even if it isn't we know you read here Kyle, so read up:


1. Hearsay would be us saying we heard from someone that x happened, in law it is something that cannot be substantiated. When J has multiple tiktoks about how abusive and dickheaded you were to her, and us linking or saying go watch it, that isn't hearsay. People guessed and she hearted the comment and replied something like your "if you know you know." In court, we could point to her posts and subpoena her to testify, if she stood by her word on the stand, YOU have to cross exam and prove it is false, beyond reasonable doubt. In that situation her mother would probably also testify that she called her about the situation, verifying her alibi that the potato incident happened. As much as I would love to destroy you in discovery and financially during a drawn out process, I caution you against going after J for what she said. There are many of us here that could donate, willingly, substantial amounts of money to help her legal costs, and you know we would promote her gofundme here, reddit, various youtube places, including new places that would pick up and run with the story. Also, you hate "gays" and "jews" but what is the stereotype of those two groups: upper income tight knit communities. I've joked with Garth Brooks that you have friends in low places, many of our friends are in much higher places. This support applies the same to all of the people you have harassed and stolen identities from, please don't send any harassment her way.

2. I'm coming back to the top question, "what did I ever do to people" later, first I'll addressing the problem is that we are bringing up past things with someone no longer in your life and "that's me getting over mistakes."

Looks aren't everything, but J is sooooo much hotter than C, you had a nice pull for a little while. Personality wise, J is better also: C is unfortunately stunted mentally/emotionally from the loss of her Mother, she is not a strong woman, she lets you walk all over her (which we detest you doing to the poor girl). There is also a portion to love that is just inexplicable innate attraction, aka chemistry. Unanimously we vote that based on in video evidence, you have none with C. We see you flirting with Morgonn on X; go do a man on the street like Morgonn, ask one question, "is flirting with a stranger on x cheating?" Other than players and cheaters answers, that is going to be a unanimous yes also. Why did I bring all of this up: you clearly have never apologized to J for scaring her to death over a fucking microwaved potato, and you "got over it" by walking out on her and the lease, also a scumbag thing to do. If you truly apologized with all your heart to her, she wouldn't be making tiktoks blasting you in comparisons to her now husband.

There is a true saying of people like you:

You're mad at us for bringing up potatoes and drywall from 7 years ago, and I do believe you moved passed it. For douche bag narcissists like you, your abuse is just another 5 seconds on a Tuesday, you rage like a rabid rat in a cage, then get quickly distracted by new shiny thing. You may be the star of your home movies on yt, but the world doesn't revolve around you, others don't get over your abuse simply because you got over your anger. This is a reoccurring theme with you, have you read our wiki section on controversies and criticisms? Here is a historical war analogy, we are Thomas Jefferson, the wiki is our Declaration of Independence, the criticisms are our 27 grievances and you are King George III.

Does Casey know about your tweets to Morgonn? Are you completely open with her about the sock puppets, or are you gaslighing her?

Have you ever made amends with Phil for banning him? Have you apologized to him for making him feel used for money that you would call him up and ask for? Have you made any attempt to be friends outside of "your job"?

When will you, dad, and Alexa stop deleting comments and banning people?

Have you apologized to the Military family for not staying in the room they bought you? When will you hang up their tree decorations and all the other gifts you got in the mailbox?

When will you apologized on video for dressing like a goof with pool goggles on and splashing in puddles after a deadly hurricane?

When will you take down the minions video, apologize, and give the full revenue to a charity as good will? We know you got taken off the UO Media list, and I think I hit the nail on the head, they let you stay untrespassed because you were an AP holder and felt talking you money and never doing business with you again was good enough for them.

When will you stop thanking Disney for public events and pretending they hashtag hosted you for them? I think Kevin is a true morally good person and bet he has a lot to say, but won't because he doesn't like confrontation.

Does Tom not like you because he is very Christian and doesn't believe in his daughter being alone in a room with a boy, a man who isn't her husband, doesn't agree with her movie in with you premarriage, after meeting you and before you going to his house did he watch some vlogs and his true thoughts slipped out during that conversation? Does he disapprove of your fake proposals making a mockery of the institution of marriage? Is that why good girl C still moved in with you but is putting off marriage, kids, and a dog with you?

I don't think you will ever not be racist or antisemitic, and I believe allowing free speech brings the pond scum like you to the top of attention so everyone knows that you are toxic and to stay out of the same water as you. But this seems like a common theme, everywhere you go, no wants wants to be around you again. For some people your poison acts quickly, for others it takes a little while, but even your nurse sister can't cure your toxicity. Maybe just stop going out of you way to post pro-hitler, jewish extermination posts on x. Everyone that saw that on your sock puppets will never like you again.

I'm just going to end this by asking when you are going to stop stealing identities? All this has done is escalate a war of stolen identity sock puppets that just digs everyone deeper into the trenches: An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. If you are really a Christian, you should take Ephesians 4:29 to heart

" Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member

Ok…let’s just pretend for a minute that BasedPete/Greasy Michele/LShadows is really NOT Kyle. Obviously, this person has an unhealthy obsession with Kyle, and their whole online presence exists for either praising Kyle, defending Kyle, or trying to dispel rumors that they ARE Kyle. It’s safe to say that this person completely idolizes Kyle if they spend that much time doing all of the above. They obviously hold Kyle in a very high regard, and would not want to do anything to bring Kyle in a negative light or negative attention. However, all they are doing is accomplishing the exact opposite, and the result is that there is a whole Tattle thread, Reddit threads, Twitter posts galore, and now a YouTube exposé about accusing them of BEING Kyle. If this person truly was NOT Kyle, wouldn’t they think that their actions wouldn’t be worth potentially making their idol look like a terrible person, and want to step away from it all? If this person is not Kyle, then that would mean that Kyle is completely innocent in all of this, and that he is unfairly being dragged into the mud for no reason. Yet, someone who “supposebly” goes to such huge lengths to defend Kyle and speak on his behalf is inadvertently making him a huge target for even more hate and criticism. If you care about someone that much, why would you want to do that to them, and continue to do it? And, if they are that dedicated to their boy KP, then why are they NEVER commenting on his videos or sending him superchats or anything like that?

And of course, as we have said all along, why hasn’t Kyle formally addressed this person and denounced them? If you had some strange Super Stan who acts like they know you and starts bullying people on your behalf, saying all of this terrible hateful stuff that would most certainly get anyone cancelled, and constantly ruining your reputation and people think that it’s YOU behind it, wouldn’t THAT warrant a cease and desist letter? You would want to personally bring attention to that person and say to everyone that you have nothing to do with them and, most importantly, confront them and tell them that if they truly cared about you that much that they need to STOP IMMEDIATELY. I mean, isn’t this person already on Kyle’s side and would gladly oblige if they knew it was personally and PROFESSIONALLY HURTING KYLE?

Yet, despite all of this, we have crickets from Kyle, and the reason is simple: All those sock puppets ARE Kyle. He will never address any of his sock puppets personally because that would mean that he would be drawing more attention to them, and therefore people would discover what a piece of shit he really is, and jeopardize his entire “career”. Yet, his hubris and arrogance is just so off the charts that he can’t walk away from it, and therefore he is making things soooo much worse for himself. I purposefully used the word “hubris” for a reason, because just like a Greek tragedy, Kyle will be responsible for his own downfall. We are witnessing it right now.
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Well-known member
The new profile pic for Lshadows13 is likely an AI generated face. The iris of each eye is unnaturally above the eyelids. Alexa might be in charge of damage control and probably told him to change the image to one that could not be reverse searched. Nice try, you Wisconsin hick idiots.

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Here’s what Kyle doesn’t understand, no one really cares about Kyle’s socks.. we all know it’s him. It’s clearly a tik tok filter. We’ve all played with them.. the handwriting matches clearly, we’ve seen. Everything he does now is just cringe. If in fact he’s sending all this shit to Louis McClung, it’s just cringe. Here’s the thing, over explaining yourself and vehemently defending yourself with this outrageous AI filter is a tell. I always say “over splaining” is a clear indication of lies 😆 it’s just all sad at this point. Kyle should really seek professional help. This isn’t normal and clearly is doing a number on his mental health. He’s just the butt of every joke. Kyle, people aren’t laughing with you, they’re laughing at you.
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Adams & Brush

VIP Member
At the 8:35 mark you can see that Kyle was in the room first and changed the channel on the TV from the welcome message to resort TV. So the room was either paid for by Casey or he grifted DVC points for the Tower.
Man, he is so desperate to be taken seriously, he flat out refuses to be authentic. I guarantee he’d get far more respect from his viewers if he simply let them know they were staying there using a stan’s points or Casey’s discount. He’s so hung up on proving the high school bullies & hatters who doubt his success wrong, he can’t stop stepping on the rakes that get in his way. He can’t seem to figure out it produces some completely self-inflicted damage to his channel in the process
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Tater literally hung 4 hooks and a “pitcher” in today’s video…and we are supposed to be proud of him? Congrats 30 year old man for doing a job an 11 year old boy could do.
"Home improvements" y'all

Did Casey tell him how proud she was of her little man?
I feel bad for Casey because those friends of hers in Boca with boat are never going to talk to her again after she brings Tater.
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He goes on a long self-important dialogue where he gloats about how blessed he is to live in Celebration.






He starts patting himself on the back about how "successful" he is and how he has to pinch himself every day.
Then he cruises around Celebration with the top down while blasting a Drake song about haters, riches and fame 😂
This dude is so far up his own ass.
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He has been using an AI image generator for some of his thumbnails recently too.

It just keeps getting better 😂😂 this family sucks so bad at.. everything.
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