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Dwarfy's life is so stressful.

What 30 year old man flies out to a funeral and doesn't bring or have appropriate clothes?

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Adams & Brush

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What is with this generation? Jojo was “scared” because he thought it may have been too much of a party atmosphere and Kyle is “scared” to go into Mexico or in the ocean. You’re 30! Grow up!
It's not a generational thing, it's a puss boy Kyle & Jojo thing. I think they believe admitting these things feeds into their "forever Disney kid" narrative. My daughter's 19 & she's studying abroad in England this summer (we're Americans), then headed to India & Thailand for 3 weeks after with a couple girlfriends before fall semester starts back here in the states. She's beyond stoked to get going...with her there's no fear, only fun. These dopes think they're "living their truth" when they admit their "fears". I imagine they think it plays with their audience of antisocial shut-in stans who are generally afraid when they have to drive to the local Walmart to pick up a box of toaster strudels. Don't know about Jojo, but when it comes to clueless Kyle, he's as fucking gutless as they come. Trust
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He's trying to frame the narrative as if he rushed straight from the cruise to Wisconsin. None of his supporters are questioning the timeline here or how he came back home and was WOOOOOOOOOOOO'ing his head off at a drone show.
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
At one point during his fake weeping, he sneaks a peek to the camera to make sure that it's still facing him correctly.
Notice too that one of the only things he says about his grandfather is that he watched his vlogs every day, because of course, the only thing important to Kyle is people watching his channel.
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Casey and Laura (when Fain and Laura came over) said that their boyfriends just play video games all day. I wonder if she thinks that all men and relationships are like this. That all men don't know their own pants size and are complete man-children and scream at the top of their lungs like an ape in cars with their grieving parents. Maybe she thinks all of this is totally normal.
i 100% think this is the case. We know shes never had a boyfriend before Kyle. and he controls who shes around so much. She doens't realize that there are actually guys out there who do more than play video games. Who can actually use a screw driver, climb up a ladder, go get a new eyeglass prescription without making a 20 minute vlog about how anxious it makes them, go to the grocery store by themselves to pick up a few things for dinner instead of dragging her with him after she worked all day :rolleyes:
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The clip where he sticks the camera in his mums face and asks how she is at the airport is a new low for him. How absolutely callous do you have to be to put your blog above the needs of your own family. I’ve been through loss of a parent and no matter how expected it’s awful, and you could tell from her face that she really didn’t need his crap right then.
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Numb Nuts of course had to include himself in the pinned comment. "I know he's proud..." Fuck! What about a simple, "We love and miss you already, Grandpa. This one is for you."
Image 6-2-24 at 12.47 PM.jpeg

Forgot that I caught this comment earlier. Of course it's now gone.
Image 6-2-24 at 10.23 AM.jpeg
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For a different perspective we watched Jojo’s videos which I must admit were quit annoying, but it’s so much more apparent that Kylie has some sort of issue. He’s also very very drunk. They both are. The mess in that room is disturbing and disgusting. Who lives like that?
The last restaurant they go to he looks like a bum and says he’s not interested in meat. I’m guessing cause it’s extra $$$. How anyone would want these two asshats advertising anything for them is crazy.
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he’ll just say it’s been a hard few days and he was struggling to come up with the words to say. Everything with Tater is an excuse for his grift.
“Hey guyses. Something terrible happened to me while I was on my cruise. I didn’t know how to process it so I didn’t say anything. I tried to pretend it didn’t happen. I was in so much pain so I just drank and drank. Jojo said everyone processes grief in different ways so I should do something to take my mind off of it so I went gambling. Anyway, I’m at my grandfather’s funeral now. I know grandpop would’ve been happy to know I was living my best life when he passed.” ~ narrated with the voice of APD. 😆
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From Jojo’s video… guess who forgot their card at the port so jojo had to cover his little groot toy purchase. 😂 so he got off the boat with no cash, no card, and what no ID??


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Alexa is Keto’ing - guessing Kyle told her about the comments on weight here or he told her the sex wasn’t as good last time.
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Should have posted a week ago, sorry....
Wow... it doesn't get anymore narcissistic and self-serving than this...

"Our last FaceTime was rather fitting though, right in Disney World where you watched ME do what I love everyday. And now you get to watch in a different way."

Question: (Because I refuse to watch this disgusting video.)
Does he say anything that memorializes his grandpa other than: "He used to watch my videos everyday." Uuuuugh! I can't stand this piece of crap!
PS: Thank you to all you brave souls who sit through his crap everyday so that us, with weaker stomachs, can still be involved. Your the best.
Nope. It's all about Kyle.
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You can definitely tell by this video on the last day, Jojo has HAD it with him. Short answers and just overall annoyed with him.
Noticed that too. JoJo looks completely done with him. This lines up with everyone else (Lora, Alexa, etc.) saying that they can't cruise for longer than 3 days with Kile.
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That's 2 steps for every year of his mental age.

Kyle Pallo #79: Kyle Can't Join a 12 Step Program He Can't Count That High.
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
I started watching JoJo’s vlog because for some reason I just can’t get enough of Kyle’s stupidity today and I am obviously a glutton for punishment. I also think it’s hilarious to see Kyle when it’s not his own point of view of himself 😂 .

Anyway, they went to a Korean restaurant on the ship, and when they brought out the appetizers (aka banchan… not like either of those fools would know what it’s called), Kyle was about to PICK THEM UP with his GRUBBY FINGERS.


I mean, most of the stuff is wet, like kimchi and other pickled vegetables. Why on EARTH would your FIRST INSTINCT be to eat them with YOUR HANDS?? The clip cuts off right as you can see Kyle’s nasty grubby fingers reaching for the food, but hopefully JoJo is yelling at him to use a fork, especially since they are sharing it! Kyle is such a barbarian.. I don’t know how Casey can stand it! Messy eaters, male or female, are such a huge turn off!! God, I swear every time I see him eat, it reminds me of this scene from Beauty and the Beast. He even holds his spoon like a shovel, as pointed out in his comment section today LOL!

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