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Hardly Here

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How do you not know your own pants size at 30 years old?
Oh My God, I didn't catch that.

A 30 year old man thinks he wears 'medium' pants, when he finds out medium is not an option he says he 'has no idea.'

Is this some kind of punking us going on, can he really be this stupid?
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Surely he isn’t wearing that ugly and unflattering sweater to his grandpa’s funeral? Nothing screams man baby more than not owning a basic black suit at 30 years old.
Casey, our fashion expert, eventually had to pick out the clothes for him because the toddler was overwhelmed and stressed out. Hence the style and beige-color sweater.
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Casey and Laura (when Fain and Laura came over) said that their boyfriends just play video games all day. I wonder if she thinks that all men and relationships are like this. That all men don't know their own pants size and are complete man-children and scream at the top of their lungs like an ape in cars with their grieving parents. Maybe she thinks all of this is totally normal.
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Scooby Don't

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Susan, again sorry for your loss. Such a shame your son has zero empathy and feels the need to over share and monetize your family during such a difficult time. Some things should be private.
Susan, I am sorry for your loss also.
But frankly, you raised and continue to enable this selfish piece of shit you call a son. You and your family have persisted to make excuses for his abhorrent behaviour towards others without any visible intervention on record.
So, you know, what goes around comes around.
You made your bed.
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I always found his “magic” to be VERY SUS as well. I’m sure a lot of cast members know who he is, and I’m sure most of them can’t stand him LOL! I’m also an AP who goes a lot and the only “magic” I ever received was a cast member gave me a free bottle of water when I was getting a popcorn because I was chatting with her and I guess she liked me, and once a cast member gave me an extra stamp on my Food and Wine festival passport so I could get the free treat sooner 😂.

Kyle claims to have gotten free desserts, lightning lanes, and now alcohol. I just immediately assume he lies about all of it lol

LOL!!! Yup… I basically just said the same thing! He wants us to all believe that Bob Iger himself had personally instructed all the cast members to treat him like a celebrity or royalty while he’s in the parks. Meanwhile, he complains that he doesn’t get #hosted on Disney cruises lol 😂
Can confirm he's lying every single time he says this. We were at dinner with someone who voices a popular Disney character (one of the fab five) and ZERO magic was "pixie dusted" to us. So what Kyle is trying to tell everyone is that he's more important than the "fab five".
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Seeing how many people that are falling for this grift is jarring. Really shows how many lack any kind of critical thought at all. It explains how online scammers are so prevalent and successful lately. Booze cruise, party, flexing on the hatters and laughing it up at the drone show, and now suddenly he's shedding crocodile tears and at a "loss for words." :rolleyes:

The acting is so performative that I'm having a hard time even watching segments of it and he's constantly pivoting from how "sad he is" to screaming like an excited child. It's just so low and disgustingly fake.
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he’ll just say it’s been a hard few days and he was struggling to come up with the words to say. Everything with Tater is an excuse for his grift.
Yep. That might work if he actually seemed distraught enough to be at a "loss for words," but instead he was laughing it up, boozing, trolling on his sock puppets, and clowning around. I can understand if one didn't want to talk in-depth about it, but he could have addressed it in a brief and respectful manner, and will share more about it later, rather than build it up as a "mystery" and "cryptic crypted story to be revealed soon" (his words).

Poor taste and absolutely zero self-awareness. Dwarfy seems to believe that if he did 'reveal' it, that would mean less views when he drops the daily dump about it. And he thinks he can string it along and build hype so concerned stans keep checking in on his videos to hear the "news." That's why everything he does is always a "mystery" and "surprise" now. It's a lazy, cheap, gimmicky way to maintain views because he lacks talent and creativity.
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Because other than hugs, they don't touch.

Actually, the more I think about this, C aSey might be a low key mastermind grifter: She doesn't have to touch him, gets to live in a house for minimal cost, gets free grifted vacations, hmm, my perspective of Casey Beans might be changing, still don't like her though.
She revealed in the last Q&A vlog that they're splitting expenses, although not certain what exactly she splits.

Other than the grifted vacations, I'm not so sure what else she's getting though. She appears to pay for a lot of things. And worst of all she has to deal with the man-child 24/7... even if I were living in that crackerbox apartment house for completely free, it wouldn't be worth it for me.

I just don't see her as a shrewd mastermind/grifter whose manipulating Kylie. Seems more like a meek, desperate woman whose being manipulated by a narcissist.
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This absolute f*cktard is revolting! He literally PARTIED AND GAMBLED on grandpops death day and we are expected to buy this bs now? I would have respected him more if he told us from the cruise , instead he chose to hold it for CONTENT and that is repulsive
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Adams & Brush

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Look at these disgustingly fake alligator tears he puts on at the end of today's video for the grift. And all the stans eating it up in the comments. :sick:
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It's all so freaking performative, I can't. The change in tone in the edit from "I just don't think I can carry on filming anymore <sniffle>" to the excited "AAYYYYYYYY!!" when he gets in the house is so jarring, it even takes a cynical SOB like me aback. Dude's gross af, just ugly business all the way around
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Today’s vlog reminds me of the time he set the camera up in the kitchen to show him on the couch in such pain he had his head in his hands. Fake fake showmanship.
At one point during his fake weeping, he sneaks a peek to the camera to make sure that it's still facing him correctly.
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I know we like to joke about how we think Kyle’s mom is in control over his finances, but I don’t think it’s a joke… she probably IS. She knows Kyle is extremely reckless and irresponsible with money and will blow it any opportunity he gets. We see what he does with the money he DOES have access to… can you imagine if he had FULL access? If I were Casey and “dating to marry” (that makes me laugh and cringe at the same time every time I hear that), I’d be extremely concerned with his spending and gambling habits. He says he “only gambles on cruises”, but that’s probably only because there isn’t a casino in Celebration. Now that he’s taking more and more cruises, that’s more and more money he keeps losing. And this time he actually put MORE money in after he lost his initial money. That’s a bad sign. It’s just like his Lorcana cards… despite never getting a super rare card, he kept buying more, and the only thing it got him was a whole bunch of NOTHING.

I know I always crack up whenever he talks about getting a Rolex, but at least a Rolex somewhat holds its value and will always have demand, so he could sell it if need be. The same can’t be said about his Lorcana cards LOL!
I think that’s what’s been making videos that feature Casey in them so cringey to watch recently. She has a front row seat to this man baby’s true self now that she lives with him. She’s signing herself up for a lifetime of being the primary breadwinner (because the YT money WILL dry up eventually and Kyle is too talented and special to get a traditional 9-5), primary caretaker of any pets/kids they have, and will be the main source of emotional support for his fragile and volatile ego.

And she has living proof of what her future holds by taking one look at Susan. That woman just looks sad and worn down by a lifetime of catering to fragile men while she cleans up their messes. I don’t doubt that dad x3 holds the same views toward women. Kyle learned the wall punching behavior from someone.

I’m only a few years older than her and can see plain as day what her future holds and how big of a loser Kyle is. It’s become painful to watch.
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
Amen. He mentions that even Casey will be joining "us" on this "awesome" trip & shills her LTK page just 2 minutes into the video. It's ghoulish
He also says that he would give up his seat on the flight if it was for $2,000… aka $2,000 is more important than attending his grandfather’s funeral.
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Adams & Brush

VIP Member
Maybe he sees going to a funeral as a casual event like golfing. I don’t think that attire is appropriate. Shouldn’t he be wearing dark colors (eg a black color suit) to a funeral? Funny how Casey - his fashion guru - doesn’t even know this as she’s selecting the outfit for him.

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An Under Armour quarter zip is no one’s idea of appropriate funeral attire. Gotta love that these two mental midgets put their minds together & this is what they come up with. They definitely deserve each other
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I saw Jenna’s coverage of the drone show last night. During the show, Kyle and Jojo are talking non-stop. It’s very distracting. They ruined her coverage. I’m not shedding any tears for RTV1, but I can imagine this is how Kyle and Jojo behave any time they are filming. Kyle says that nobody else but his camera picks up his voice because of his microphone. This is obviously not the case! He needs to shut the hell up on rides, during show, etc. He ruins the experience for everyone.
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He even said on the live stream with JoJo that he doesn't get invites from DCL. Anyone could have booked this cruise.

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Gee, I wonder who that could be? 🤔



There's something about a 40-50 year old married man with kids whose only known him a month or two being this involved in gifting him stuff and sending cards to his parents that makes my skin crawl. Casey said that him and Kyle are texting all the time.
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He's still complaining about the price of the Brightline.
Hey Kylie, it's called supply and demand. Popularity and demand has gone up. Surely a self-proclaimed 'finance expert' should know this?


Speaking of our investment & finance expert... the Pallonesian ain't doing so well. Value is down $50k since the January purchase date.

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