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I know the vid posted wasn't filmed today, but you'd think (or not considering the Greedy Ghoul Pallo is) he would have gone out of his way (insert laughter) to give a big "Happy Mothers' Day" to old Sour Susan. After all, she's stretched the family to the breaking point to pull his fat ungrateful ass out of the ditch time and time and time again.
I imagine all you'd get is, "What has she done for me lately?" from that disgusting elf. Too bad she isn't there or he could have filmed her buying him dinner for Mother's Day.


Kylie makes $350 - $400k/year. He's shopping with his 74 year old Dad. His Dad likes a hat but says he'll "Buy it Friday", and Kylie doesn't buy it for him on the spot.

What all kinds of unholy hell are we being fed here?

I remember years ago I was in a store with my Dad, he looked at a big screen TV for 45 seconds but thought the price was ridiculous, I was setting it up in his house an hour later.

The bullshit going on with this Dwarf just doesn't add up.
It would astound me if he brings in $150K a year tops and nets even half or three quarters of that. The rest is made up by the family, the Handmaiden and what he can grift from old queens and cougars online and that's fading as fast as his looks. He has no sponsors and his online accounts continue to languish because of his lazy ass and no efforts. Susan got hollow promises from him to " better and work harder." (insert hysterical laughter).
This is exactly why the panic has begun to set in with the family. They see their sizeable investment in their retirement property in that Orlando crackerbox in very predictable jeopardy.
Pallo, as he has all his miserable life, expects they will continue to impoverish themselves to keep him going and all he has to do is whine, have fits and pout and it's a good bet as long as they are able to keep him afloat. Old Susan has shown she thinks Alexa can care for herself and she doesn't really give a shit about the old clown's kids from his first marriage. It's all about keeping the emotionally and mentally defective burden that Kyle is from collapsing completely. He counts on that.
$350K a year would put him in the top 5% earners in this country. He's nowhere near that. Those in that bracket don't drive 15 year old cars, haunt a theme park with a camera daily, grift for little 3 day cruises, leech off their family for food and trinkets, carry $500 DEBIT cards controlled by their mothers.....and on and on and on. He's a sterling example of a loser who advances only because of his family and they are being drained like victims of a soul sucking vampire, a social leech and a bum who happens to be their youngest child.
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I do not understand these people. So will the single bed have to fit a third person at the crackerjack box or will Alexa be crammed into Ma & Pa Clown’s room on property?
Space b tight at the Pallonesian. But someone can fit underneath a bed. It’s been done before. 😅
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Damn! Kyle’s a real scum bag. How low can he go. Punched the wall about a microwave potato and we now learn walked out on a lease.

Jacqui needs to invite Casey [or maybe her sister] for coffee.

@Dismom2 I know you aren’t in this thread as often.
If Jacqui and Casey have a private meet up, I would personally pay for them to eat and drink anywhere they wanted in Florida

no $20 limit like oar boy Kp would restrict them to.
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Chatty Member
Are you telling me the Pallonesian only serves donuts, bread, and coffee for breakfast? No protein? No fruit? That is embarrassingly pathetic, even for Kyle! He knew his parents were staying with him and he didn't even try to stock the fridge? And they've been there for a few days now; he could've ran to the store and bought some real food for them. But no, he was probably playing the incompetent role so his folks would treat him to breakfast at an overpriced Disney restaurant every day. So juvenile and pitiful.
He said the bread was leftovers from Shula's. Let that sink in: it was free bread from Shula's! Unbelievable. Why can't Casey make scrambled eggs or sausage? Why can't Kyle make some English muffins and fried eggs? Because they're both freaking idiots and they don't give a crap about anyone but themselves.
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Poor Casey was probably so excited so be rid of the freakshow and have some peace when doing her makeup before work but now FridgeAlexa will be occupying the more luxury guest room.

It's amazing to me how this girl is still sticking around.
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Got Back from My Super Yacht Vacation in the Med this week and did not watch KP at all. Tried keeping up on TL. Look at the Downvotes on this Gem

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He mentions multiple times how he doesn't celebrate Saint Patrick's Day because his birthday is the day after. He says he's celebrating Saint Patrick's day today and get super excited about the alcohol and make sure everyone else is going to order drinks too, probably so he doesn't look like the only drinker. He has basically bankrupted his parents so his dad is looking for the cheapest thing on the menu. His dad wanted to go to Blaze Pizza but of course that's not good enough for Kyle. Why have your parents buy you just pizza when they can buy you a full meal with appetizers, drinks, and dessert. View attachment 2929594View attachment 2929595
It makes no sense not to celebrate St.Patricks Day because your bday is the next day. It always has to be only about him. How Casey doesn’t see this is beyond me.
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Hardly Here

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The toddler gets angry because he can't find a duck. This is a 30 year old man.
Honestly, wouldn't a 30 year old MAN who found a duck leave it for a kid to find?

This is a truly mentally stunted 7 year old in a 30 year old body. (A 30 year old body that has no musculature, is pudgy, wrinkly, weak, out of shape and generally only attractive to a 30 year old boring, flat chested, submissive, middle-school-like excuse for an adult, oh, and his sis.)
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We are convinced that Papa Clown ate paint chips as a child and is in the beginning stages of dementia.
I don't know if he's trying to act it up for his son's failing vlog or if it's the beginning stages of dementia. Either way the clown's behavior is reaching a new level of strange and cringe.
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Kyle says he's thankful they didn't get dining room chairs because it would have been exhausting to move them out of the way in order for them to set up the chandelier. 😵💫 Susan is the only one with half a brain who suggested pulling the table out of the way while they're working on the chandelier in case a tool or something gets dropped on the table. You know if that table gets scratched Kyle's brain is going to implode. Then he gets fixated on his mother's booty butt and says Shake Your Booty Susan about 50 times while she dances like a little monkey for him. He says he wants to make Shake Your Booty Susan a catch phrase and he'll say it in different vlogs and then insert the clip of Susan dancing.😧 Kyle's also dancing around a lot. He must be desperate to try anything for views. Then we have the creepy ass clown gnawing on wires. And somehow Kyle is impressed by this.
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Vyle Pallo

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It's really apparent with how he's constantly projecting his own alcoholism on others, usually on JoJo. He did it in yesterday's live by basically calling JoJo an alcoholic because he went downtown and drank before a cruise. It's the same way he projects all his other insecurities on others from his sock puppet.

Remember that time he had a half empty bottle of Tito's outside his room at the BroSty (next to the BB-8 and plastic bins) and didn't notice it until the end, then blamed it on JoJo and said he's going to have a "serious talk" with him?

View attachment 2929962

Squirt is an alcoholic with a real problem. I don't give a shit how much he drinks, but he somehow thinks he can fool everyone. Maybe he can fool his deluded, gullible stans but he's not fooling the hatters.
It’s true… like you said, I personally don’t care if, when, and how much Kyle drinks, but the fact that he’s always downplaying it or saying he doesn’t drink much anymore and then proceeds to get multiple drinks, much of which are his infamous chuggers, just draws even more attention to his drinking and definitely makes it look like he’s either in denial or trying to hide how much he drinks.

And like someone here said recently, what person in their 30s seriously chugs alcohol?? Ok, maybe if you’re in your early 20s still in college or going clubbing and you drink primarily to get drunk, but a 30 year old? Then again, he is a man child cretin that lacks any maturity, sophistication, or class.
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I just took a look at the comments from yesterday’s dump and there are quite a few about how white trash it was of his dad not to throw away his empty drink cup in the Mexico pavilion. There were also several comments about Kyle’s drinking and many about how obnoxious his screaming on rides is. Even his core fan base is getting tired of his BS. 😂
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