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Hardly Here

VIP Member
Dwarfy says he likes that the shower door swings in AND out. After a shower when he pushes the door open water runs down the door and floods the bathroom.

Putting on my thinking cap, I’d probably pull the door in when getting out of the shower, but that’s just me.


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Can someone explain to me what this “sock puppet” account is?

I sort of breeze in and out of here, and I must have missed this somehow but I’m intrigued. Can someone give me the Cliff’s Notes?
Short recap:

It's Kyle Pallo posting behind a secondary account on X/Twitter.

Longer recap:

Around earlier 2023, after the hurricane and house debacle, Kyle was getting a lot of backlash and criticism on Twitter. He'd regularly lash out and call everyone "jealous." It really bothered him as Twitter was the only place where he couldn't delete criticism. The criticism increased until he couldn't take it and he abandoned Twitter a few months.

Fast forward to the Pallo family cruise, his sister Alexa (who had an account on Twitter for over a year solely dedicated to defending him and speaking out against Tattle) had a drunken meltdown where she threatened to get all of Kyle's threads shut down forever because she had receipts of a gag gift someone sent to his P.O. box. At the same time, a new account appeared and started posting alongside her named "Moose." A bunch of people suspected this of being Kyle because of the same writing style, common usage of words and misspellings.

Another month goes by of "Moose" lashing out at Kyle's critics until Kyle eventually returns to Twitter on his main account and "Moose" stopped posting. Then one day one of his old high school classmates revealed a ton of things about Pallo in high school, including his hatred of anyone who isn't white, creepy obsession with trying to find a girlfriend and what she should look like and wear, and getting caught hooking up with a 12 year old girl in a car. Alexa freaks out and tags Kyle to look at this, and a few hours later another new account appears named "Maverick1Peter" to defend Kyle. Same writing style as Moose/Kyle. "Maverick1Peter" says the high school story is all false, while also saying he knows nothing about Kyle Pallo, while also seemingly knowing everything about Kyle Pallo.

There was a bunch of discussion on if it was actually Kyle, but at this point it's been confirmed and there's at least 20+ pieces of evidence which indicate it's him at this point. During this 6 months period, he pretended to be 'Stijn Lories' whose some Dutch neo-Nazi and used all his photos. He got busted, then said he was trolling. Then went back to being "Peter," then stole one of his critic's identities, now he's back to being "Peter" again.

Just like Pallo, his sock puppet has a huge ego, constantly praising himself (i.e. Kyle), hates all other Disney vloggers, posts all kinds of sexist/racist/homophobic rants, uses a lot of Disney GIFs, thirsts over famous brunettes like he used to do on his main account, searches for his name on X every night and seethes at anyone talking bad about Kyle. I think he has around 1,500 posts at this point. There's a lot more details and story behind it, including all the evidence linking it to Kyle and a bunch of other stuff that happened that I’d have to go back through the threads to remember.

He's regularly changing his username and deleting posts when he gets caught in lies or called out for being Kyle, but his username now is BasedPete13
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OMG YEEEES about the reggaeton music which is from Puerto Rico!!! I swear the balls on this guy who is such a fucking racist, who sits there on X and calls every Hispanic person, Mexican and greasy! I’m half Puerto Rican and half Cuban and it made my blood boil to hear him using that type of music. Like REALLY MF REALLY?!!! 🤬
It's sad seeing how many minorities who support this clown knowing how he talks shit about them every night like a coward on his sock puppet account. He should be more appreciative of these people who helped put his stunted ass in a house.

He can't even bother to get the name of the island right, because that's beneath him. And of course the racist idiot thinks it's a Spanish island ("Mexican" according to Based Peter/Kyle.)
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Step 1. Get salty and butthurt over all the comments calling you a whiny, spoiled baby.
Step 2. Make a tweet trying to sound appreciative as damage control, but end up just sounding like a self-absorbed prick as usual.

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After watching todays video I get the impression he doesn't like this house. He knocked the size of many rooms. That floor plan is seriously lacking, and I really think he knows it. I don't feel bad for him at all because there are nice houses for the same price point not that far away. He's trying to repeat how much he loves it in an attempt to convince himself.
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I hope that the next thread title makes a reference to the Celebration tiny home which is Pallo's new house. I still can't believe that he could have had the beautiful home he was going to buy last year for the same price he paid for the cookie-cutter dump he, mommy, and daddy just bought. First the Beemer, now the house. Pallo certainly is clueless when it comes to making major purchases.
The negative comments and responses are continuing. They are even calling him out on his b/s and lies - as in this example from the latest vlog's comments:

You can't lift anything heavy because you have a bad back, yet you want to put in a squat rack in the garage?

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7 hours ago

bench press

7 hours ago
@KylePalIo 1:45 in your video you literally said "a rack and a bench press"

So the "bad back" excuse for not lifting anything didn't even hold water for two days. Kyle, you've got to keep better track of all your lies and excuses.
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He’s so dull and boring that even Casey falls asleep when he’s talking. 🥱😴
View attachment 2742883
There were a few other times on camera where she fell asleep while he was talking. It looks like she tunes him out most of the time. I can imagine that he never shuts up... just a neverending stream of unintelligible bullshit coming out of his mouth. 😂
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
I'm tempted to watch if the meltdown was that bad, but hopefully we'll get some clips/parodies :ROFLMAO:
I just finished watching and reading all the comments here. I think you really need to watch this one… just when I think Kyle can’t get any more pathetic or over the top dramatic, he absolutely blew me away with today’s vlog. It should have been titled “Tell me you have a pampered, spoiled, stress free life without telling me you have a pampered, spoiled, stress free life”. I’m so glad that between today’s video and yesterday’s “In 2019 I ONLY had $20,000 to my name” tone deaf comment that people are starting to wake up and see what an absolute asshole this guy is. He has no inkling of what it’s like to REALLY work hard and have a job/career in the real world. I hope he continues to be himself and piss people off and be responsible for his own downfall. Hopefully his stans will find their way here and see who Kyle Pallo REALLY is!

He is SUCH an asshole 😂

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I think Dwarfy was trying to say "eighty-five-hundred" but he's too much of an idiot so instead said "eighty-five-thousand"

He should have stuck with saying it was "8 point 5"
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since his flirting is so cringe, makes you wonder how he won her over in the first place.

I'm believing more and more each day that she is so desperate for a relationship.
Disney. That’s the only reason. Those two have ZERO chemistry and really nothing in common other than her love for Disney and his love of being in Disney for 2 hours every day to film his daily grift.

If he could trade her for her cousin with no repercussions, he would do it in a heartbeat.
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The negative comments and responses are continuing. They are even calling him out on his b/s and lies - as in this example from the latest vlog's comments:

You can't lift anything heavy because you have a bad back, yet you want to put in a squat rack in the garage?

2 replies


7 hours ago

bench press

7 hours ago
@KylePalIo 1:45 in your video you literally said "a rack and a bench press"

So the "bad back" excuse for not lifting anything didn't even hold water for two days. Kyle, you've got to keep better track of all your lies and excuses.
Out of curiosity, I searched all his video transcripts for any mention of a bad back... there's none. Other than one video where he claims he broke his back as a kid and that's why he's so short.



Notice the sideways off camera glance he always does when he lies.
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He paid $500 to have someone move him. He could have rented a Home Depot truck for much less but you know, he doesn't have to lift a finger as he comments in his vlog.
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The Bat

He called the baseboards 'crown molding' and the electrical panel 'surge protectors.'

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Scooby Don't

VIP Member
I don't know about you but if I were a fan, running a fan page, I'd have called it KylePalloFans or similar, and declared it unofficial in the bio. Using the word legitly seems more like the actions of someone wanting to appear to be him. Or him not thinking very hard about not giving the game away.

I'd also think legitimately might have been a better choice. Because, you know, it is actually a word.

So I conclude whoever is behind this account is an illiterate moron with a poor grasp of logic.

So almost certainly Kyle, then.
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