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This same guy says he's going to "beat the shit out of" you all on Tattle if he sees you in the parks.
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Adams & Brush

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Exactly. Or maybe in the complex that he’s in they do have better units that are more upgraded and bigger and maybe that’s what he wanted to initially get but it turns out he doesn’t qualify for it because of his income and now he can’t take it back so he’s just making up the construction delay lie.
And you know what’s crazy? He could easily just say “Hey guys, I’ve decided just to stay in this apartment. It’s comfortable, & I like it a lot” & his stans wouldn’t think twice about it. Honestly, life‘s way too short for the amount of bullshit this guy buries himself in
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Adams & Brush

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And you know what’s crazy? He could easily just say “Hey guys, I’ve decided just to stay in this apartment. It’s comfortable, & I like it a lot” & his stans wouldn’t think twice about it. Honestly, life‘s way too short for the amount of bullshit this guy buries himself in
There's something very, very wrong with him that he's not capable of that. I mean, just look at how he spends all day now with numerous alter egos talking to himself about how rich, buff, strong, intelligent, and successful he is. It's complete lunacy. I don't think even many here have comprehended how insane it all truly is. Manic, constantly telling lies, whine & moan & bitch at the slightest inconvenience to himself, delusions of grandeur, mentally stunted, $500 debit card controlled by mommy, requires a caretaker to do everything for him and chaperone him around, it goes on and on and on.

He'll never be happy in life. Look at him trying to do yoga... he can't even relax. He'll forever be a manic, whining, insufferable 10 year old boy in a rapidly aging adult man's body. Always feeling like the world OWES him everything. Incessantly chasing one WANT to the next.
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Interesting that he said he can't record on the rides during his hosted stay. I'm surprised he's listening to the rules to be honest. Haha
There is a firestorm coming and the vlogging community is scared (or they should be). Disney is finally waking up from the influencer induced dream.
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He's spending almost all day on his sock puppet now. Holed up in that little family-subsidized apartment raging all day.

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Over 150 posts in the past few days. Most involving how jealous everyone is of him 🤣
nO sHoT

View attachment 2558490

Someone should mention that kile looks at Alexa, Lora, Taylor, Nick, Kevin, and Savanna with the same smitten eyes!
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Vyle Pallo

Chatty Member
I’d love to hear Kyle expound on why he thinks he deserves any better treatment than what he receives. This clown is always full of grievances, always griping about what he doesn’t have instead of appreciating the few little things (generally undeserved) he receives. Who watches this crap and is entertained by it? I just don’t get it
He is insufferable. When HE gets “special treatment” he brags and laughs at everyone else and will mention it 50 million times, or puts pics of him holding his media badge in his thumbnail, or makes that smug face of his that you just want to punch. HOWEVER, if OTHER people get some type of special treatment, he goes on and on and on about how unfair it is and makes snarky remarks, such as when there was a private deck on one of the cruises that he couldn’t go to, and all of a sudden he said he feels like he’s in steerage class on the Titanic. And just how he was so belittling to the other people who are there with him during this Fitcation.. “Oh… I don’t know who these people are, comment down below if anyone recognizes anyone with me.” He really thinks he’s so important when he’s just a D list YouTuber that most people just walk right past wondering why he has a camera shoved in his face.
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And you know what’s crazy? He could easily just say “Hey guys, I’ve decided just to stay in this apartment. It’s comfortable, & I like it a lot” & his stans wouldn’t think twice about it. Honestly, life‘s way too short for the amount of bullshit this guy buries himself in
Exactly but he will NEVER admit when he’s wrong. Especially after the whole house debacle he’s never going to admit it. He’s such a little pissy man baby. He was probably so mad and downing vodka when he realized that JoJo and his old friends had a Halloween party and didn’t even tell him about it. 😂 he was probably laying on his $4000 couch, kicking his feet up and punching the air crying about how mean they all are.
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14K views in almost 13hrs

These vids he thought would kill have only killed
what enthusiasm was left on his channel, and that
was very little and came from shut ins, newbies and
the dimwits and fools who just accept anything. Oh my!

Hard to believe watching him pretend a 3 mile run was
an untramarathon, listening to his false bravado and watching
him eat at what amounts to a demo at the Disney Culinary
Program didn't bring in the views. P I T I F U L.
A PRIVATE Dinner At The Grand Floridian
With A Disney Chef & The Run Disney Expo 2023!

View attachment 2554298
Kyle Pantload's Daily :poop: Dump

So much winning! Here's your trophy WeeMan.
View attachment 2554297
(y)1.2K ___ (n)1.5K
Flashback to 10 days ago when he said this series was going to "blow your guys'es mind."


This didn't age well.
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ChatGPT summary of today's Kile Pile:


The entire video is just an endless stream of Kyle Pallo blabbering on and on about the most mundane and uninteresting things. I mean, who cares that it's 59 degrees at Disney in the morning? Do we really need a weather report for a theme park visit? And don't even get me started on the excitement over getting an extra 30 minutes in the park. It's as if he's won the lottery or something.

The way he talks about the crowds is just comical. "Oh my Atlanta," really? It's not like the park is overflowing with people; it's just the usual morning rush. And his shock and awe about the line for Slinky Dog Dash is just absurd. Of course, the line is long in the morning. That's when everyone wants to ride it! It's as if he's never been to a theme park before.

And let's not forget his incessant commentary on the Christmas decorations. Who cares if there are no Christmas decorations in November? It's not even Thanksgiving yet! And why does he keep reminding us that he can't film on certain rides? We don't need a play-by-play of his filming restrictions.

Overall, this video is a perfect example of someone who is desperately trying to create content out of nothing. It's boring, it's pointless, and it's just plain painful to watch. Kyle Pallo, if you're reading this, please do us all a favor and find something more interesting to talk about. Your viewers deserve better.
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He knows the rules. The problem is he believes they don't apply to him as he is above the rules.
And it's that attidude that's adding a LOT of fuel to the coming crackdown by Disney / Universal. The complaints keep coming in, the momentum is growing and I'm more than glad to take a minute and send a file of the abuses by Pallo to the parks and the potential sponsors for someone like him who flaunts the rules, endangers and annoys the shit out of families and other park visitors pretending he's some sort of 'star' because some "DebySue from Iowa" recognizes him.
Pallo and his loathsome ilk are a menace and should be, at the least, controlled to the point visitors are in Disneyland Tokyo.
Further, ALL the other park vloggers who do respect the guidelines and the parks' visitors have people like Pallo to thank for the inevitable crackdown.
It's long overdue. People are annoyed by them as they wait in lines, as they simply walk around the park and are assaulted by these jerks with cameras yammering into a vid screen, as they try to have a meal with their families at the park and the parks' resorts, and Pallo's specialty, the ear splitting WOOOOO' and GOBAYBEEEEEEEEE' like a howler monkey on a simple child's ride.

More than that ___ kids and adults have been permanently scarred physically by people like Pallo filming on rides.


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